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Gauss Hog is too Overpowered!!!


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No vehicle should be able to rack up a 58 kill streak this easily and this quickly. A bad driver in the Gauss Hog could very well have a Killing Frenzy all lined up but a good driver can very commonly rack up killstreaks of 25+. All it takes is a driver who is willing to sit back by the warthog spawn and there is no reliable counter to the Gauss Hog.

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Spartan laser, rockets, fuel rod, sniper, DMR, sticky grenades, stick detonator.




Nuff said.

Power weapons are hard to come by on Exile. The Laser and Sticky Det. are rare ordinance drops. Rockets and Fuel Rod are rare and require you to get close enough to hit the Gauss Hog, which is almost impossible. The Sniper will give away the shooters position and they will be killed after their first or second shot. Sticky grenades require you to get close enough to stick the Hog. The DMR won't do much, all you'll be doing is feeding them kills.

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Power weapons are hard to come by on Exile. The Laser and Sticky Det. are rare ordinance drops. Rockets and Fuel Rod are rare and require you to get close enough to hit the Gauss Hog, which is almost impossible. The Sniper will give away the shooters position and they will be killed after their first or second shot. Sticky grenades require you to get close enough to stick the Hog. The DMR won't do much, all you'll be doing is feeding them kills.


The DMR wont do much!? Three people with DMR's can spell the end for a Ghost's and Warthogs (that includes Gauss) . Vehicles are a lot weaker in Halo 4. You dont need a power weapon to take down most vehicles in this game.

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Please, I watched the video, and against those people sure it's overpowered, but only because those people **** balls. The guys team had the tank, and the power weapons, I see this happen and do this with the gauss cannon in games with players of this caliber. Watch the video, there were parts where they could have easily been killed by even slightly competent players, how about the people in the normal warthog charging the gauss, there is a turret gunner that wasn't even LOOKING at the thing as his team got raped, or the various parts that just have idiots running out in front of the Gauss, oblivious to it. That should just omit the whole video right there.


There's more then enough corners and sightline breaks in exile for a savvy player with active camo/ plasma pistol/plasma grenades to end those fools several times over. And they certainly drove in more then a couple of spots where it could have happpened, but didn't because the barely sentient enemy was trying to attack in a single file line.


I'm tired of you OP. All you seem to post about is how op the Gauss turret is, the delay between it's shots is SLOWER then previous incarnations, and warthogs are not as durable overall as in previous games. It honestly sounds like you are one of two things: Someone who is mad that they never can get to go on the sprees posted above, or someone who can't counter the gauss hog in this game or is lacking skill/creativeness in general.


If you want to complain about something that's actually overpowered why not bash the bolt shot and it's absurd one hit kill range? Or spawning times? Or ordanance? There's actually legitmate things wrong with this game beside idiots who can't counter power vehicles.



OH. And last but not least...the video was a montage of a game, which you seem to think all happened directly in a row.

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In a game earlier, someone went 37-1 as a Gauss Hog gunner. The randoms I was playing with did pretty good, so it wasn't just bad people on my team being easy kills. The Gauss Hog needs to be weakened significantly. ]



The DMR wont do much!? Three people with DMR's can spell the end for a Ghost's and Warthogs (that includes Gauss) . Vehicles are a lot weaker in Halo 4. You dont need a power weapon to take down most vehicles in this game.

The problem is, if I can shoot them then they can also shoot me. Almost anyone could defeat me or my teammates in a couple seconds easily using the G-Hog.
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In a game earlier, someone went 37-1 as a Gauss Hog gunner. The randoms I was playing with did pretty good, so it wasn't just bad people on my team being easy kills. The Gauss Hog needs to be weakened significantly. ]



The problem is, if I can shoot them then they can also shoot me. Almost anyone could defeat me or my teammates in a couple seconds easily using the G-Hog.


Except that it was. The way you take out a gauss hog is to have mutliple people attacking from different sides, with plasma pistol charges and plasma grenades. If the "randoms" you were playing with were good, then why did they get owned over and over again by the gauss? This doesn't happen in games where I'm playing with good people. When the gauss is up on the map, you CAN'T be out in the open, EVER. Fortunately exile has a million different ways and cover for you to get up on the gauss turret. The begining of the game is also paramount. What were you guys doing when they got the gauss? If your on red team you have access to a sniper rifle and scorpian tank, not to mention several plasma pistol loadouts and many places to ambush a gauss. If it survives/beats your whole team durring that time then you people deserve to lose. There isn't a single spot on exile that the gauss can camp that can't be compromised by a good team. I know because I have to deal with the gauss warthog ALL the time on exile, and I'm usually the guy that stops it's reign of destuction.

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The DMR wont do much!? Three people with DMR's can spell the end for a Ghost's and Warthogs (that includes Gauss) . Vehicles are a lot weaker in Halo 4. You dont need a power weapon to take down most vehicles in this game.


With a half decent gunner the DMR can probably only place 2-3 shots on the warthog without getting it's brains blown out when the Hog gunner immediately turns around to wherever he's getting shot from.



Except that it was. The way you take out a gauss hog is to have mutliple people attacking from different sides, with plasma pistol charges and plasma grenades. If the "randoms" you were playing with were good, then why did they get owned over and over again by the gauss? This doesn't happen in games where I'm playing with good people. When the gauss is up on the map, you CAN'T be out in the open, EVER. Fortunately exile has a million different ways and cover for you to get up on the gauss turret. The begining of the game is also paramount. What were you guys doing when they got the gauss? If your on red team you have access to a sniper rifle and scorpian tank, not to mention several plasma pistol loadouts and many places to ambush a gauss. If it survives/beats your whole team durring that time then you people deserve to lose. There isn't a single spot on exile that the gauss can camp that can't be compromised by a good team. I know because I have to deal with the gauss warthog ALL the time on exile, and I'm usually the guy that stops it's reign of destuction.


Say what you want but it is a vehicle with absolutely no real flaws. It has perfect accuracy, unlimited range, one shot one hit against any infantry, wrecks vehicles, incredibly mobile, and a decent rate of fire.


I think the problem with your solution is that if your teammates aren't complete garbage then it is going to be hard to arrange any attack plan considering you are going to have a Gauss Hog that will pelt their entire team in 5 seconds not to mention having to squeeze through the other people to even get close enough to attempt a plasma pistol or plasma grenade.


While power weapons can wreck the Gauss Hog (really only Spartan Laser and Rockets though) they are not reliable ordinance drops and may take a considerable amount of time to get. If you get the rockets then you still have to get relatively close due to the Gauss being able to quickly wheel itself out of the way.


And yes the enemies may be terrible... but I don't think that a vehicle should be capable of being this dominate against even bad players anyway.


How does one go about nerfing such a thing though.


It's a hard thing to do. I think that if they increased the Rate of Fire any reasonable amount then it would make it far easier for enemies to flood the area without getting pelted by Gauss Cannon fire. It would make the Warthog more accessible for Sticky Grenades.



I'm tired of you OP. All you seem to post about is how op the Gauss turret is, the delay between it's shots is SLOWER then previous incarnations, and warthogs are not as durable overall as in previous games. It honestly sounds like you are one of two things: Someone who is mad that they never can get to go on the sprees posted above, or someone who can't counter the gauss hog in this game or is lacking skill/creativeness in general.


If you want to complain about something that's actually overpowered why not bash the bolt shot and it's absurd one hit kill range? Or spawning times? Or ordanance? There's actually legitmate things wrong with this game beside idiots who can't counter power vehicles.


Out of 1371 posts exactly 2 have been concerning the Gauss Hog. It's a serious discussion because this vehicle is way too dominate. Stop being so mad. There's no reason for that. TBH though if anybody thinks that the Boltshot is overpowered then I don't see how they can think that the Gauss isn't.


The reason that I am actually posting here is because I have considerable experience as a Gauss Hog driver and I honestly think that it should be nerfed. It doesn't appear to be much of a problem nowadays because most drivers are idiots... but, as you've heard from people on this site, if a good driver goes in it... then 30 kill streak, 40 kill streak, 25 kill streak.


The amount and frequency with which people are getting massive kill streaks with this vehicle points to it being OP. Say what you want but I don't think that a similarly skilled tank driver could have gotten even 1/3 the number or kills as this Gauss driver against the same (or maybe even worse) enemies.

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Except that it was. The way you take out a gauss hog is to have mutliple people attacking from different sides, with plasma pistol charges and plasma grenades. If the "randoms" you were playing with were good, then why did they get owned over and over again by the gauss? This doesn't happen in games where I'm playing with good people. When the gauss is up on the map, you CAN'T be out in the open, EVER. Fortunately exile has a million different ways and cover for you to get up on the gauss turret. The begining of the game is also paramount. What were you guys doing when they got the gauss? If your on red team you have access to a sniper rifle and scorpian tank, not to mention several plasma pistol loadouts and many places to ambush a gauss. If it survives/beats your whole team durring that time then you people deserve to lose. There isn't a single spot on exile that the gauss can camp that can't be compromised by a good team. I know because I have to deal with the gauss warthog ALL the time on exile, and I'm usually the guy that stops it's reign of destuction.

Alright. Let's pretend for a second that the randoms had mics and I could got them to focus on the Gauss Hog. What would the result be? Double Kill, Triple Kill, Overkill, Killtacular. A Gauss Hog could obliterate my entire team. The Scorpion can only beat the G-Hog if the driver (of the Hog) has no idea what he's/she's doing. The Scorpion's shots aren't hitscan and it's hard to hit a Warthog driven by a competent driver. If I tried to fight it with a sniper, i might land one or two shots before getting killed.

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If someone in those matches you're playing is able to rack up that many kills in the Gauss then I think the players on the other team are just bad. I've never been in a game where any one in the Gauss was able to rack up more then 10 kills. I always spawn with Plasma Pistol and Plasma Grenades. And power weapons on Exile aren't that hard to come by. And with it being Infinity Slayer then you have what 5-6 people on the other team. With every player getting atleast one O. Drop then someone has to get a Laser or Launcher. If enough people shoot it with DMRs the Hog will go down pretty quickly. Have to play smart. Not that hard to ambush it.

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The Guass Hog is actually UP. In previous Halo games vehicles were MUCH more dominant and difficult to take down. Now it is very, very easy to kill them. Used to, you need a coordinated team to be able to take down a good driver, now a bunch of randoms can do it no-prob.

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Dude. Aim for the gunner. If he gets you, finish him off on the respawn. The Gauss has been in matchmaking for a while now. It isn't going anywhere. There's a saying when it comes to matchmaking. "Adapt or die."


The easiest (and most effective) way to take care of the Gauss Hog is to kill the driver or the gunner. The hog itself is harder to take down then both of those combined.

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Seriously this video is from the first week the game was out.... I got a killing frenzy in like my first 10 games because I've played Halo for years and for a lot of people it might be their first Halo. NOW almost 2 months after release EVERYONE in big team and other playlists with gauss knows how to deal with the vehicles, nearly EVERYONE has plasma pistol and plasma grenades. This is a non problem. I've been killed by a gauss hog like 2 times MAYBE.

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I dont mind how strong the weapon is. I do mind that it goes as fast as a regular hog. It is a heavy weapon that requires a huge amount of power to fire... That should slow it down some.

Why not just remove it? Why nerf a power weapon in the first place? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of it being a power weapon? Seriously though, if they nerfed everything everyone complained about because they didn't know how to handle it we would have two hour long games where it would take upwards of two minutes to get a kill on someone.


I noticed that no one quoted me attempting to debate the point I made in my previous post. The Gauss hog is far from invincible, and has next to no splash damage, so it requires someone to actually hit you with it. Which is difficult when you are moving full tilt and everyone else is moving as well. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't add anything to your shields or health, so you are technically still 5sk with DMR/BR/LR, 2sk with the sniper, 1sk with the Binary rifle, and 2sk with pummel. The only excuse for not being able to take down a Gauss hog is lag or bad spawns. A person's chance at getting a massive amount of kills can end in literally three seconds. One second for them getting into the Gauss, another second for a sniper to line up a shot, and one more second for the sniper to take the shot and blow their head off. And it's not even that difficult with the Beam rifle.


The REAL problem isn't with the Gauss hog's power, but with the players who freak out and forget how to handle a warthog. You don't target the hog itself (unless you have something that can destroy the hog fast), you target it's occupants. Primary target is the gunner, secondary is the driver, and tertiary is the passenger. With insta-spawn, there really is no excuse not to be able to take them down quick. FFS you spawn before their shields can even recharge.


Jeez. What next? Nerf the Mantis? .-.

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Why not just remove it? Why nerf a power weapon in the first place? Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose of it being a power weapon? Seriously though, if they nerfed everything everyone complained about because they didn't know how to handle it we would have two hour long games where it would take upwards of two minutes to get a kill on someone.


I noticed that no one quoted me attempting to debate the point I made in my previous post. The Gauss hog is far from invincible, and has next to no splash damage, so it requires someone to actually hit you with it. Which is difficult when you are moving full tilt and everyone else is moving as well. Not to mention the fact that it doesn't add anything to your shields or health, so you are technically still 5sk with DMR/BR/LR, 2sk with the sniper, 1sk with the Binary rifle, and 2sk with pummel. The only excuse for not being able to take down a Gauss hog is lag or bad spawns. A person's chance at getting a massive amount of kills can end in literally three seconds. One second for them getting into the Gauss, another second for a sniper to line up a shot, and one more second for the sniper to take the shot and blow their head off. And it's not even that difficult with the Beam rifle.


The REAL problem isn't with the Gauss hog's power, but with the players who freak out and forget how to handle a warthog. You don't target the hog itself (unless you have something that can destroy the hog fast), you target it's occupants. Primary target is the gunner, secondary is the driver, and tertiary is the passenger. With insta-spawn, there really is no excuse not to be able to take them down quick. FFS you spawn before their shields can even recharge.


Jeez. What next? Nerf the Mantis? .-.


The reason why I didnt quote you is because I understand that point of view. My opinion is just a bit different that is all.


I am all for the gauss being a heavy hitter. That is what it is designed to do. My problem is that it doesnt have a drawback to it like all the other heavy hitters do.


Banshee has huge recharge on its fuel rod shot and isnt particularly fast. It cant fire while in boost mode either.


Scorpion tank has a huge punch but it is slow on the move and has huge blind spots. It also has a minimum range.


Wraith has a slow recharge on its mortar. The mortar has a long travel time as well. Its boost is ok but not great and it is as durable as tissue paper.


Ghost is even less durable than the Wraith. Its guns are nice but again cant fire while boosting and is prone to flipping.


Mantis has blind spots (right behind it) as well as being easy to board. Its chaingun isnt frighteningly powerful and its rockets have a slow travel time.


Chaingun hog doesnt have a very powerful weapon to it, even more so when on the move as it is hard to keep on target. Also can overheat and cause massive cool down time.


The Gauss hog on the other hand has its only drawback in that it rolls as easily as any other hog, but that is solved with a good driver. Its weapon has a good rate of fire and is a one hit kill on infantry and it rips appart any vehicles fast. It has near instantanious travel time for its rounds as well.


I am not looking for a huge nerf but something that slows it up a bit thats all. Not talking cutting its speed in half but maybe have it at only 3/4 of a regular hog. Still fast enough to dodge tank rounds and get around the map while allowing better shots at the people in the hog itself. Also the gun on it covers the gunner really well so they are hard to hit.


You are also seeming to assume that everybody is crack shots (which not everybody is). I for one find it extremely difficult targeting anybody riding in a hog due to its frame and the fact that they are constantly moving. That and considering that there are other players around who generally shooting at you your unlikely to be able to focus solely on the hog with enough precision to make a difference. Hence why many people just try to plasma nade it to death.


As I said, it doesnt need a drop in damage, but a drop in speed. Puts it on more even footing with other vehicles and gives infantry a more even chance against it when compared to other vehicles.

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The reason why I didnt quote you is because I understand that point of view. My opinion is just a bit different that is all.


I am all for the gauss being a heavy hitter. That is what it is designed to do. My problem is that it doesnt have a drawback to it like all the other heavy hitters do.


Banshee has huge recharge on its fuel rod shot and isnt particularly fast. It cant fire while in boost mode either.


Scorpion tank has a huge punch but it is slow on the move and has huge blind spots. It also has a minimum range.


Wraith has a slow recharge on its mortar. The mortar has a long travel time as well. Its boost is ok but not great and it is as durable as tissue paper.


Ghost is even less durable than the Wraith. Its guns are nice but again cant fire while boosting and is prone to flipping.


Mantis has blind spots (right behind it) as well as being easy to board. Its chaingun isnt frighteningly powerful and its rockets have a slow travel time.


Chaingun hog doesnt have a very powerful weapon to it, even more so when on the move as it is hard to keep on target. Also can overheat and cause massive cool down time.


The Gauss hog on the other hand has its only drawback in that it rolls as easily as any other hog, but that is solved with a good driver. Its weapon has a good rate of fire and is a one hit kill on infantry and it rips appart any vehicles fast. It has near instantanious travel time for its rounds as well.


I am not looking for a huge nerf but something that slows it up a bit thats all. Not talking cutting its speed in half but maybe have it at only 3/4 of a regular hog. Still fast enough to dodge tank rounds and get around the map while allowing better shots at the people in the hog itself. Also the gun on it covers the gunner really well so they are hard to hit.


You are also seeming to assume that everybody is crack shots (which not everybody is). I for one find it extremely difficult targeting anybody riding in a hog due to its frame and the fact that they are constantly moving. That and considering that there are other players around who generally shooting at you your unlikely to be able to focus solely on the hog with enough precision to make a difference. Hence why many people just try to plasma nade it to death.


As I said, it doesnt need a drop in damage, but a drop in speed. Puts it on more even footing with other vehicles and gives infantry a more even chance against it when compared to other vehicles.

1. Drawbacks on the Gauss Hog are that it rolls, it can be hijacked, the vehicle is not heavily armored (like the tank, banshee, wraith, mantis), it cannot shoot straight up, and it cannot shoot within a certain radius of it downwards, and it is open ended (i.e. you can kill the people inhabiting it without actually damaging the vehicle itself). Not to mention that unlike the even more mobile Binary Rifle (also 1sk) it cannot zoom, making it require skill to use at long range. The Gauss hog is considered a "power vehicle" unlike it's chaingun counterpart. It is basically a more mobile version of the tank that isn't nearly as armored as a tank. You are suggesting making it slower, which will turn it into what the scorpion is today (i.e. a friggin joke "lol newb in a tank everyone nade spam it cuz it can't run"). The Gauss hog works the exact same way as a normal hog, just with a bigger gun. A Scorpion can take it down in one shot (and if they hadn't nerfed it [again proving nerfing isn't the answer] it would have no trouble tracking a hog at top speed) or two if the shot lands oddly. The Gauss takes 3 shots to kill a Scorpion (sometimes 4) at full health.


2. So? Halo has a learning curve. It always has. The main thing that separates it from games like CoD (tired example, but still) is the fact that it isn't a game you can just pick up and be a god at. If they keep nerfing things rather than balancing them out (i.e. adding or removing items from the game) then Halo will lose it's learning curve and simply be CoD with shields. And you don't have to be a crack shot to take down someone's shields while they are in a hog. It's simply point and spam. And once you see their shields pop, aim for the head. Easy peasy. Even easier if you have a sniper rifle or binary rifle, because then you only need to land a couple of shots.


The fact of the matter is, much to the chagrin of those of you who constantly get pwn3d, the Gauss is balanced. You can try to justify a nerf, but it doesn't need one. If it DID need one, I'm sure that it would have received one in the past 8 years that it has been in Matchmaking.

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