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I want that feel to be classic again


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It's a different developer so I doubt that any of the new installments of the series will be like the previous 3. I too am wanting things to go back to how they used to be. The things 343i added are nice but, I find myself not having as much fun as I did with Halo 3. Although I didn't get 3 right when it came out so I'm not sure if the playlists for that were as bland as they are right now with Halo 4. One of the best things Bungie did with 3 is having Double EXP weekend. It doesn't even need to be Double Exp, just some kind of fun game type present for the whole weekend. There's no fun game types right now. Plus the lack of a ranking system makes players with a high skill level getting matched up with noobs. And like it's been said a lot on this site, no one uses mics anymore. I've been using mine a lot recently but, I still come across people who have them but, don't use them. Why have one in and on your head if you don't use it?

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Mostly I just want more people to be involved in the gameplay. Like in H2 I could go into matchmaking as a random and EVERYONE would have a mic. Now it seems that it is rare unless you go in with a team. I like teamwork and comradery.


You get teamwork in previous Halos WITHOUT mics, because those games had slower gameplay. Also Reach encouraged it higher than ever how it was balanced with bloom. Halo 4 is a lone wolf game in style of Cod except for BTB where things establish somewhat naturally still.


The more I play Reach, the more I realize how incredibly good Bungie was. Especially in game balance/design issues. In fact Reach was a game expecting TOO MUCH of its user base. Bungie was awesome really.

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