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how did you get your user name

Vitamin Pwn

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how did you get your user name, is it random? was it given to you? does it have any meaning to you?


i'll start, i got my name from my brother when i first got xbox live, he was helping me come up with name because in horrible at coming up with names, he said Vitamin PWN and i was like "yeah sounds good i do like to pwn things" and i've been using it ever since, i even came up with a catch phrase i rarely use, "you just got your daily does of Vitamin PWN!"

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Nice. Mine was a bit more complicated. My friend always said I look like a taco. In fact, I was known as Taco in three different schools in three different cities, without ever mentioning I was called taco. I chose Zed because I was the Last thing you'd know before you'd die. At least, on Halo... And the evil... I needed an adjective. Zed the Taco just isn't as good as Zed the Evil Taco.

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My name is from a long long long time ago. So far back, that the only multiplayer games at the time were Heretic and Doom, on dial-up. So anyway, I started playing Doom with a lot of friends across town. I got real good at Doom, and started challenging many others. At one point I got so good that my group of freinds decided to form a small clan for us. This is where the B4M portion of my gamertag comes from. (born 4 murder).


So after a while, they started to refer to me as the "Reaper". meaning I was so damn good, that I was usually on the sidelines and only reserved for when the team needed a sure fire win or when they needed the firepower against a good rival. Now, my skill WAS that good, and on occasion we would get messages saying things like, no fair having 2 people play the same character. Or others saying, you can't walk away from the PC and have someone else play for you. The reason behind this is because I wouldn't play on my PC, and usually had a friend fill in till I was needed. My best friend Mike had a macintosh so he couldn't game from home. So at one point my friend Mike, said to them that 2 guys on the team were twins, and such, qualified as 1 person somehow. And it that moment, he turned to me and gave me the name Twinreaper.


Since that time, I have used the name Twinreaper in everything I do. And I will continue to do so from now till kingdom come.

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i use ExplosiveLamp for everything nowadays, on the Xbox, on Steam, etc. i got the name because when i first got my Xbox, i was in a hurry to play Halo: Reach with some buddies (yes, Reach.), and i couldnt come up with a decent name. i threw around FlAmInWaFfLeZ and other waffle related tags, but decided against it. i asked my sister to help me, and she came up with the randomest thing she could think of: a lamp stuffed full of C-4. that wouldnt fit in the box, so i just put ExplosiveLamp. during my newb days as an online gamer, i would be stuck by sticky grenades all the time. as soon as i could realise when i had been stuck, i quickly came up with the (lame) catch phrase "Don't light the ExplosiveLamp!

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Username same as GT

Spectral, love ghost/horror films. Jester part i'm quite a joker, so it sort of came naturally.


My old gamertag was stolen/hacked somehow, and never got it back, luckily for me whoever it was changed the GT name straight away, so I could create a new one with the same GT name.

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Father Bullet is derived from a few sources that all hit me at once.


1) I recalled how once upon a time I was seriously contemplating becoming a Clergyman. Then realized that simply "Father" or "Priest" was just silly.


2) "Bullet" alone was too simple to be available, and too pretentious for my liking.


3) I'm a simple guy, with simple tastes, and when I started combining words, Father Bullet stuck out, and sounded different from everything else I had seen before.


It's been my GT and username on websites since 2007.

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My user name, well I was curious to see if it was available and it was.


My GT is another story. Anesthesique is French for anesthetic. I had a personal go with anesthetics, in Switzerland. I don't think its wise saying more though. People might not take it well. It just means a lot to me, taught me to never depend on anything too much.

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