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Gravity Lifts in Forge


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Within the new Halo 5 forge (which I PRAY they include), I hope to see a redesign of the gravity lift mechanics. For too long have I sat in forge and played with the angle of the gravity lift to get it to go exactly where I want it to every time. I hope 343 acknowledges this suggestion, and I think it is a good one. So picture this, when a Gravity Lift is spawned, it has three editable points, the grav lift itself, the top of the arc, and the landing zone. The gravity lift can have traits like "Speed," and other related traits, the top of the arc can have its location edited, maybe have the option to move anything caught inside of it, and if 343 is feeling really nice, they can add the option to have two arcs (and make the top of each arc cost budget or take up an entire lift in the menu) , to make a Gravity lift that can swerve and turn like a player is caught in the wind or something. This I think would be very cool, and the very premise of this idea may spawn entire mini-games based around it, it could make maps much easier to navigate, making maps with lifts would be a breeze, and it just sounds like downright fun.

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YES! exactly what they need to do with grav lifts! what i do to figure out the angle on my grav lifts is to sign another controller in and have a friend keep going on it because having people join inside of forge sometimes can make a mess and glitches start happening like objects being moved with anyone touching them but with split screen i have not noticed any changes when they are signed in.

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