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Ty took another long drag from his cigar.


"No one doubts that the spartans are human... some doubt they are as human as normal people. I guess that's just due to the stigma formed from the S-II's."


He checked his pistol's mag. He knew it was full, but no one died from being careful.


"Do you remember when you made the decision to join the UNSC?"

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Ty scrambled onto his feet before Cortez could get another hit in.


"You want to get court martialed Cortez? Keep it up."


Ty thought about fighting back, but realized it would hurt his case. if he continued though, Ty would have to defend himself, And the way Cortez was acting, the pistol in his side holster felt like it was burning into his leg. Was he willing to risk shooting his C.O.? If This continued, he'd find out.

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((Syko's character was standing right there.....))


Ty reacted first. He drew his pistol and fired a shot directly through Cortez's knee cap. He lurched forward and grabbed Cortez and held him between him and the other ODST's.

His mind was racing. he didn't feel like himself, he felt... Stronger.


"Alright... here's how this is going to work; You're gonna put those BR's down," He pressed the pistol to Cortez's temple. "And the good commander here gets to keep his brain. then you're gonna take him to med bay and tell them it was a training accident, and don't get cute. My comm's recorder was on as soon as he hit me. You try anything. and this goes to the Admiral."

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[it's called fanon--when someone creates something that isn't in the lore and suddenly treats it as such. Apparently Cortez just pulled out an anti-everything bubble that isolated him, two evil-doing ODSTs and Ty in the same place. I'm not sure what HaloGeek was goinf for with this, but I personally think it could be done some other way. My two cents for right now.]


Soto lounged in the barracks piecing her BR55 back together. There was nothing like a good clean rifle to brighten her day.

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((Alright. Sounds great. And don't worry about the post I just made in the Discussion thread.))


"Guards. In there, now!" Anton yelled. Then two promethium-cyborg marines rushed in. One grabbed Cortez and one grabbed Ty, both slamming them to the ground and restraining them. "You'll pay for this, Admiral!" Cortez screamed.




((I'm really sorry about the confusion. It is just that Ty is an interesting characters to me and I wanted to see how he reacts to murder with no witnesses.))

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(( while i appreciate the Interest in my character, He wouldn't have actually killed Cortez. He's uncomfortable killing another human. he was bluffing, LOL.))


"Uh.... what the crap is this thing? Are these the cyborgs Bauer mentioned?"


Ty stopped himself


"Right, not important... I'm in trouble aren't I?"

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