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You should make halo 2 again

The halo man

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Dont spread rumors or lies. It was NOT confirmed and both CA and 343 stated clearly they do not plan to support at anytime, and title older than Halo4 besides Reach. If your gonna confirm.things likebthis, back it up.with a link...

Where's your link that says they will not support an H2 remake 'at anytime'? Don't give the 2 year old link that says 'at this time'. You take liberty with quotes so back yourself up with an updated reliable quote.
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fine i will here is the link to try and guess confirmed halo 2 annivery then follow this link then go to halo 5 realse date etc in the title watch the whole video and in it is where i think i saw halo 2 annivery confimred in http://www.youtube.com/user/iHaloZone?feature=watch

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Ok so to respond to that link posted...the dumbass doing the video stated "343, the studio that now develops and owns"....wrong.


#1. 343i does not own halo, it is owned by Microsoft and 343i is an internal name used to denote the team developing Halo.


#2. The quote in the video was misrepresented. The video author failed to post the part of that OXM excerpt where it is listed in the "Speculation and Rumor Roundup" section...which obviously is rumor or speculation, not a confirmation.


Here is the link to the OXM pages it referrences... http://xbox.mediagen...40000080881.png


Furthermore, this was already hashed out and even G4 tackled it, by stating afterwards..."Hey, it was a slow news day". Implying that this rumor is to be taken with a grain of salt. Link... http://www.g4tv.com/...n-in-the-works/



As for people who want links to prove it is NOT going to happen, I never said it "WASN'T" going to. I simply indictaed why it likely won't. I never said that halo 2 in particular wasn't going to be a supported project, I simply stated that 343i themselves stated during numerous panels, that they don't plan to support previous Halo titles in any way. Grumpy, we have been going this circle for quite a while now. Every time I see something posted by you, it is nothing but opinion and a tired old "Prove It" post. Can you post anything but demands for proof? Proving something WILL NOT or WILL get made is far to vague a statement or question to ask proof for. For all we know, another studio could come along in 7 years and remake it. Then again, someone might not. This whole thing is specualtion and opinion and yet you come off as an authority who is hell bent at every turn, trying to prove yourself right.


Can you just stop being such an *** for 2 seconds and just actually read what people post and read anything in general with an open mind? Or are you so closed minded that you can't stand to be wrong for even one second or admit that there is a chance it won't get made. Cause personally I could care less. What I do care about however is people posting links and stating for fact "That Halo 2 IS being remade" when the FACT is that it hasn't been announced.

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As for people who want links to prove it is NOT going to happen, I never said it "WASN'T" going to. I simply indictaed why it likely won't. I never said that halo 2 in particular wasn't going to be a supported project, I simply stated that 343i themselves stated during numerous panels, that they don't plan to support previous Halo titles in any way. Grumpy, we have been going this circle for quite a while now. Every time I see something posted by you, it is nothing but opinion and a tired old "Prove It" post. Can you post anything but demands for proof? Proving something WILL NOT or WILL get made is far to vague a statement or question to ask proof for. For all we know, another studio could come along in 7 years and remake it. Then again, someone might not. This whole thing is specualtion and opinion and yet you come off as an authority who is hell bent at every turn, trying to prove yourself right.


Can you just stop being such an *** for 2 seconds and just actually read what people post and read anything in general with an open mind? Or are you so closed minded that you can't stand to be wrong for even one second or admit that there is a chance it won't get made. Cause personally I could care less. What I do care about however is people posting links and stating for fact "That Halo 2 IS being remade" when the FACT is that it hasn't been announced.

You are the one demanding proof of someone else but you object when proof is demanded of you. When you make accusations against me or make doctored quotes part of your repertuar yes, I tell you to prove it and to date you've never backed up anything.


Part of your upper quote said 'do not plan to support at anytime'. That is you offering proof that H2 will not be made, you've done it before and you have never proved anything, you only offer doctored quotes but not the actual link when I ask. You want to be right so much that you constantly change quotes to suit your needs. What the quote originally said, I believe, is 'at this time' and it's 2 years old. Lay off that one.


The rest of your pontification is an attempt to appear reasonable while trying to make it appear that I'm never reasonable. An old trick but if you re-read your quotes, you are the one who comes in the expert that is going to set us straight, not me.


You'll have to do better than that.

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Dont worry about man...I understand. Just keep crawling around this sub section and be the stand up great content contributer you clearly are.


Oh and before I bid this a fond farewell, can clearly detail exactly why a Halo 2 remake is needed by the community, when we have a perfectly good version running right now on Live? Its something that was never discussed or brought up I believe?

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Dont worry about man...I understand. Just keep crawling around this sub section and be the stand up great content contributer you clearly are.


Oh and before I bid this a fond farewell, can clearly detail exactly why a Halo 2 remake is needed by the community, when we have a perfectly good version running right now on Live? Its something that was never discussed or brought up I believe?

It was discussed, but you were not reading as usual, what you call perfectly good is crap compared to Live.
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I decided to edit my original post and change it...a first for me.


Grumpy, you and I have been going thru this for a long time. Neither of us have constructively or politely exchanged any opinion about this topic. It needs to change. If I in any way used harsh words or posting in response to you, I am sorry. We will always have a differing opinion on a remake of Halo 2, but one things will always be true...we are both quite obviously extremely rabid fans of Halo2.


All that being said I will reveal the one opinion of mine, that will always hold me back and needs to be posted. Now everyone can feel free to disagree with me, this is only an opinion not fact. If Halo 2 were to be remade, my biggest fear is that the release of it in all it's glory would trump any future Halo title in the works and hold the franchise back from producing more titles. Halo 2 was a great if not the greatest Halo, and I can only cringe in horror to think about the players would abandon current and future Halo titles to play Halo 2. I love the franchise and I want to see it flourish instead of reliving glory days that we may never get back fully. I want to see it prosper, not get held back.


Yes halo 2 remade to the original including multiplayer would no doubt be a huge, quite possibly the biggest selling Halo, but all those sales wouldn't mean very much if people defaulted back to Halo 2. Again, just my opinion based on the rabid responses to the wanting of a remake. For all I know it could be a hit that wouldn't hurt the franchise....but time would only tell on this one.

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If Halo 2 were to be remade, my biggest fear is that the release of it in all it's glory would trump any future Halo title in the works and hold the franchise back from producing more titles.

I agree, and I believe 343 and MS are in fear of this. It looms over them like the Sword of Damocles. CEA might have been the same except they trumped us by the MP fiasco.
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