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Console ARMY (Top 100 Clan & CNOP Approved)

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Hello there, I am CJ with Console ARMY. I am actually recruiting HALO 4 gamers looking for a better online experience. Here at Console ARMY we utilize teamwork and communication by working as a well oiled machine. We set up tactics and strategies to use on the virtual battlefield. There are many perks and reasons to join Console ARMY, just to list a few:


- Online Community

- Structure and foundation (been around since 2009)

- Facebook

- YouTube

- XP system to purchase ranks and several other permissions within the clan’s website

- Over 350 like minded gamers, never play another game alone

- PS3 & XBOX 360


We have been an established clan since 2009 and we are also a TOP 100 CLAN & CNOP approved. If interested please ask me and I will answer you promptly. In the mean time please take a second and take a peek at our freshly updated website and sign up, hope to see you soon. Tell them CJ sent you by when you sign up. http://www.consolearmyhq.com/ [consolearmyhq.com]




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