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"Yeah," Ty said as he was hoisted to his feet. "That's a brilliant idea. Put the guy who tried to kill me in the same closed, un-monitered space. alone. I thought A.I.'s were supposed to be smart."


Ty didn't care anymore. If he was going to die, he was gonna have some fun on the way out.


"You hear that Cortez? we get to be room-mates! We can gossip and tell scary stories till the wee hours. Then we can just kill each other."

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"Sir, we have word from 1-5, Delta base has been captured, we are in full control of this valley and are ready to set the Midnight down." Reported a comms officer. "And it seems they had help from our new friends too!"


"Good, get the Midnight into the cover of the mountains and set her down, we can use her cannons for cover while we board troops for a plan."he replied."Anton, do you have any links aboard infinity, or anything we can use to scan the ship at all? I have a plan to retake our Flagship and get back to FLEETCOM with our findings."

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(well obviously i wasnt here when all this happened so it looks like Bauer was just standing there)

Bauer stepped over and stopped one of the cyborgs holding Ty....


"You will put him in a seperate room, otherwise you may be facing the death of one of these two by the other....Get my drift?"

Bauer let go of the cyborg and stood back

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"I'm smarter than all of you combined. There is a reason I'm putting you together. So you can test out our new energy weapons in the cell at the TARGETS. Not each other. Solitary confinement is also a shooting range." Anton said to Ty as he showed them the holographic specs for the cell.


"And Delreuse. We had one engineer who hid and never evacuated. He has a signal... 15 klicks from where the Midnight was in space. But also the signals are 99.99 percent covenant. We need... a huge task force to take back Infinity. And even then we need to hold it. Several other cruisers surround Infinity. We might need the entire fleet..."

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"This is the Captain of the UNSC Minutes to Midnight landing at the specified coordinates to unload cargo." Came a voice through the speakers as a huge rumbling sound and shadow was cast over a base the size of a small city. Then followed by the mile long Heavy-Destroyer that was the Midnight. It flew in over the plains, unloading landing gear on the bottom of the ship, something unheard of in any other design.

"Alright ladies... And Ty, listen up. We have recently captured Delta base and you have hopefully noticed the Midnight in our vision. I want all nonessential personnel to report to the central courtyard at 08:00 tomorrow morning sharp. No excuses. Admiral out."


James began to study the reports coming in and out of the base and wondered, just for a second, if Anton was growing a little rampant. The thought crossed out of his mind, forgotten in the traffic of business he had to tend to.

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((Oh and one thing, **** just got real. (Taking back Infinity).))


Anton started breathing heavily. Then he started shaking. "I'm not rampant... I'm just a little... INSANE!!!" Anton sliced open a wall with some cutting lasers and spun around in circles. The cutting laser went through an engineer. "AGHYH(*#Uyjet,rjgkmtrg,kjelrtgrkfhre! ***** AT A GAME OF CHESS!" He screamed.

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"Heh. cute. excellent due process by the way. Already condemned both of us. Thought in your 'infinite wisdom' you'd think of trying to figure out what actually happened. Guess i can't expect much from a machine though."


Ty had no idea why he was egging Anton on, but it was all but decided he wasn't going to live out the day, mostly by Anton.


"Bye Anton! hope you enjoy being a terminator!" and with that the cyborgs started to drag him off.



((this has actually turned out rather enjoyable. I like making Ty act like a jerk. lol.))

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It was a huge sign of relief for Murphy when friendly forces were finally seen through the armoured hull.

The now battered scorpion tank rolled up into Charlie base and came to a halt.

The hatch popped open and Murphy appeared to the crowd of confused marines and troopers.


"You should have seen the look on those freaks faces!"

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"Pull his chip!" Ordered the Officer as he saw the bases Mass Driver cannons being turned towards the central reactor. He ran towards the holo table and removed the AIs chip, the projection cut off and appeared on the smaller hologram.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" He screamed at the clearly Rampant construct, which was slowly turning red from its usual blue.

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The Cyborg holding Ty's arm collapsed into pieces. Cortez's how ever didn't collapse, it just locked into place.


"Does that mean i don't have to be shot? Please? I have a recording showing that it was IN FACT all Cortez's fault." Ty turned to Cortez. "Isn't that right Bubby?" he teased.

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"Bauer stepped forward and ripped the Cyborg holding cortez apart, and grabbed Cortez out and held him up"

"Im going to let you run along and get that leg sorted out, we need everyone on station at this time....if i even start to THINK your planning on hurting or killing another soldier...im going to hurt you...BADLY......Do we understand each other?"


Cortez nodded slightly and Bauer dropped him and started moving towards the base..

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