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I need 2 players for our Grifball team.


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Need 2 more players for a grifball league, they give out prizes to winning teams, it will be on Halo 4.

I prefer that the players be 15+ years old. The 2 players already on the team are 21 and 23.

We will be able to choose what times work best for us at registration and will have to be readily available at the time of the games. There is 15 games in a season, 3 matchups per team in your division.


Here is a link to the Grifball league/



Half of our team is already set and we have savage skill!

Let me know if you're interested in playing with us.

We are planning on winning EVERY game so we only want some good, smart players!



If you have any questions about prizes or ANYTHING about the league,

click on the link and find the answers yourself. :)


If you have any questions about the team, go ahead and ask me.


2 players already on the team


My dude: V iJester

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