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Halo 4 Forum Role-Play


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[Not trying to toss your salad or anything, HaloGeek, it's just things happened in the few pages back there that seemed really out of the ordinary. I just like bringing it to attention before such deviation gets out of hand. I've been RPing for a long time now and I've seen some crazytalk happen. I've seen people get Spartan augmentations through "pills that were slipped into their drink," I've seen regular humans outmatching Spartans because they had, and I quote, "nano suits that were resistant to bullets and plasma." It gets hard to keep track of.]


Somewhere in the far corners of the armory, Ashley was in talks with a rather well-unrested quarter master.


"What do you mean it's been here for the last week? I've only been here for three days!" she shouted, up in arms.


The Private First Class shrugged. "Your requisition got intercepted mid-transfer. So if anyone was behind schedule, it was you."


"Well no ****..." She put her hands on her hips. "Alright, let's see it."


The quarter master cracked open a rifle case, turning it about to display the contents. Inside was a fully modified, fully equipped M395, the sight of which left a grizzly smirk on Ashley's face as she reached for it. It weighed about as much as any other rifle, save for its greater topheavyness, the result of a high-end scope designed by Misriah. It had a greater magnification and smart-linked VISR-compatible system that allowed for enhanced threat detection. It may not have had the same kick as an SRS, but then again, on certain operations, it didn't scream as much "overkill" as the echo of a .50 caliber sabot round.


"Thanks, chief," she said, hiding her glee as she hefted the rifle in her arms and turned away for the courtyard.

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Bauer walked off after dealing with the situation.

He turned into the Firing range and detached his Customised DMR...

His gaze fell upon it.....

It used a slightly longer barrel then most DMR's and had a higher magnification on the scope....


He stood up the the range and aimed down the site's at the targets and fired....


12/12 targets...all hit..all kill shots


Bauer lowered his DMR and placed it on the table next to him and stood for a moment looking down range.

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Ty walked into his bunk room.


He left the situation with Anton to the professionals. Not much an ODST can do for an infected A.I.


His situation with Cortez was hanging on his mind.


Cortez didn't just hate him, He wanted him dead.


"Hopefully he'll get what's coming to him, and that'll be the last i hear of it." He said to himself. then he sighed. "Yeah, and maybe The covenant will just leave, and open a flower shop somewhere."


He flopped down on his bunk, and lit his last cigar. He'd need to buy more.


"Well. At least I'm not gonna die today... As far as i know..." He thought. "Great outlook on life. 'Oh great! im still alive!' What a pathetic existence."

"Eh, might as well do something." He pulled himself up and walked of to the practice range.

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Bauer decided to test something.....

He walked over and took out 12 Combat knives from the armourer....


Bauer walked back to the range and took the first knife in hand...he focused slightly and threw it.....

It impacted the first target and cracked the headboard in two....


"Why the hell do we have Wooden targets here" Sighed Bauer


He started throwing more of the knives, each impacting the targets, cracking them slightly.....

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Bauer looked over at Ty.... Then threw the next knife towards Ty, pinning the sleeve of his shirt to the wall, then proceeded to run up, disarm him and hold the magnum at Ty's Chest....


"Thats the use of throwing a knife..to disabable the opponent if they a have a ranged weapon...and you dont..."


Bauer took the knife out of Ty's Sleeve and handed him the Magnum back...

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Ashley emerged at the range's gate, DMR resting on her shoulder. She adjusted her ballistic goggles then snapped her fingers next to her ear plugs to ensure that safety was in check. Satisfied, she slapped a fresh magazine of 7.62x39 Steel Core, popped the safety off and leveled her sights on the cutout targets.


Her first shots were way off, barely hitting in the six mark on the targets. This was a new rifle, so a calibration run was to be expected. After adjusting the sight, she tried again. This time the shot was deeper in the center mass, though off-center a few inches down and to the left. She tried again, and by the third adjustment on her scope, it was hitting dead center from her shoulder.


"Hot damn," she said to herself with a smile, popping out the magazine before yanking back the action to clear her chamber.

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"Deathstrike" Murphy, Charlie base's motor pool



"Alright girls, while we're waiting for the bossman to come down here, I've got a little project for you."


The assembled team of mechanincs listened closely as a detailed tank design was passed around for every one of them.

There was a look of joy on some of their faces, while the rest had the usual "more work" look.


"Now since the UNSC is oh so good at giving us what we need, we're going to have to machine all the parts here. Don't worry about the hulls, suspension or armour, I'll get it for us."


Some of the crowd scoffed at the word us, which typically mean't "them".

The look turned to wonder as Murphy began to start welding parts away from his damaged scorpion tank.


"Does the UNSC pay you to just stand around?"


The mechanics quickly set to work on the new project.

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((Helljumper but I like my salad tossed. Anyway I understand. I thought it was a little crazy too. Sorry...))


"Having me this close to the system is dangerous move with the promethium in me. You might want to act now..." Anton laughed as he began to slowly but surely point the mass drivers at the power core. Then the engineer plucked a glowing piece of metal out of his chip, and Anton became blue again. He looked over to the core and pulled the mass drivers away. "Get some carpenters to fix these walls and you, plug me into the system." Anton ordered. The officer did so, and the A.I. popped up on the holographic table. "Very good." He said.


"Alright ladies and other soldiers, I'm not infected anymore. No need to fear me." Anton announced on the local channel.

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Ty just shook for a while before he composed himself.


"Why is everyone pointing guns at me today? was it something I said?" He joked.


Ty walked over to the Quartermaster to retrieve an AR and rounds for his Pistol.


He walked up to the shooting lane, pulled up an Elite target, and fired his AR in bursts until it was empty. He hit the switch to pull his target closer.




Only 6 hits out of 32 rounds. Hardly professional. He put down the AR and drew his Automag.


He moved the target back, brought up a new target and fired his pistol until it was empty.


Ty knew what the result was, but he still wanted to see it.


10/10. one center mass, the rest forming a crude smiley face on the target.


"Heh heh. hey! Bauer! look what I did."

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Bauer turned to Ty...

"Nice job, but every marine needs to be able to fire the AR accurately"


Bauer stood up and retrieved the AR, slipping in a new Clip....


"Watch what i do...Place the butt in the nook of your shoulder, there is no sight, but try to keep it trained centre mass of the target...adjust for distance and let loose in short bursts"


Bauer fired the AR and landed 32 hits out of 32.....


He then placed the AR back on the table and cleared the chamber...


"like that"

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"That could work heh" Laughed Bauer

Bauer took hold of the storm rifle and pressed it to his shoulder....

"just watch what i do"

He lifted the Rifle up and took aim, firing in slightly larger bursts but keeping just as accurate...

When the entire Clip was empty he set the Storm Rifle down and picked up the suppressor, and placed in a fresh clip..

He kept the Suppressor low and just a little down on his right shoulder when he let loose in short bursts, disintegrating the wooden target...

Bauer Set down the suppressor and turned to Ty...


"Your turn Soldier"

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Ty picked up the suppressor.


"Uh... where's the trigger on this thing? Oh wait, here it is...."


He shouldered the rifle and fired until the gun was empty.


The target showed a single mark.


"Uh... I got one.... maybe Long rifles aren't my thing, I'm good with a pistol. But any other gun I'm just bad with... that's why i use a shotgun. Always was decent with a SAW though..." Ty trailed off to mumbling.


He reloaded his AR and pointed downrange. Then he stopped.


"Wait a minute..." Ty picked up one of the knives Bauer had used and started working. after a few minutes, he had managed to whittle the front of the AR to have a small point.


"Lets try this."


He aimed the AR and fired.


28/32 hits


"Why wouldn't they just make Iron sights for these?"

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"I believe it's because the gun is very balanced, and rather accurate without them....just requires careful handling"

"Sorry bout pinning you to the wall before....just had to prove a point"

Bauer grabbed his helmet and slid it over his head and sat down on the bench...


"I wanna see you go through the obstacle course"

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"You sure?"

Bauer Laughed as he stood up and walked to the Obstacle course....


Ok well, lets see who has the fastest time....


Bauer stood his ground and yelled out for someone to start the timer.....


"3......2.......1.......GO!!!!" shouted the soldier timing


Bauer shot off into the obstacle course......fully armoured, thumping along the ground like a moving tank....

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"I just did go first.....Average time for acceptable completion is 8 minutes.....Marine's Best Record is 6 Min 36 seconds..ODST's Best Record is 6 Min 2 Seconds .... My Record.....4 Mins 12 Seconds " Laughed Bauer.....


"And that was fully armoured mind you" Said Bauer Slipping his Recon Helmet off and resting it on the seat

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