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James looked over the Tank. He doubted it could take on a Scarab but he knew it would easily take out entire columns of Wraiths, Ghosts, Spectres. Hell, even a Shadow could be brought down by this!

"So what is it called? Bear in mind we already have Grizzlies so don't use that." He said with a smirk."come to the briefing, this an announcement to our entire garrison. And my plan won't be able to have tanks... Yet." He replied before strolling back to the Scorpion, now turned stage. He waited until the 08 AM mark before beginning.

"Charlie base garrison, today, we make our stand! We make our first steps into taking back our home and lives, we begin the reclamation and take our assault to the Covenant!" He waited for the cheering and clapping to die down before continuing; "The Midnight, now landed in the canyon, is our ticket back into the skies! I am talking about retaking the Infinity!" Another round of applause. This time with more booing.

"I know some of you disagree with my command, and my descisions to trust certain... Individuals but I assure you, ladies and gentlemen if the UNSC Infinity, and Charlie Base, we begin our First Strike!" He motioned to Anton to begin the holoprojection. It showed the canyon and plains between Bases Charlie and Delta, with the ship in the middle. "In times associated to each Platoon, we board the Midnight. She will then transport us up to Infinity, fully capable of taking the fire and covering as we dock next to our ship and flush out the Covenant! We will move to secure the Reactors, Engines, Hangars and Bridge. We will then secure the rest of the ship when we have the important points. The other five Frigates the survived are in hiding near Alpha and Beta and will assist us by providing fire and infantry support against the remaining CCS battle cruisers. Once we have Infinity back, we will begin to root out the Squidnecks near the entrance to Requiem, ready for additional UNSC reinforcements!"

He began to climb off the tank, as various squads began to disperse, and wondered of this plan could really work?

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"Well considering the tight spaces aboard the ship, they won't be very useful and I don't want those Railguns hitting anything important. Once we have Infinity back, producing new Emporers will be our top priority. I will send the blueprints to the Vehicle Depots with orders to mass produce but we won't have many. If you ask nicely, Anton may be able to program one in the War Gamrs sims, if you want to test it against some armour. I'm sure he, and I, are both very interested in its performance." Was the response.

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"This battle is going to be fought on the ground as well. If Anton can program it into the war games, then let the troops get expierence with it. I was planning on taking this thing for a field test tomorrow."


He sat down on a nearby ammo crate and leaned back.


"You should come with us, it'll be fun. Nothing to start your day like watching covies vaporise. I just need some rest before tomorrow, I can't remember the last time I slept."


He leaned further back into the crates and began to mumble something. It was soon obvious he had fallen asleep.

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Bauer walked into the Barracks shortly after Jenkins and Munroe began their assault on Ty....

Bauer grabbed Jenkins and threw him to the other side of the barracks and Ty knocked Munroe out fairly quickly...

Bauer helped Ty up and was visable enraged at Jenkins and Munroe.....


"This is Bauer, Jenkins and Munroe are goign to be sent to the brig, awaiting court martial for striking their squad leader"


"Ty, im allowing you to choose the replacements for your squad......dont pick anymore a**holes"

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"I don't really see how a battle for Infinity will be fought on the ground, she is still in the air, when we assault Vadams supercarrier, the Emperor will be a valuable asset but-" he turned round to see the trooper asleep.

"We have a barracks for that..." He muttered under his breath.

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Ashley arrived at the barracks, parting the automatic door just in time to see a trooper being thrown across the room, impacting the wall back first. She kept her hand over her holstered M6C, but didn't draw it, instead raising her brows as she recognized Bauer assisting Ty to his feet. She glanced around the room as she warily stepped inside, observing other potential threats.


After the Spartan IV relayed his assessment, she finally eased her hand away, flexing her fingers. "So about temper control," she said, shifting her weight with arms folded. "With the way you guys hand out NJPs and court-martials I'm afraid to so much as steal a pack of chewing gum."

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War Games Coordination


"Alright everyone. Is it set up?" Anton asked the programming team. "Yes sir. We have everything coded and ready for use." The Lead programmer replied. "Very good." Anton said.


He switched to Base Comm. "Alright everyone. We need all of you to report to Sector 4. I have set up a huge Big Team War Game to practice plans for taking back Infinity. Keep in mind, we can only do a ground simulation as the Covenant is on the planet guarding Midnight. Have your friends and squadmates be there too."

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(( HaloGeek, you need to calm down with that.... I'm all for conflict, but not everyone is a psychopath. And Cortez was the only character I had cleared for all to use. I'll roll with the punches for now, but bear in mind to keep that to a minimum in the future. It makes it hard to figure out future plot points.))


"Why is everyone out to get me?" Ty huffed.


He turned to Ashley.


"I wonder where you got that Idea. If your up for it, I'll be glad to take you. If you've got a friend who's looking for a squad you're welcome to invite them, I'm a little short on friends right now."


((Helljumper if you'd like to make the fourth squad member for you to control feel free. just let me know so i can start brainstorming a new character if i need to.))

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[sure thing. I've got a whole mental roster.]


Soto cocked her head and shrugged. "I haven't been in a permanent fireteam, let alone squad since I got here, so if you're offering. And now that you mention it," she continued, scratching the back of her neck, "I might have someone in mind; Corporal Fuchs, he's an Oh-Three-Eleven (Rifleman)."

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Jacob arrived at sector 4. He saw marines starting to fight. He grabbed both by the arms.


"Alright, no need to fight each other. What's this all over in the first place?" Jacob demanded.


"He took my favorite rifle..."


"Stop! A rifle is a rifle, just grab a different one. And if I catch anymore fights ill have to recommend court marshall for both of you." Jacob interrupted. He let the marines go and prepared for the orders to enter.

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[Jesus Cristo. You guys hand out court martials like candy lol.]


Soto bit the inside of her mouth as she contemplated the monniker. "So...Hazard Squad, First Fireteam, Third unit?" As she was familiar with callsigns, typically the company callsign would be stated first, then the first number would indicate which platoon, then the second number would indicate squad designation. Infinity's ODSTs must've had a different method, one she would eventually learn. It was likely due to the fact that they were in the presence among higher tier special forces, thus working in smaller, more manageable groups than full platoons.


"Works for me," she said with a shrug. "If all else fails, you can call me 'Grim' on comms. The boys seemed to like it."

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The Midnight was a hub of activity- Mantis walkers being fitted with ammo and various vehicles driving around the hangar. Every 20 minutes, more platoons were being loaded into the hangar, every nonessential UNSC asset would be needed on this retake operation; even engineers were being fitted for armour and plasma rifles. Ammunition was becoming scarce without Infinitys help so the various outfits were becoming familiar with Plasma and Hardlight weapons. Bullets were still common but becoming increasingly rarer. A voice over the Ship wide comm system counted down until mission start.

"-6 hours until Midnight launch." An ironic joke, as the Midnight would launch at midnight.

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Anton announced a little irritated on the loudspeaker. "I SAID report to Sector 4 for battle plan Infinity Assault! Non of you actually know the plan. That's why all of you need to come to Sector 4 for the War Games. I may be an A.I., but I'm a Senior Officer. The Admiral's second in command. SO before I need to get him, REPORT TO SECTOR 4!"

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"Guess play time is over..."


Ty picked up his helmet, put it on and hit his comm button.


"Logan? are you on this frequency yet? Good. meet up with me at sector 4 for the briefing. See ya then."


Ty turned to Ashley.


"It actually stands for Hazard squad, 1st team, 3rd member. They re-worked the ranks for smaller squads."


Ty motioned to the door and headed off to sector 4.

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Ty saw Logan leaning against a supply crate in sector 4.


"PFC. Scott! front and center!" Ty barked.


Logan snapped to attention in front of Ty.


"Jeez. thought you'd realize i was joking... At ease man...."


Logan relaxed a bit.


"Yeah, I'm still adjusting to the way ODSTs run things. It's a hell of a lot different from the Marines. Somehow it's more relaxed, yet more strict."


Ty scratched his head. "Yeah, it can be like that. They run things tight, but you have a bit more operational freedom."


"Works for me. I'm not gonna complain if they want to loosen the leash a bit."


"So, uh... were you briefed on the squad?"


"Uh, no. They hadn't briefed me yet. We're working with those guys from your old C.O.'s squad right?"


"Uh.... funny story about that... They were, uh... arrested. New squad is Me, you, Ashley Soto, and one of her friends. Your radio Call-sign is going to be Hazard 1-2."


"Hm.... Well, works for me. Any idea what our posting will be?"


"No clue, hopefully not too dangerous, but not to lax either."




Ty leaned against the crate with Logan and lit the remaining half of his cigar. There had to be a requisitions post where he could get more.

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