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Anton wanted to explain to the Admiral what had happened to him. He didn't mean to. It was just that elite that crushed him. Once that was over and done with, he would tell him the plan to take back Infinity.





"Alright, Ty. 3...2....1... GO!" It was Cortez who was counting.

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"Wait, what?"


Before Ty knew it he was sprinting down a long hallway, dodging simulated plasma bolts and firing his pistol.


He vaulted over a low wall and started up a stair case.


A Jackal target popped directly in front of him. He opted for a sharp kick to the skull and moved on.


He pulled himself over a large fence and crouched behind a sandbag wall for a second to catch his breath.


"a minute and 20 seconds."he huffed. "Gotta pick it up."

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Bauer's armour obviously stopped the knife...but not the attacker...


Bauer instinctivly grabbed Cortez' arm and broke it.......then he slammed Cortez into the floor..pinning him...


"Marines!! Take Cortez to Med Bay, get him fixed up and send him to the brig.....and....under article 24A sub section J UNSC Military protocol, im stripping Cortez of his rank...and promoting Ty to Squad Leader until either a replacement is found, or he is deemed worthy to continue this role"

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"Hey Cortez! how's your leg?" Ty laughed.


He leaped over the sandbags and started sprinting toward the next area.


A simulated grenade went off behind him, launching him forward. Ty managed to shift and roll onto his feet and keep moving.


"Three minutes..." Ty thought "Pick it up Ty."


He entered the final room. A simulated Hunter.


"Oh crap..." Ty said. At 5 foot 6, Ty was far from imposing. next to the Hunter, he was practically a toy.


The Hunter swung its shield down at him. he rolled left and tried to pick a spot to focus on. he couldn't get behind it.


Ty dodged swing after swing. He wished he had brought a shotgun. he might have been able to blow off some armor.


The Hunter swung horizontally, Hitting Ty in the chest. Ty flew back and slammed into the wall. He pulled himself up and charged back at the hunter. It swung down at him, missed and lodged its shield in the ground. Ty climbed up its arm and stabbed the gun barrel directly into the Hunters "face" and started pulling the trigger until the hunter fell.


A robotic voice chimed in. "Course complete. Final time: 5:28. a new ODST record."


Ty walked out to the control room to see Cortez being escorted out by some marines.


"What happened here?

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Murphy looked up at the commotion going by.


"Would someone like to explain why an ODST just got dragged off screaming in pain, or is it just a ritual around here? Anton?"


He wiped the motor oil from the visor and went back to welding. The mechanics did the same.


"Heh, I'd like to see them take this!"

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"Go in there." Anton said. The soldier went to Murphy and awaited his orders.

"I called the admiral to come in. Just wait." He said again.








Charlie Base Command

3 hours after Cortez incident



"Alright everyone. Lights out! We have a huge crew/soldier meeting tomorrow and we want everyone to be awake and steady. Report to your quarters." Anton said over the comm.

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Ty lay in his bunk, reading Psyche reports of his squad members. If he was going to be a squad leader, he'd need to be prepared.


"Pvt. Jenkins... Insecurity issues... afraid of needles. Sounds like a real winner to me...."


Ty opened the next folder.


"Cpl. Munroe... Mild PTSD... no known phobias... Not very talkative. Eh... at least he might be fine to work with."


Ty reached for the next folder. he'd be getting a new squad member to replace Cortez... or him, considering he took Cortez's spot.


"PFC. Scott. Hm?"


It was the Marine sniper he had faced in the war games.


"Recommended for transfer to ODSTs. Accepted. Intergrating into 3rd Brigade. Requested to replace Sgt. MacMillan by Lt. Cortez. Of course he was trying to get rid of me..."


Ty read the psyche report.


"No known phobias, No mental issues, no living relatives, Top marks in acadamy. Friendly and personable. At least i'm guaranteed one of my squad members won't hate me."


Ty put the folders in the drawer under his bunk.


"Full day tomorrow. better be well rested."


Despite that, sleep didn't come easily.

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Jenkins busted into Ty's room, grabbed him, and slammed him against the wall. Munroe was with him. "You think your so tough new Squad Leader? Well we will be getting rid of you. Time to test your experience in hand-to-hand combat." Jenkins laughed. Then he threw a punch and it made contact with Ty's balls. "Heh Heh." Munroe said as they approached him.

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Charlie Base courtyard. 7:58 AM.

The Admiral climbed on the Scorpion. The mic over his mouth would broadcast the speech to everyone in the base, weather assembled of not. He saw Murphy making his way to the assembly area, he began to walk toward him, Jacob staying behind him to 'Discourage' any as sanitation attempts. No, he needed the assault force strong and with morale. An assassination would be the last thing he needed.

"Murphy, I believe there was something you wanted to talk about last night?" He asked."Adter the business with Cortez, I've had a lot of work, trying to calm him down." He continued.

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"It's no rumor anymore Admiral, everyone knows we're prepping for something. While I was out in the field, I came across large armour colums. Wraiths, Scarabs, Spectres even Super scarabs. The covies are prepping too and we're not ready."


He looked across at the mechanics who were working on something bigger then a Scorpion.


"Look, Warthogs can easily out-class their couterparts, but the Scorpion is out matched against the other heavys. So I present to you this."


He guided the Admiral toward the tank and gestured him to inspect it.


"130mm cannon, 3 7.62mm Machine guns, dual rail cannons mounted on the turrets side, 20cm of Heavy grade-A Titanium sloped abd thermal resistant ,2 3000HP engines, Extra wide treads and even some cup holders. But this is just one machine. We need lots."


Murphy now stared directly into the Admiral's eyes.


"Sir, I need access to every resource this base has to make enough of these things in time. It will mean losing all of our scopions, but trust me, These machines can take on scarabs and I'll be damned sure even a super scarab will think twice about taking one on."

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