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((Helljumper, Infinity has been abandoned. Read the other posts))


Kjal looked on in anger as the Helicopter managed to fly away. He would have killed them, he was in the position of the upper hand and they slipped through his grasp! He took the Revenant, now damaged into the battlefield.


The Requiem plains were a complete warzone, artillery and anti air rounds from both sides pierced the dwindling sunlight. Pelicans dedicated to spotting enemies with giant torches were being deployed to help the army but the Storm were gaining the upper hand. The UNSC Minutes to Midnight began to pound the battlefield with everything short of a nuclear blast. In Charlie base, Mass drivers were being prepared to hit large targets such as the Scarabs. While the fight continued there, a Promethean assault force teleported in from behind and the Battle for Charlie base was on...

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[Thanks for the catch. Also, "abandoned?" I gotta ask, did you mean that personnel are now groundside? Because to me "abandoned" implies that it's no longer safe aboard that ship and thus ALL crew had to leave. Even on ops, they would leave at least a skeleton crew behind. It might just be me misreading it, but doesn't matter.]

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Bauer used his off time training and honing his marksman skills at the range.

The idea of excepting the offer of entry into the Spartan core going through his head, but he wasn't sure....


Several hours past before he made his decision.....and he sent a message accepting the offer, before he went back to training....

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Charlie Base Command


Anton stood atop the holographic table. "I need all ODSTs, SPARTANs, and marines to report to the war games at Charlie Base Sector 4. You are all being put up against each other in 4 different matches: Slayer, CTF, Dominion and Extraction. I need you there at 07:30." He announced.


((D-38, make sure Cortez is in the War Games. I want to see his interaction with Ty.))

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Ty jogged over to his squad. His fingers bandaged from all the cuts he received Cleaning an entire brigades weapons. He was bringing Lt. Cortez his BR.


"Sir! Here's your BR Sir!" He snapped to attention.


Cortez turned to take the rifle from him.


"This better be in pristine condition, son. they did teach you how to clean a gun in that day care they call an academy right?" Cortez scoffed.


"I should've broken it when I had the chance..." Ty Muttered.


"What was that Private?"


That word felt like a punch to the gut.


"Sir. you'll find your weapon is cleaned, primed and ready for action. Sir."


"Hmm.... maybe your not a complete waste of space after all. Let's hope you can pick up the slack in the war games, cause you're on point."


Ty tensed up. This was all hazing, trying to see if he would break.


"Yes sir."


Ty check the team board. He'd be in a squad with Cortez, Cpl. Monroe, and Pvt. Jenkins.


There was always a Jenkins...

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Delreuse walked over to the viewscreen, the tower overlooked Charlie's main courtyard and further away, the battle for the forerunner structure, dubbed "Charlie 1-5" and Delta base, should it be taken over.

"Anton, are the nonessential troops beginning the sims yet?"


Just as the last word was said, a Binary shot hit a technician, melting glass and disintegrating the body. The battle for Charlie was just beginning.

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"Damn it..." Ty thought to himself "Cortez has everyone convinced I'm a private."


Ty stepped into the arena area. They'd be facing a squad of Marines Dubbed "Snapshot" in Slayer. No respawns.


A robotic voice chimed in. "Beginning match in 3. 2. 1. Match Start."


Cortez Moved behind a rock to his left, They were playing in a simulated forest.


"Move up to that tree kid." Cortez ordered. Ty moved cautiously up to the tree and peered around the corner.


"Eyes on sir. Three, 120 feet ahead, Northwest." Ty reported.


"Where's the fourth?" Cortez asked.


"Sir, Snapshot's team consists of three Assault members and a Sniper. I'd hazard a guess he's on an elevated point."


"All right, Move up, and stay in cover, Monroe and I will cover the rear, take Jenkins with you. Jenkins, you're in charge."


Ty sighed, Putting the private in charge? this was getting down right childish.


"Ok Meat." Jenkins addressed him "Move up."




"Fine what?"


"I'm not calling you sir because some Hot-headed ******** said you're in charge."


"Oh really? Maybe I Should tell the Lt. about that."


"What're you? four? Grow up."


"That's it! I'm ca-"


Before Jenkins could finish his thought, a simulated sniper round crashed into his helmet. His armor locked and he fell over.


"Damn it!" Jenkins yelled. "This is your fault!"


Ty hunkered down behind a rock. He tossed a pebble at Jenkins.


"Shhhh. Dead people can't talk." he joked.


His comm lit up. "MacMillan! Status report!"


"Sir!" Ty responded "Jenkins is down, There's a sniper about half a Klik away from my position. I'm gonna try to take him out."


"Damn it kid! how could you get Jenkins shot?"


"He was in charge remember? his fault, not mine."


"You- He- I was-" Cortez Searched for a reason to yell at him, Reaching none he concluded; "You better take out that damn sniper son."


"I planned to." Ty cut his comm "A--hole."


Ty crept along a formation of rocks toward the sniper's position. He reached a tree and paused to get his bearings.


"all right," Ty thought "He should be around here somewhere..." He heard a pop. Ty ducked down, Narrowly avoiding a bullet as it wizzed over his head, Hitting the tree behind him.


"S---! At least i know where he is now. That hill." Ty got up and moved to a rock to his right, and he looked forward, no cover from here to the sniper...


"Well, this is gonna suck..." With that Ty burst from cover, Bobbing and weaving as the sniper tried to get a bead on him. A round Smashed into his AR, Breaking it. He Dropped the rifle and drew his Pistol, The old ODST Automag Silenced. The same one used by Gunnery Sargent Buck in New Mombassa. He fired at the sniper's position till he got to the base of the hill. He reloaded and quickly scrambled up towards the Sniper.


When he reached the top the Marine had switched to an SMG. he fired a burst at Ty, who dove left and fired back. three shots hit the marine center mass. His armor locked, he was KIA.


"Ah, Damn." The marine lamented. "Nice one."


"you too," Ty responded. "Thanks for shooting that other guy, by the way, he was a real A-- hole."


"Uh, yeah.... no problem."


Ty moved down the hill, he hit his comm to report in.


"This is MacMillan. The sniper is down. what's your status?"


There was no reply. Ty hit a button on the side of his helmet, bringing up the scoreboard.


Cortez and Munroe were KIA. there were 2 Marines left.


Ty stood there for a second, wondering what he should do. Before he could decide, Rounds started to pepper the ground in front of him.


"Damn!" Ty rushed back up the hill and took cover. he turned to the KIA sniper. "Looks like your friends showed up..."


"Yeah, I MAY have radioed for back-up."


"Remind me to hate you later."


"Will do."


Ty fired down the hill. the marines were taking cover near a group of trees about 100 feet from the base of the hill. They exchanged fire for a while, until Ty looked at the mission timer. there was 20 seconds left. If he didn't do something, the Marines would win by default.


He took a deep breath, reloaded. and charged down the hill. He fired at the marine to the left until he ran out of ammo. He stopped to reload.


He felt a sharp pain in his side. he tried to look down and check what was wrong, but he couldn't move.


Ty fell over. he was KIA. The robotic voice cut in.


"Match complete. Final scores, Marines: 4, ODSTs: 3."


Ty sighed as he lay on the ground, the armor lock still active.


"At least I got one..."


"Lot of good that did us!" Cortez yelled.


"Damn it...." Ty groaned. The last thing he need was Cortez complaining.


"Way to lose the game, Private."


Ty had had enough. "Go to hell. I saw the scoreboard, you went down just after Jenkins, Munroe was the only other person with a kill."


"Oh, think you're tough kid? We'll see how tough you are on permanent weapon Maintenance duty!"


Ty's armor finally unlocked. he pulled himself up, and locked eyes with Cortez.


"Consider that order officially disobeyed. I'm going to the mess. When you stop being a baby come talk to me."


Cortez sat there speechless. Ty walked past him toward the exit. The Marines jogged after him.


"Hey that was pretty Ballsy kid. why don't you hang with us at the mess hall, we can swap some stories." The sniper said. "I'm Logan, by the way, Logan Scott."


"Ty MacMillan. and I'm afraid I don't have many stories to share. This is my first assignment."


"No way! the way you fought? No rookie would have the guts to charge an enemy like that."


"Had to do something... better than Losing by default."


Logan thought for a bit. "True. By the way, I know your Lt. Cortez. He used to get pushed around a lot by His CO. now he's basically a bully."


"Yeah, I'm sure he'll try to get me disciplined for making him look like an Idiot."


Ty stretched out his back. At least he'd made a friend.

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"They just finished, Admiral. They will begin CTF in an hour." Anton said to Delreuse. He transfered to the comm.


"Alright soldiers. That was a good match. Be prepared, you guys will be out up against Jacob in the next one: a SPARTAN II. Report to sector 4 in an hours. And nice work out there Ty."


Anton turned back to Delreuse. "War Games must be completed. The two of us will have to handle the attackers."

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Ashley jogged in steady stride for War Games, Sector 4. Officially she wasn't qualified to run any of the tests, but it didn't hurt to observe the games from a safe distance. She had stopped to clean herself up, showering off and donning a fresh set of jet-black fatigues. She watched everything from the interaction between Ty and Cortez to the mess that was the entirety of the simulation.


She shook her head as she watched Jenkins get tagged, which again seemed to fall solely on Ty's behavior but at the same time Jenkins just...


The Lance Corporal let out a sigh as she tried to find the right words for it. It was shameful that a CO would even condone that "cry home to daddy" kind of mentality. Luck had it she'd probably get fitted into his squad too. Suddenly Anton's voice came out over the comm.



"Alright soldiers. That was a good match. Be prepared, you guys will be out up against Jacob in the next one: a SPARTAN II. Report to sector 4 in an hour."


Her brow furrowed. Soldiers versus Spartans? she mused. It might've made from an interesting fight from her perspective had she been in the simulation, but she couldn't find much practicality for running a Spartan through a sim against Marines, or even ODSTs. CTF, on the other hand might test both sides; straining a Spartan's guarding capabilities while testing the Marine squads for their team mentality. She hoped they'd have a strong squad lead...


[Oops. My bad. It's just the way you wrote it made it look like the Admiral was speaking.]

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"Anton, we don't have time for that, there is Prometheans outside. We need every soldier we can get! Once 1-5 is took over, we can bring some reinforcements back but we need every soldier on site to assist in the defense!"

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Soto snapped to, right-facing and bolting back down the hall to the barracks as soon as the call came through. "So much for that," she said to herself as she squeezed in through the hustle of Marines and ODSTs coming and going. She clasped her armor in place, locking tabs and seals down with a series of clicks and snaps before fitting her helmet on, giving it a light smack. She then secured her rifle, yanking back the charging handle to make sure the chamber was clear.


She was totally dry; not a single round was floating around in her pockets. She would have to grab ammunition from the armory with everyone else on the way out after whatever assembly had been called to the barracks.

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