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Ok, I'll have a look when I get home from work, GT: Cheeky Hamster in a couple of hours. I shall post a review here.


Ok I have downloaded and tried your map and unfortunately tis not a good review that I can give but I can give you some pointers for the future.


Your map is kinda symmetrical that's never a good idea, you either want to make it symmetric or asymmetric (which is harder) because of balance, on your map red team spawns much further away from their banshee then blue team does and it's little things like that the make things unbalanced.


You have used lots of objects that people can abuse like braces (people can jump into the bottom of them and no ones ever going to find them but also in this point you have used all pre-made objects and buildings for your map that a) never really works because you have to make lots of compromises to fit them together. B) makes your map look cheap c) makes your map look very cluttered.


You also need to think about map flow, your map flow isn't really that good because you have areas that are really hard and take a long time to get to and yet there is no incentive to get there and the middle of your map is such a weak position that everybody is going to want to stay on the outside.


you need to put way more spawn points in your map and starting points for more than just red and blue team


And finally whilst making maps you need to find a way to set it out from other maps, something unique and interesting to get attention and that's really hard to do whilst using premade buildings, you usually need to make your own out of walls and blocks and decorative pieces


But you do have the starting of a good map design you just need to think it through before you make it and put a little more time into, i'm really sorry to give you a bad review but hopefully this will help you for the future, keep forging.


p.s: you have a space at the begging of your map name.

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Did you try it with other people or did you just run around looking for things to harp on?


I don't think the distance the red team spawns from the banshee is a big deal. I've played many games on this map in testing and the banshee is hardly the 1st place people go.


The braces can easily be fixed with kill zones (like the upper level braces currently are).


Everything is a premade structure in forge.. we don't get to create our own custom objects. Besides the stuff from the Impact palette is some of the most visually appealing objects to ever appear in a halo game. I feel I used them sparingly and wisely.


The map is intentionally made to be somewhat brutal and unforgiving. Yet, you can pretty much gauge what's going on from anywhere on the map. Site lines are blocked but, not visually blocked.


The central area is a risky place to venture on purpose. Also, why the rockets spawn there.


No mention of my use of lighting, albeit subtle. Nothing irks me more on forge maps than seeing glowing balls of light.


In all honestly, aside from the quick fixes above, this map is done. It's got a flow to it that I'm not about to change. And despite how "cheap" it looks to you I'm not sure I've seen any others that were visually more interesting at 1st glance.




Update: Kill zones added to all lower level braces and extra space removed from map name.



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