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Christmas Noob reporting in.


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You guys can call me Mike.



Let me tell a little bit about myself:


-San Diego Chargers fan


-Love my Xbox


-HUGE fan of Red vs. Blue


-Been gaming ever since I was born


-Not gonna lie, I didn't really get into Halo until I played Halo 3


-Not a fanboy of any games


-Rock is my favorite type of music


-A firm believer in the "Treat people in the way you want to be treated" rule


This is all I feel like typing out right now, I hope to be friends with a lot of you on here.


Feel free to add me if you like, GT: Snipermike1234




Christmas Noob reporting out.

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^ See I was included in that :D. Welcome to the forums I hope you'll enjoy this site as much as I have! One simple question will determine our friendship: Red or Blue?


I was going to go Red, then the name was taken.... so I have to settle with Tucker for now.



At least I went Red first, right? :D?


Welcome to the Forums! We've got our own personal Sarge, Church, and Caboose. :D See you on the forums!


I tried Griff and Sarge, but they were taken... so now you have your own personal Tucker. Haha

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I was going to go Red, then the name was taken.... so I have to settle with Tucker for now.



At least I went Red first, right? :D?




I tried Griff and Sarge, but they were taken... so now you have your own personal Tucker. Haha


Should have gone with Simmons 2.0

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