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What Weapon is best for killing Hunters?


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Hi. I am playing i think its midnight or some thing on legondary and i am stuff with theses blody hunters and they are so hard i dont know what to get them with? i am thinking the insinaration canon but they just keep putting there sheilds up :( it really iritats me. can some one please give me some tips on what gun and how. thank you.

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343i was kind enough to give us unprotected ledges in Halo 4, so just lure them next to them and try to knock them off. Vehicle is also the best way to do it. But for weapons, I'd suppose a couple of grenades and just pelt them with any kind of weapon/ammunition you have

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If you can secure an energy sword, you can easily strafe one and hit them from behind with the sword. Each hit stuns them a second and lets you continue to hit and stun them until they die...which is usually in 3 hits on legendary. Of coarse safely strafing or jumping over them is usually easier said then done for players whom are not acustom to hand to hand with hunters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would say the sticky detonator and try to blast their back armor off. But the hunters in Halo one were SO much easier. If you stood in one spot their fuel rod cannon would always miss you and you just needed to wait for them to charge you. When the charged if you stood still their first attack wouldn't do any damage and a pistol shot to the stomach would kill them. But now they are a lot harder.

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