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Halo 4 dev laments "missteps", will "do much better next time"


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There were "a tonne" of elements 343 Industries wished had been improved while making Halo 4, Frank O'Connor has said - and he's pledged to "do better next time".

But overall, O'Connor remains proud of what he called "the best" game in the series.

In a retrospective post on the Halo Wayoint blog, he praised how the 343 had filled the "oversized shoes" left by series creator Bungie.

"We altered the engine. We expanded the universe. We innovated in storytelling, technology, and even marketing," O'Connor wrote. "It wasn't flawless by any stretch of the imagination, but by most objective criteria, it was a resounding success.

"So we know we have a lot to do. And we know we have a lot to learn. But we also know that we now have the capacity, the teamwork, the technology and the experience to do much better next time."

343 Industries is currently working on Halo 4 DLC and, beyond that, a next-generation Xbox Halo game.

"There are a tonne of things we wish we'd done better [in Halo 4]," O'Connor continued. "Features that didn't make it into the final game. Glitches that emerged. Missteps made. DLC fiascos. Communication breakdowns.

"But there were things that went astonishingly well - the creation of a genuinely competitive AAA studio chief among them."

The team has stated that Halo 4 is just the first in the franchises' Reclaimer trilogy. 343 Industries is set to see Microsoft's shooter series through games five and six at least.


All credit to Tom Phillips

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  • 3 months later...

a good thing for frank and 343 to do would be to ask the people who have played this game for years through halo combat evolved to halo reach on a pro level and are good at halo games. I know it is hard for them to make the perfect game for everybody but there has been so many issues since they took over halo reach, the join in progress is ridiculous in general putting me and my friends against people who are lagging and using modded controllers because of our stats. the pure lack of being able to have search preferences sometimes makes matchmaking utterly frustrating, 343 PLEASE listen to all of the community not just the latter who never had any higher then a 1.20 k/d before halo 4. Let us help you make this into as treasured as a franchise as it was with Bungie. I still have some faith left that at some point one of my friends or I will be heard which means we are putting our faith and love of halo into you 343.

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