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MAP: Guardian 2.0

Leon Ishikawa

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Gamertag: Xelon99

Map: Guardian 2.0

Gametype: Slayer / CtF / KotH / Dominion / Flood / Oddball



This is a remake from the Halo 3 map Guardian for as good as I could make it. It supports Slayer (all types), Capture the Flag, Dominion, Flood, King of the Hill and Oddball.

There are some changes from the Halo 3 map, mainly being the changes on the platform with the treetrunks and some weapons have been swapped due some being missing.

Soft Kill boundaries have been placed on the roofs and instant kill outside the maps. Also a slight Trait Zone on top of the Snipernest building which disables movement. You're not supposed to go up there so that's the punishment.


And again Warning to Halo 3 Guardian fans: The map has a few changes. It wont run how the Halo 3 version did. It is just as balanced and just as fun. Just watch out where you walk.



So the full map overview



The good ol' Hammer spawn



The Sniper Nest is still there



Sniper spawns normally



The walkway and the treetrunk. The biggest diferences



This house isn't much different. The lift works normally.








So if you want to download, go to my fileshare (Xelon99) and it's there.




If there are any tips or comments for changes, Let me know and I'll change them immediate. I only have a few friends online who played the map so I need a bigger audience to judge the map.

And sorry for the bad quality giant pics... all I can do right now...

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