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Some Questions


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Cry me a river


You're the one crying lol. And I QUOTE :


I doubt it will be out for free. I certainly hope not, I paid extra for LE.


i know they really ripped alot of people off with the spec people never got them which stinks i got lucky though i think they at least owe it 2 everyone 2 give them out 4 free


I agree. If it were special armor or something that didn't so directly affect the game? Sure I can understand that. But putting people in different skill classes because they paid 100 instead of $60... That's just dumb. I got my codes and my map pass. Well the map pass is coming next paycheck.


And also to AGREE with you TRF...


I think you should've gotten the bonus content not the other way around like they did with the downloadable map pass and the free armor if you do download it. Rather than how they crapped on LE buyers and didn't give them what they are giving people who didn't preorder LE.

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The existing specialization pack will definitely be available to everyone eventually, but it's anyone's guess as to whether or not it'll be free. Hopefully it will be. As for releasing brand new specializations later, who knows? It'd be great though since the road to SR130 is a very short one and having more to work for would certainly make the game a little more enjoyable.

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This is what makes the Halo games boring to me, nobody is trying to have any fun.

I know, right? How about just playing to improve your own skill...


True. I enjoy the game by simply playing it. As of this post I'm only SR75, but I can still see myself playing after I hit SR130. Hitting max rank doesn't ruin anything for me, but it would still be nice to have more emblems and armor to unlock later.

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I know, right? How about just playing to improve your own skill...



How is this possible with the current gametypes they have available?


MLG can't figure out settings that work with the game yet, and they removed the PRO variant. Every damn gametype has the biggest skill level nullifies turned on (radar). When they release something again that has this removed besides swat, you'll find the players that can get better, will get better.


Knowing where everyone around you is 95% of the time 5% for the campers, slows the game down and creates massive bottle necks. Boltshot is still in the top 3 ToD for players because they can just sit and wait or pre-charge it knowing a guy is around the corner.


Watch scrimages with the MLG games on YouTube or other games, the players that get kills with it have to PREDICT where players are. Those that round corners with it changed and meet someone the length of a corridor get dominated (as they should)

because they had to "guessed / anticipated incorrectly"


SIDE NOTE: Not many level 130s I've crossed are any good, so I don't understand why anyone even looks or cares about levels.

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Well that's the problem in the first place dude. The ranking system doesn't currently reflect skill level, which is why matchmaking is a joke. People should be be able to be matched with people that are within their level of ability so they can experience consistent gameplay. Ranks should reflect skill, not exp--bottom line.

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