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1. Gamertag: GonnaBleedYa

2. Map Name: SKY SOLDIERS (GonnaBleedYa's fileshare)

3. Gametype: SKY SOLDIERS TEAM REGICIDE (GonnaBleedYa's fileshare).

4. Recommended Players: 8-12 (Because of the nature of the map, it seems to work well with most combinations, though the max I have tested is 8. Supports 16.)

5. Screenshot:






The classic RED vs. BLUE sky battle, waged since the dawn of time.

  • Unlimited Jetpack!
  • VERY fast paced
  • Incredible freedom of movement: use the level design (man cannons, teleporters, elevator shafts, etc.) and unlimited Jetpack to get around ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Feel like a super hero :)
  • Specific weapons/loadouts/settings in service of gameplay/balance
  • Available weapons share a tight rock-paper-scissor relationship
  • Map is full of tricks/secrets. Try taking the Mounted Turret to the top level!


  • You must fly out of the initial spawn area (glass cage) with the Jetpack or you are trapped. (Players would sometimes fall to their deaths during initial play tests, so I had to visually communicate to them what was going on while they were still in a safe area.)
  • Do not adjust your television. Game uses the "Juicy" Forge special effect.

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