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My feelings on recent events

Durandal v2

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First of i would like to say i have nothing against anyone or are directing this to any certain group of people.


I am by no means a new member. I joined back in September and just sat in the background watching things unfold for the most part but i never passed "green" and because of this is can clearly see part of the problem on these forums.


Some of these have been adressed but i will bring up everything i feel that is holding the community back


- New members being treated like trolls (i have seen people judged by the name they choose before they ever post)

Ex- 343ibot: Welcome to the community Weicsa! :welcome:

Dedicated member: Another troll just joined why dont we get this over with by banning them


-A green member post :halo: in the shoutbox and everyone shouts No spamming, but then dedicated and trusted members will go overboard with the smilies and nobody yells at them.


- A green member shouts hello in the Shoutbox and no one replies. A second later a dedicated member shouts im getting kinda of tired and then he gets 4 or 5 replies right of the bat.


Also i have seen things that almost make me sick like long time members posting a going away message. And then someone would post a status update about bacon and get more replies than the leaving member


I feel bad for the moderators because no matter what they do people will challange it. Believe it or not i can tell there is some sort of inside groups that turn people against each other. Others have hinted at this and i feel like if you do something wrong you get treated like crap forever.


I would also like to point something out to my fellow green members. Rank means absolutely nothing! Do not spam to get trusted you are only ruining your experience on this site.


Trust me when i say this "Its about the journey not the destination" so dont rush to dedicated because when you get there you will find out that its a bitter sweet victory getting dedicated but not earning it.


I could put much more into this but i want to get my thoughts across to the community. Treat everyone equal and do not rush to dedicated. Everyone is the same and should be treated that way no matter what the color of your name is.


I want to give a shout out to the mods and members that have been standing up for the community and whats right.


And for those that have left because of the recent drama all i have to say is please come back to us, the community is not the same without you guys


Avictus out

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Listening to this stuff it would almost seem that you guys think that there is some sort of conspiracy among the older members of the site where they plan to oppress everyone else. That is simply not the case.

I never said that, but some older members act like newer members are not people but problems

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The new members being treated like trolls? I would judge if I saw a new member with the name "you all ****.." well you know. And that's only after they ban evade and come back to troll

As for names like "auwi92mmsda", that is almost always a spambot, almost always. So it isn't properly fair, but is understandable to get a different reaction those names.


Some people do yes go overboard, but that doesn't mean they won't do it to other members of the same rank. I know I would go off at people spamming, no matter who they are. And expect the same treatment if I were to do it for some reason.


When a green member says one thing, it can be not read. Which isn't the best thing to be that member, but other members of all types. Green to staff get ignored. I've seen plenty of instances to disagree with that.


With statuses like that, it's a joke. It is seen as a lighter escape from things around places. And when people leave, some don't know what to say. So won't say anything at all. You can't force or expect someone to say good bye when they don't want to or don't know how or where to begin.



With that being said, I totally agree with this


I would also like to point something out to my fellow green members. Rank means absolutely nothing! Do not spam to get trusted you are only ruining your experience on this site.


Trust me when i say this "Its about the journey not the destination" so don't rush to dedicated because when you get there you will find out that its a bitter sweet victory getting dedicated but not earning it.


I know from my own experience rank means nothing, after realising that when I had posted quicker than I would've wanted to now. And try and give that message to others these days. Sadly it doesn't always work, but it can do.


Hope that didn't come out too harshly or anything, just how I felt on those points.

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First off, I don't see a need to hash this out yet again. But, I will repsond none the less. I'm sorry dude, but what do you expect? Shall we roll out the red carpet and 5 star treatment for the literal 100's of new members we get every day? I'm sorry not everyone drops everything they are doing right away for someone they don't know.


Case in point...do you go to a party and go around to every new person you dont know and initiate a conversation with each and every one? Chances are...no you don't. The internet and our shoutbox is no different. if a new member comes in, it is up to that new member whether or not to engage and become a full member and interact with others. Forcing them to by hounding them with convo can be seen as hostile and intimidate them.


As for you poor ecuse for an example about the ahrsh treatment above there with smilies and what not...again, show the whole convo...not just edited out omitted sections to try and make a point. If someone goes off and spams smilies 3 to 6 times straight without engaging in any convo behind those, that is spamming. Anytime I normally see someone use a smilie, it is directed at someone or follows some kind of convo.


As for equality...I have been throwing that around for a long time. And you know what, it makes me sick to see others just now all of the sudden stand up and act like they are revieling some sort of eye opening experience for our members to be a part of. Where the hell was all this support back when I started out? Yeah you allt alked a good game and liked it, and signed on board...but where did you take it? Oh that's right, half of you now only stand up and cry when an inner circle member gets butt hurt for some of the bull**** they pull. You want a real look at the community, I will give it to you...unbiased and unsided. Don't like it, we have a delete account button for that. As far as I am concerned, all you whiney school kids in the circle can elave and not come back. By the time you delete your accounts, we will have 10 more members to replace you.


I'm so tired of seeing these threads about conspiracies, and circles and all this other over the top crap. Enough is enough. The only problem i see is people rehashing the same old argument and stirring the already choppy waters with their own unique or like minded group mentality. Change doesn't happen by forcing it down peoples throat, and nor does spamming these types of posts on everyone. Change will happen when people get over the last few instances we had. bringing them up daily isn't going to help that, it's going to cause the opposite effect frankly...

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The new members being treated like trolls? I would judge if I saw a new member with the name "you all ****.." well you know. And that's only after they ban evade and come back to troll

As for names like "auwi92mmsda", that is almost always a spambot, almost always. So it isn't properly fair, but is understandable to get a different reaction those names.


Some people do yes go overboard, but that doesn't mean they won't do it to other members of the same rank. I know I would go off at people spamming, no matter who they are. And expect the same treatment if I were to do it for some reason.


When a green member says one thing, it can be not read. Which isn't the best thing to be that member, but other members of all types. Green to staff get ignored. I've seen plenty of instances to disagree with that.


With statuses like that, it's a joke. It is seen as a lighter escape from things around places. And when people leave, some don't know what to say. So won't say anything at all. You can't force or expect someone to say good bye when they don't want to or don't know how or where to begin.



With that being said, I totally agree with this




I know from my own experience rank means nothing, after realising that when I had posted quicker than I would've wanted to now. And try and give that message to others these days. Sadly it doesn't always work, but it can do.


Hope that didn't come out too harshly or anything, just how I felt on those points.



Thank you for your input and i understand where you are comming from.


Everyone has done something bad at one point or another but i just wanted to point out things i have seen happen more times than one


First off, I don't see a need to hash this out yet again. But, I will repsond none the less. I'm sorry dude, but what do you expect? Shall we roll out the red carpet and 5 star treatment for the literal 100's of new members we get every day? I'm sorry not everyone drops everything they are doing right away for someone they don't know.


Case in point...do you go to a party and go around to every new person you dont know and initiate a conversation with each and every one? Chances are...no you don't. The internet and our shoutbox is no different. if a new member comes in, it is up to that new member whether or not to engage and become a full member and interact with others. Forcing them to by hounding them with convo can be seen as hostile and intimidate them.


As for you poor ecuse for an example about the ahrsh treatment above there with smilies and what not...again, show the whole convo...not just edited out omitted sections to try and make a point. If someone goes off and spams smilies 3 to 6 times straight without engaging in any convo behind those, that is spamming. Anytime I normally see someone use a smilie, it is directed at someone or follows some kind of convo.


As for equality...I have been throwing that around for a long time. And you know what, it makes me sick to see others just now all of the sudden stand up and act like they are revieling some sort of eye opening experience for our members to be a part of. Where the hell was all this support back when I started out? Yeah you allt alked a good game and liked it, and signed on board...but where did you take it? Oh that's right, half of you now only stand up and cry when an inner circle member gets butt hurt for some of the bull**** they pull. You want a real look at the community, I will give it to you...unbiased and unsided. Don't like it, we have a delete account button for that. As far as I am concerned, all you whiney school kids in the circle can elave and not come back. By the time you delete your accounts, we will have 10 more members to replace you.


I'm so tired of seeing these threads about conspiracies, and circles and all this other over the top crap. Enough is enough. The only problem i see is people rehashing the same old argument and stirring the already choppy waters with their own unique or like minded group mentality. Change doesn't happen by forcing it down peoples throat, and nor does spamming these types of posts on everyone. Change will happen when people get over the last few instances we had. bringing them up daily isn't going to help that, it's going to cause the opposite effect frankly...


I have done nothing to deserve this kinda lash out against me.

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Twin is more or less correct. This forum contains tens of thousands of members, each of which fit in to the community in their own way, but you can't expect everyone else to know that. The reason dedicated members get a large amount of attention is just because they are very active in the community and have logged lots of time on the site.


The problem with your argument is that you have things backward. People don't get noticed because they are dedicated members, they get noticed because they are active on the site. Normally if you are very active you end becoming Dedicated which is what created the illusion in the first place.


To stand out amongst all of the members you have to put some time in, then people will recognize you because they have seen you around, you'll end up being trusted or dedicated to just because you are active.


TL;DR Logical fallacy, Activity = Getting noticed & Activity = Trusted/ Dedicated (Unless you just don't post)

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As for equality...I have been throwing that around for a long time. And you know what, it makes me sick to see others just now all of the sudden stand up and act like they are revieling some sort of eye opening experience for our members to be a part of. Where the hell was all this support back when I started out? Yeah you allt alked a good game and liked it, and signed on board...but where did you take it? Oh that's right, half of you now only stand up and cry when an inner circle member gets butt hurt for some of the bull**** they pull. You want a real look at the community, I will give it to you...unbiased and unsided. Don't like it, we have a delete account button for that. As far as I am concerned, all you whiney school kids in the circle can elave and not come back. By the time you delete your accounts, we will have 10 more members to replace you.


This is only proving my point

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I kinda see this going on but I have been on here a while I talk to members that were on this or months before me and memebers that just joined. Also plenty of older members give speeches not just comments when welcoming people to the community. This could be looked at both ways.


First off, I don't see a need to hash this out yet again. But, I will repsond none the less. I'm sorry dude, but what do you expect? Shall we roll out the red carpet and 5 star treatment for the literal 100's of new members we get every day? I'm sorry not everyone drops everything they are doing right away for someone they don't know.


Case in point...do you go to a party and go around to every new person you dont know and initiate a conversation with each and every one? Chances are...no you don't. The internet and our shoutbox is no different. if a new member comes in, it is up to that new member whether or not to engage and become a full member and interact with others. Forcing them to by hounding them with convo can be seen as hostile and intimidate them.


As for you poor ecuse for an example about the ahrsh treatment above there with smilies and what not...again, show the whole convo...not just edited out omitted sections to try and make a point. If someone goes off and spams smilies 3 to 6 times straight without engaging in any convo behind those, that is spamming. Anytime I normally see someone use a smilie, it is directed at someone or follows some kind of convo.


As for equality...I have been throwing that around for a long time. And you know what, it makes me sick to see others just now all of the sudden stand up and act like they are revieling some sort of eye opening experience for our members to be a part of. Where the hell was all this support back when I started out? Yeah you allt alked a good game and liked it, and signed on board...but where did you take it? Oh that's right, half of you now only stand up and cry when an inner circle member gets butt hurt for some of the bull**** they pull. You want a real look at the community, I will give it to you...unbiased and unsided. Don't like it, we have a delete account button for that. As far as I am concerned, all you whiney school kids in the circle can elave and not come back. By the time you delete your accounts, we will have 10 more members to replace you.


I'm so tired of seeing these threads about conspiracies, and circles and all this other over the top crap. Enough is enough. The only problem i see is people rehashing the same old argument and stirring the already choppy waters with their own unique or like minded group mentality. Change doesn't happen by forcing it down peoples throat, and nor does spamming these types of posts on everyone. Change will happen when people get over the last few instances we had. bringing them up daily isn't going to help that, it's going to cause the opposite effect frankly...


I agree

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