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Hello,i'm hitman.


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Hello,i'm Hitman.


Time for a story.Well,i used to play Halo 1 with my dad(Yes i was young and there was no Xbox live).When halo 2 came out,i played that by myself.When halo 3 came out i got into it,and ODST was a good one to,But my 360 broke and i got a mw2 Xbox and that's were i left Halo.When Halo 4 came out this year my slim Xbox was broken,MW2 Xbox was toast,so i decided to give halo a shot.I got the Halo 4 Xbox and fell in-love!I'm still playing CoD but i was just so happy when i started playing my past.I thought i would join this community to talk about halo,and find some people who like to play forge.If anyone has a cool racing map that takes SKILL i'm in!I'm also down if anyone wants to play some Team Slayer also.


Thank you,Hitman

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