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Lets be friends!

Cat Man

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So I am looking for people who want to be friends on xbox live for many reasons which include but not limited to: Being stuck on horrible teams online, playing alone gets boring, for playing mini games, and ect..... what ever your reason is I don't mind adding people on my xbox account as friends, I like to meet new people and have fun so if you want add me: Mid5knight sorry if this post bothers you, or you see it as spamming I am just looking for some friends who play halo 4 and not Call of Duty, seeing as none of my real friends play halo 4, because they have no skill and complain to much when they play any halo because they suck.




If you feel uncomfortable about adding me as a friend at first and wish to just play a few rounds of halo 4 with me before doing so just send me a message, with voice, text, or what have you and ask me to play with you. I certainly don't care who you are I join random peoples games all the time online I just get random request left and right so don't worry about me ignoring your message ;)



P.S. to those who may think this is a trolling or weird than don't read it, thank you :)

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