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Ashley stood up, leaving Ty with Fuchs for the time being as she folloewd Bauer. "I don't know," she admitted. "Suddenly I'm acting team leader. Our only objective that I knew of was to take the armory and now here we are on the bridge."


She shrugged. "I guess I could go out there in the vacuum with you, or stay here and act as bridge defense. S*** I don't know. This is all kinds of f***ed up."

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"Things didnt go as planned i must admit.... All i know is that we needed to take the Armoury, The Bridge and the Engine Room. Repair the Auto turrets and get this ship locked down and under our control. So you could come with me, or you can take over the Engine Room, your choice Soto"


Bauer leaned down on a console staring at the belly of the ship and slipped a bullet from finger to finger.


"But im not sure what we can do with Ty, he isn't in good shape"

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"I know," she concurred, glancing back at the possibly unconscious trooper. Better to let him rest either way. "We don't have enough people to secure the engine room and hold the bridge at the same time. F*** we're better off just garrisoning this bridge for now."


[screw your rules, moderators. You're worse than the Bioware fans who can't understand artistic integrity.]

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Infinity Bridge


Anton couldn't take this at all. What a crazy day this was. Ty almost died. A Lance Corporal taking command. New elites. Now losing the WAR completely wormed it's way into Anton's computer-mind of Infinite-Memory. The way the Prometheans and Covenant were acting was just insane.


"Bauer." He said in a quiet tone. "Those heat signatures... aren't Covies or Prometheans. They are... flood. The Covenant brought some aboard to study. Then some idiot from our army released them, and are eating anything in their path."

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Bauer stopped in his tracks when he heard...flood

"Did you say...... Everyone back to the bridge NOW!!! Thats an order. Someone lock those corridors down and get ready.....The flood are aboard"


Bauer Put his helmet back on and Took his DMR in hand and started tapping on consoles, shutting down several hallways that weren't occupied.

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Ty awoke and tried to pull himself to his feet.


"Did you say flood? Damn it.... I already got stabbed, I don't need to be in a Freakin' Zombie Apocolypse too."


Ty slouched against the wall, and coughed up more blood. He looked to Bauer.


"Quite a day, huh?"

Edited by D-38 Boss
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Ty sat against the wall.


"Hey, we had some Fusion Coils in the hanger... If we can set those up and funnel the flood into them, we can detonate them. Should take out the flood without doing any major damage... Just a suggestion..."


Ty gripped his Shotgun tightly.


"Otherwise, This is gonna be a long day."


He coughed up a little more blood.


"I'm gonna need an actual doctor soon. otherwise the flood'll be an afterthought..."

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"If you're lucky, you can be reanimated as flood!" Came a sarcastic reply from the admiral over the radio. "We nearly have the auto turrets up, we just need to get the ship-wide transmitter working, Hazard, I need you to get to deck Z-3, reactivated the antenna so the turrets can get targeting up. Don't worry about us, I have a squad of SPARTAN-IVs set up in the bridge. Radio in once the radio is up and we can get the autos online. If it helps, the way to Z deck is through the vehicle bay. I pelicaned murphys pet project up especially for him, and there is some Mantises still docked. The marines stationed there can escort you on the way. You're welcome. Though you have to pay for the stuff you destroy." He continued before laughing.


"And Ty, I have a squad member for you. An actual medic, he's on the way to you now." He added as an afterthought. (( You can decide medic name etc, its up to you))

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"Heh, you hear that boys and girls? Bossman's bringing out the fun toys!"


Murphy had been following Hazard since the armoury, although having little interaction with them.

It was Spartan procedeure after all, a relic from the S-II phase.

He only watched when Ty's wound was shown, nothing he could do about it.


He looked towards the acting squad leader and loaded his weapon with devastating FRAG rounds he saved for special occassions.


"Let's get this party started!"

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(( I don't really feel like RPing another character right now BaconShelf.))


"Sir we're gonna need the all the medics after this is over... Keep him with you."


Ty cocked his shotgun.


"I may be f---ed up, but I'm not letting some god damn zombies kill me."

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(Guys need to read what i said, i already closed Bulkheads and vented areas on the ship...)


Bauer locked down the Hallways leading to the Bridge and turned off the elevators.


"I need everyone in defensive positions!" Shouted Lt Bauer


He pushed over one of the unbolted consoles and crouched behind it, readying his DMR and keeping it steady...


The sounds of flood started to become louder....

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"Status on turrets?" Asked the Admiral, crouching behind a barricade with an MA5B. He saw a Promethean Knight turn the corner into he hallway to the bridge. It began to suppress fire until a Flood infection form came. It immediately abandoned targets in sake of the Flood. The enemy they were designed to combat and fight as their too priority. Three more teleported in, they began to fight the Flood, which although not seen, was arriving in great numbers. Flashes of Plasma fire and Bullets rained on the Forerunner soldiers. Thre was even some Hardlight fire! After the onslaught. The Battlewagon leading the group turned round, Scattershot raised. It owned its skull and screamed at the group, before teleporting away. Almost as if it was giving a temporary truce...

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Through gritted teeth, Ashley hissed another four-letter-word as the sounds of the infected drew nearer. With a few crates and consoles as makeshift defensive barricades, she and Fuchs had managed to set up a firing line covering the main corridor leading to the bridge. "Will we ever have a normal f***ed up day without these things around?"


Fuchs laughed as he rested his BR85 against his shoulder. "Wishful thinking, hon."

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