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Meet The Piston


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Meet The Piston






So what is a piston you may ask?

Well the following is quoted out of gizmodo.com....



The Steam Box (or Steam Boxes, more likely) has been a longtime coming, and today, the Xi3′s Piston is leading the charge. While the details about Piston specifically are few and far between, we got a look at her and boy is she pretty.




The first of what will probably be many, Piston is a unique version of Xi3′s modular X7A PCs and what exactly is in it is anybody’s guess. Xi3 does have a 7 Series PC that’s “somewhat” (their words) aimed at gaming, but to say they were “cagey” about whether or not its specs are anything like the upcoming Steam Box’s would be a massive understatement.




That said, Xi3′s gameriest modular computer boasts a quad-core 64-bit x86-based processor, up to 8GB of DDR3 RAM, an SSD as large as a terabyte, supports up to three displays and resolutions of up to 4096×2160. Then, of course, there’s the PC’s modular aspect; its motherboard is split into three distinct pieces, arranged into a cube to make the whole device small enough to fit in one hand. Each one can be swapped out for a better one as time goes on, to keep up with whatever innovations are coming down the pipe. All that can be yours for $US999.


And while that’s the best guess for what the Piston could be, nothing is certain, and there’s no telling what other kind of Steam Boxes could be bubbling up in the shadows. Valve has made it explicitly clear that this partnership with Xi3 is not not not monogamous, and just because these two are mackin’ right now, it doesn’t mean their love-child will keep Valve from courting some other prospective mates. Even though Piston’s in its infancy — a spokesman at Valve off-handedly commented the model they have on display doesn’t even do anything yet — it’s the pretty little leader of an interesting charge.




Syko's Note: I still have no idea what the hell this thing is, im sure many other people are confused too, but for a price tag of $1000...it better be good.



Comment below with your thought's on this......

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Syko's Note: I still have no idea what the hell this thing is, im sure many other people are confused too, but for a price tag of $1000...it better be good.


:rofl: Valve isn't a whole fan of the not good thing. Looking at this right now I'd say that this thing looks absolutely incredible as far as sheer raw power is involved. Not to mention up to one-terrabyte of SSD which is positively insane.

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Seems to me its like a console/computer aimed for steam games in particular, not other games (so computer stuffs) and if I read right, fits in the palm of my hand? well this sounds like a pocket sized desk top computer almost, or mobile hard drive with 1 TB of memory..... this ladies and gents, can possibly be the coolest thing ever

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I was completely serious i have NOOOOO idea what the hell this thing is, can anyone like hint me as to what the hell it does xD


This is one of the prototypes for Valves Steambox. It will use Linux and Steam as a foundation. Basically looking at the specs this will absolutely blow consoles out of the water. Though a complete spec list would confirm this.

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I was completely serious i have NOOOOO idea what the hell this thing is, can anyone like hint me as to what the hell it does xD

Basically, you attach it to your television and to the internet, and you can then run your steam games on it and play them on your television without having to worry about system specs because it will update itself to match them.


Basically it's like a computer that allows you to play games (new and old) on your TV and you don't have to worry about it being obsolete as fast.

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