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Hey, tell me what you think of the first episode of Helljumpers:




I do already know some of the problems with it, such as the stuff at the beginning, but hey, it hasn't gone into major editing yet.

Well, the voice acting... hmmm. It sounded like everyone was bored. No Adrenaline pumping for another mission they could die in.

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Yeah, for the most part, i don't think anybody was all that excited. The most pumped person was Vitamin, voice of Jack.

I love how the spartan wasn't even voiced by anyone.


Its just spelled out on the screen letter by letter, 'I Am the package.' Lol.

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I love how the spartan wasn't even voiced by anyone.


Its just spelled out on the screen letter by letter, 'I Am the package.' Lol.


From the get go of the show, I decided that Wasp (the spartan) would never speak. But we needed him to say he was the package. This seemed like a good way to solve both.

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Yeah, Sir Brondien never was terribly great at voice lines. I'm hoping we can talk to him, get him to be less... choppy... As for Darksamusdude, he did good, for not knowing how his line was being used... (I recorded him out of context.) In fact, I was the only one who knew exactly what was going down. Vitamin, I'm going to send you the other scripts next time, so you can see how to do your lines. Yours were pretty much perfect, though... As for me, I was good, but my mother says it was like I was reading from a script. Anyone agree?

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It would be nice if I had a role, but that won't be happening. I am Monitor of Installation 07 nobody ever needs a floating ball.

Actually, I do need more voices. And actors. If anyone would like to volunteer, send me a private message, saying you want to try to help. I'll give you an email (not my official one) to send some samples to. If I like you you might end up with a part.

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