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Halo 4 Forum Role-Play


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Rather than remotely showing an interest in the cockfight that was the War Games session, Ashley remained in the barracks cleaning her BR55. The impromptu use of the weapon was not what she was hoping for on her first assignment with the Infinity task force, Promethians, Flood, a yet-unknown detonation that cost Charlie Base a whole friggin' sector. Screw it all, she thought as she drove her metal brush down the rifle's barrel.

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"Hmm....Anton im not going to attend the next match...im going to take patrol atthe front gate while its still under repairs"

With that Bauer stood up and left for the front gate.


When he got outside he put his helmet back on and jogged to the gate.

The damage was still visible and their seemed to be only 4 Marines guarding the front gate.


Bauer turned to the first soldier near him

"Soldier, where the hell is the rest of the defence team?"


The soldier saluted and replied "Uhm , we're it sir"

"What the hell is Anton thinking..."


Bauer got on the comm "Alrite i need atleast 4 more marines at the front gate ASAP, id rather have this thing under constant guard while it's being repaired"

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"Deathstrike" Murphy, Requiem surface.

Time unknown.


Murphy awoke to find himself lying on the floor. He had no idea what happened or how long he was out.

He readied his gear and stood up.


"Any UNSC forces respond and give me an update, over. Damn, no contact, I guess I'm on my own again."


He began to walk away from...whever he was. It was over a good hour of walking before he came across anything that wasn't rocks.

It was a lone scorpion tank, sitting quietly out of action beside a large boulder.

He walked towards it and inspected it. It was almost pristine. No hull damage, all treads intact, turret fully functional, full ammo and full fuel.


"Man, I bet some jockey got his *** handed to him for abandoning this!"


He paused at the thought. That "jockey" might not have even made it back to base.

He made his way to the hatch and noticed it was still sealed.

He ripped it off and jumped back.

The infected half human monster lunged at him. It was only brought down when the chest was ripped to shreds by bullets.


"What the **** was that?! There better be someone alive or I swear I'm nuking this rock."


He made his way into the tank and removed anything "infected".

Sitting behind the controls of a Scorpion, he became slightly nostalgic.

All those books he read and all those shows he watched as a kid on tank warfare.

Now he was sitting in a metal beast.


"Ha! The radio still works, lets get some proper driving music!"


The tank rumbled off, leaving a trail in its wake...

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"None taken, you realise i was one of you guys only last year" Bauer mentioned to Ty

the two walked out the front gate and stood at the edge of the base

"Obviously i chose to become a Spartan, and i fully knew what id have to go through, and that i may have died, but....i didn't and here i am"

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"Well, given the offer, I'm not sure if I'd accept..." Ty thought. "I was nervous enough finding out they were expediting my graduation to reinforce the Infinity. Now I'm up against Covenant, Prometheans, Flood. S---, in the academy they were telling me the average Life expectancy of an ODST was 3 minutes after the pod door opens. well, it's been a few day's since my first drop, guess it's just a waiting game now.... You ever think about stuff like that? Like, when you're gonna die, and how?"


Ty took a drag from his cigar. Quiet moments were a luxury around here, and he was glad to have one.

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((Alright guys. We had a good run. But I think the Role-Play is dying/dead.))




"Acknowledged, Jacob. Sending a group of Marine Snipers to help you out." Anton replied.


Anton missed the Infinity. Exploring its systems was one of his favorite things to do. And he felt SAFE. Operating all of the shields and defense systems and weapons felt great. The lives that were lost couldn't be given back, but the Infinity could be TAKEN back. That was it. The survivors (400-550) of Infinity would take it back with full force. But they couldn't do it by boarding. They would need the Minutes to Midnight. Once they EMPd the Infinity the could board it, take it over and power it up again.

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((I think there would be more survivors of a crew of 17,000. And add in Charlie bases permanent forces, I say about 7-8000.))


"Anton, how are the forces at the structure doing?" I need a sitrep because three days, we need the Midnight to support them, do you think?"

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