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DMR And AR Will ALWAYS Be Used The Most.


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Its because of the design of the game. There are no weapons or ammo on the map. Therefore, the only way to reload your weapons is to either die or pick them up from dead people. Since most people use the AR and the DMR, nobody will switch to the other weapons because they will run out of ammo quickly and not be able to reload. You can switch weapons after your main one is used up, but just for the ease of use, most people will stick with the DMR and AR which will cause these weapons to always be the most popular.

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Its because of the design of the game. There are no weapons or ammo on the map. Therefore, the only way to reload your weapons is to either die or pick them up from dead people. Since most people use the AR and the DMR, nobody will switch to the other weapons because they will run out of ammo quickly and not be able to reload. You can switch weapons after your main one is used up, but just for the ease of use, most people will stick with the DMR and AR which will cause these weapons to always be the most popular.


Not true dude people use those weapons because there effective ammo doesnt change anything cuz I could just pick it up if I wanted to use it.

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Not true dude people use those weapons because there effective ammo doesnt change anything cuz I could just pick it up if I wanted to use it.


I already addressed that.


If you use an AR and you have DMR or BR unlocked, just lol


I agree.


why not br? that is all i use


Because you aren't really close to your opponent, the DMR user has an advantage and even then the DMR is still good.

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The DMR does have range superiority compared to the BR, so that's why I keep myself from being put into that situation. Majority of the time though I never find myself living long enough to need more ammo. Although for some reason today I found myself getting a lot of killing sprees and needing more ammo for my BR then I normally do. I've been using the BR more often then not, mainly cause I'm tired of the DMR and for a change of pace. I've also found myself being a lot more accurate with my shots seeing as the BR doesn't have as much Auto-aim as the DMR does.

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There were never a lot of normal gun spawns in older Halos. People ran out of ammo back then too, especially when you got farther away from your kills.


There ARE some differences with Halo 4, specifically you can consistently kill at longer ranges than ever AND 343 wanted you to run out of ammo more often. That's why they made all the clips shallower either by reducing ammo in the clip or by increasing ammo required to kill. 343 wants you reloading and out of ammo a lot because then you'll finally die to someone who is freshly spawned from the last time you killed them, it keeps you from getting longer sprees and forces you to move from your position to retrieve ammo.


In BTB if you're not making a loadout that's designed to run vehicles the Ammo upgrade is absolutely mandatory, especially in maps like Ragnarok and Longbow where you often get pinned fighting from the same spot for an extended period of time.


343 made Halo 4 more nomadic. Players have to move for several reasons (ammo, no strong points in maps, long shield recharge delay), and the more you move the more likely you are to be caught off guard. As I've said many many times, they designed the game so you'd get one kill then die. That's what they wanted and that's the game they made.

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