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This is just wrong...


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I was playing a game of Regicide today on split-screen with my brother. We had found a match, and I almost immediately -blam!- myself. It was a level 130 character, named DAA SHIZZ, and he had 3 other guests. So it was me, my brother, DAA SHIZZ, and what we assumed to be his guests. When we joined the game and started playing, I noticed that one of DAA SHIZZ's guests that had spawned wasn't moving. I just assumed that maybe his controller died or something (but I still killed him hehe). So about 10 seconds later, I come across another one of his guests that is also AFK, so I was extremely perplexed as to what was going on. So the game goes on, and me and my brother are noticing that we only got killed by DAA SHIZZ once or twice each, and he had won the game at the end. So I went into theater mode and figured it out: He joined the game, just ran around the map and killed his guests. It was him and just turning on 3 controllers with no people actually playing on them. And he won the game... If you go into my file share and watch the game, you will also note that this guy is horrible, and I really mean horrible at Halo 4. On the rare occasions that we did encounter him, he was hopping around and just shooting us with his assault rifle. And on the rare note that a 343i employee is reading this, PLEASE ban this pathetic cheater.



Daslaya333 (GT: APsychoticMoose)

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thats crazy i never thought people could do that ffa games used to never let local players play together not no more i guess


he doesnt deserve a ban though

He was a level 130 with little to no skill. I would like to see him banned, but if nothing happens I will be very upset. I think a profile-reset seems like a good punishment though. Put him back to level 1, I say

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He was a level 130 with little to no skill. I would like to see him banned, but if nothing happens I will be very upset. I think a profile-reset seems like a good punishment though. Put him back to level 1, I say

A level reset would be more fitting. He spends all that time getting to SR-130 and then loses it all. I

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Not a new practice I'm afraid, it's cheating when everyone isn't playing along and boosting when they are. Boosting is annoying but generally harmless, cheating is cheating.


Back in my Halo: Reach file share I had uploaded a video of doing just that with his guest in an FFA playlist.


Report him and otherwise do as you've done and that will be all you can do.


I think it's against forum policy to call out a specific player.

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thats crazy i never thought people could do that ffa games used to never let local players play together not no more i guess


he doesnt deserve a ban though


yes he does, he is cheating. He is altering the outcome of the game.


Not a new practice I'm afraid, it's cheating when everyone isn't playing along and boosting when they are. Boosting is annoying but generally harmless, cheating is cheating.


Back in my Halo: Reach file share I had uploaded a video of doing just that with his guest in an FFA playlist.


Report him and otherwise do as you've done and that will be all you can do.


I think it's against forum policy to call out a specific player.



It may be against forum policy to call folks out but if you don't want to be called out, don't be a damn BK. Personally I think players should be called out.


A level reset would be more fitting. He spends all that time getting to SR-130 and then loses it all. I


I would also be good with him having a ban against using double xp as well as a 3 month console as well as GT ban for all GTs involved.

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yes he does, he is cheating. He is altering the outcome of the game.





It may be against forum policy to call folks out but if you don't want to be called out, don't be a damn BK. Personally I think players should be called out.




I would also be good with him having a ban against using double xp as well as a 3 month console as well as GT ban for all GTs involved.


Laying down the law! Yeahhhhh boy! Get some.

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This is everything wrong with the game right now: do you not believe the game should at least do something about the cheaters?


I didn't say that either but letting his cheating affect you like that in a video game is unhealthy. Who cares that he cheats? All you can do is report him and move on. I don't agree with it but you won't see me losing sleep over it either.


Can you not understand the point I'm trying to make? Maybe I was a little unclear. Sorry about that. I just don't see the point of getting so worked up over someone not worth your time.

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