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War Games Weekly Bug


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Earlier today, I completed the war games daily titled "Fully Automated," racking in just 13 kills. I wanted to complete the war games weekly titled "Fully Automated," which asks for the player to get 15 kills with an automatic weapon in 1 match. Well, I made a point to get the achieve before I went to bed.


I racked up 18 kills with the assault rifle as a loadout weapon in my most recent match. I'm going to bed now, so you can review my last game or something. The problem is, it didn't register as a completion of the weekly challenge, where it still shows progress stuck at 13/15. This is probably a bug where either weeklies can't be completed if a daily has the same name, or the "Infinity Challenge Regicide" doesn't qualify as a game mode for completing challenges.


Any input is appreciated,



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