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Gun idea

Admiral Ackbar

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There's a lot of talk about Halo 5 and the possible guns that will be featured. I'm pretty excited about the possibilities. So I guess the point of this thread is to talk about the guns you'd like to see.


Personally I love ALL the guns. But I'd love to have some more variety. Add some new UNSC guns. Maybe bring back the SMG. I'd love for some covenant weapons to return. The Needle Rifle (or whatever it was called). The possibility of a Needle Shotgun (it's been discussed in other threads). And the Plasma Rifle was always fun. With the Promethean weapons the possibilities are endless. Seeing as there hasn't been much revealed about them. Maybe the addition of their sword type thing they have. Or some new automatic weapons.


Enjoy and discuss!

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I miss my dual wielded maulers I really do. You know what I don't even care if they are dual wielded I just want my mauler back!


If 343 will put Flood in Halo 5, it would be nice if they create Flood guns!

They created a flood sword this game. Flood has always just been the flood with swords it wouldn't fit right with the gametype. On the other hand if you meant the Flood as in campaign I completely agree with you they should do a type of boris the animal from MIB 3 kind of weapon for them.

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I miss my dual wielded maulers I really do. You know what I don't even care if they are dual wielded I just want my mauler back!



They created a flood sword this game. Flood has always just been the flood with swords it wouldn't fit right with the gametype. On the other hand if you meant the Flood as in campaign I completely agree with you they should do a type of boris the animal from MIB 3 kind of weapon for them.


They had those dumb mounted turret things that do that metamorphosis thing.

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I would like them to think more outside the box for any new guns they introduce. I liked the target designator in Reach and I would like to see more thinking along the lines of shaping and controlling the battlefield. I don't need ANOTHER marksman rifle or ANOTHER bullet hose or ANOTHER sniper rifle or ANOTHER launcher. I don't think making something that performs almost identically to another weapon and then tweaking it just enough to notice really counts as "new."


I'd like a spotter scope, a tool that takes up a weapon slot but doesn't actually shoot anything. It would have high potential magnification and perhaps one or two extra vision modes, and with it you could paint targets for your allies by placing nav points on spotted enemies or something similar. It's one thing to call out a target, it's another paint them for your team to see. I've spent entire games in Battefield 3 with the recon drone or scoped in from miles away spotting targets for my team. My K/D didn't impress in those games, but my teammates' numbers were staggering because the enemy couldn't hide from them anywhere.


I'd also like to see some kind of sticky tether/grapple weapon. Someone jumps behind cover and you literally yank them out of it after hitting them with a leash. Or you fasten it to a high point and use it like a grapple to gain elevation or hide below a walkway where no one is looking for you. You could also tether yourself to a vehicle to gain some speed or stick a banshee and drop yourself off somewhere with greater elevation. Stuff like this you can see a super soldier using precisely because a normal soldier can't withstand the tension or friction created. You could even do a bit of web-slinging with it, it's a perfect opportunity to play with the physics of your game engine.


I'd also like to see the return of the sentinal beam/beam rifle only I'd like them to get smart about it this time and make it into something like a microwave beam which could damage people through walls, even at a reduced force. In this case I'd like it to do less damage over longer distances.


I liked the flare from Halo 3, but it had physics properties which made it unsuitable for matchmaking. Combine Halo 3 equipment with the grenade launcher from Halo: Reach so you have a grenade launcher which shoots support equipment, you could fire a flare or a shield drain at a certain location by loading different ammo into it.


Weapons like the needler and the sticky detonator are where I'd draw my inspiration. Offbeat weird ideas like that make games feel new without altering the core gameplay. They perform well situationally and give you new options, but you still depend on your rifle and your wits most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

a completely new assault rifle


In this vein, I'd like an assault rifle that doesn't suck. Bungie and 343 both hate automatics and so they've always made sure automatics are underpowered, I've never liked this. I would like a new assault rifle in the sense that I want one with all the best features of all the Halo assault rifles. I want the magazine from Halo: CE, for example. I still have never approved of their gross reduction in its clip.

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