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So one thing nice about the person above you, and one thing funny about the person below you.

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I already answered to question Absolute. The answer was Princess Bride. Physik says it during the rhyming game he and Anigo are playing. Vizinni yells "stop that rhyming, and I mean it!", to which Physik replies "anybody want a peanut?"


The person above me has abbreviated their post so as to confuse the rest of us. But it did not work.


Except on the person below me.

What? Now I am totally confused. Anyways, my peanut reference was to the "Pirates of the Caribbean", and ......well......yeah!


The person above me comes in steak, chicken and ground beef styles so as to please all!


The person below me realized early on in life that the opposable thumb had one good use.......thumb sucker!!!!! lol

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Being that I am a "Dog" it figures that I have a cute puppy. I don't really mind cleaning up the "rockets".


The person above me has a member picture that looks like the "treats" I leave behind in neighbors yards and I feel good that you share your passion for doggie poo!


The person below me has the ability to shape shift. The only problem is that he always changes into a cat and I chase his ass up a tree every time!

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And half horse, baby. 8)



The poster above me likes some cool stuff. I mean, I don't know what he likes, but I feel it's a reasonable assumption. :mellow:


The poster below me likes big butts and he cannot lie. You other brothers can't deny, when a girl walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung…

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Yesssssss......I am AWESOME! Thanks Zed......................................awwww shucks it is an opposite day!


Anyways, the person above me started this fun thread and should sleep each night knowing he changed the world for the better!


The person below me still believes a "thread" is the stuff he uses to mend his worn socks with!

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Are you saying a thread is something else? :mellow:


The poster above me uses a really fancy font, and I must admit my slight jealousy.


The poster below me will likely use plain font, in a plain color, on a plain day, with plain socks, in the Material Plane in which we plainly reside.

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I still think he let me win. <_<



The poster above me took his name from a suicide-bomber who is regarded as a hero.


The poster below me changes his Sparty's armor and color half as often as I do, which is roughly every six matches.


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That is because a Dog doesn't wear under ware, I let the boys swing free and easy! lol


The person above me is one of my original friends on the site and is always willing to scratch my ears!


The person below me looks like a fire hydrant........and man do I have to go! lol

Are you a human-domesticated companion capable of Telepathy?


That is absolutely marvelous and amazing. I wish I could do that... but I'm only capable of transfering orders and data to a sentinel fourty-three miles away from me... Sad face.

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The monitor above me wants to be a dog

The person below me smells like a grunt.

Neither of the things you said to me were nice.


The Person above me smells like Doritos.


The Person below me loves me for who I am... a Genderless floating ball of awesome!

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