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The first flood mutation emerged through the strobing hues of red-orange emergency lighting, and from that point onward, all banter around Soto just became white noise. From what she could tell, it was a human mutation, or combat form as bio-techs like to call them. In the end it was just a target for her. She had seen the declassified vids on how the UNSC and Covenant tended to counter these infections in live combat. Center mass, she remembered, typically a bulging, tendril-spouting mass that all but rose above the surface. That was the infection form, the killshot. Rather easy to pull off when comparing it to a headshot.


She gave the staggering corpse a pair of quick shots. The armor piercing rounds punched through the mottled tissue, passing to the other side where they were granted with a guttural yelp, a pain response from the next one in line. Fuchs gave that one a burst to the chest as well, the rapid fire of his BR85 tearing an ugly void into its chest cavity, its ribcage bursting from the high velocity impact, spewing chunks of rotten flesh and viscera in the air like confetti, exposing what remained of the host's vital organs.


"Next," he muttered, setting a stack of spare magazines on his cover for easier access.

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Ty fired his Shotgun down the hallway. The recoil hurt his chest, but the alternative was worse.


"Corporal!" Ty set down his frag grenades on the cover. "Merry Christmas."


He fired his shotgun again, Peppering a group of Infection forms, Causing them to Pop.


Ty pulled out his pistol and fired a shot at the wall, leaving a solid mark.


"If they get past that point, We fall back. got it?"

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[Just for future reference, there is a difference between Corporal and Lance Corporal. So being Corporal, Fuchs outranks Soto, and by tradition a Lance Corporal is referred to as "Lance Corporal" to avoid confusion, much like how a Sergeant is referred to as such, rather than "sir" to give the illusion that he/she is an officer.]


Fuchs did a double-take on Ty's hand as he set down an M9 HE-DP grenade, along with a, "Merry Christmas."


The Corporal laughed, sweeping it up. "Ha-ha! Deez nuts! That's what I'm talkin' about, sarge." While he didn't prime it immediately, he did keep it on standby as the fire kept up.


Soto replied to Ty's orders with a nod. "Roger that--fall back line at ten meters."

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(( Didn't know Fuchs rank other than Corporal. I'm just gonna say Corporal from now on if that's ok.))


"Hold the line, I'm gonna grab us more gear from the armory."


Ty jogged of to the armory. he got about halfway before he slowed down.


"Gotta..... take it....... easy....." He said, Gasping for breath.


He found a hand cart and loaded a few cases of AR, BR, and, DMR mags, A few boxes of shells, and grenades. He noticed something in the corner. A turret, one of the re-purposed Warthog guns, still in it's case. he hoisted it up and dropped it onto the cart, along with a box of it's chain ammo.


He struggled to push it.


"Damn it.... no time to unload it.... just keep pushing Ty...."

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Soto unleashed a full spray of fire until her BR55 made an ominous click. "Sh--!" she cursed, dropping the weapon the weapon next to her knee and taking up the M7 bullet hose. Fuchs, for some reason, reloaded the rifle for her as she continued to fire, slapping in a fresh mag before patting her on the shoulder.


"Charged and locked!"


"I owe you!" she shouted, swapping her now-empty M7 for the BR55 again. The Corporal was turning out to be a God damn blessing with the way he worked in the field. She only hoped he could manage his requisitioned shotgun as good as his Battle Rifle should the enemy turn this into a close range fight.

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The Prometheans who had been swarming the ship suddenly stopped firing at the sight of flood. The lights on their armour turned green as they abandoned human and covenant enemies in favour of parisitic ones. In an unspoken agreement, all fighters aboard the ship began to scour the flood away, burning and melting it. A squadron of LongSwords found the Phantom which was infected, crashed into the hull. A salvo of archer missiles brought it down quickly,

"This is victor 1-5 to Infinity command, we have traced the source of flood origin, phantom destroyed, although the area around it is a mess. You'll need flamethrowers down there, the infection has consumed that room and a few corridors."

The coordinates were pulled up on a holo map. The area was exactly were Hazard were going to in the Mantises. the admiral sent instructions to outfit the mechs for flamethrowers.

"Hazard, the Mantises are being given flamethrowers, there is an entire flood colony exactly on top of it! Get to the Vehicle bay and use the vehicles to get there and torch away the infestation!"

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Ty managed to return the Cart to his squads position.


"Arm up! fresh Ammo at your six!"


Ty hoisted the Turrets case cracked it open. He worked as quickly as his energy would allow. He lifted the stand and set it up. He struggled with the Gun its self. It magnetically locked into place. He started to open the huge ammo box he had grabbed and feed it to the gun.


"Come on.... come on...." His depth perception was diminished. His blood wasn't carrying enough oxygen with his punctured lung. The chain finally clicked in place.


"Yes! let's light'em up Hazard!" Ty said as he hopped to his feet and got behind the turret. the barrel started to spin up. Ty hit an intercom button on the wall near him.


"Logan! you still breathing?"


The reply was crackley. the comm systems were starting to go.


"Didn't get that, resend your last."


"I'm still good Sarge. heard you got roughed up."


"Not now, are you engaged right now?"


"Negative. Anton's been keeping the flood off the bridge pretty well."


"Alright, good. stay with him, if the flood start to get through, yank his Virtual A-- out of the mainframe and get off the ship. we can't lose him."


"Not sure that'll go over well, but i'll keep that in mind, Bridge out."


The first bullet left the turrets barrels.

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"Quite violent, I must say, Logan. Don't worry unless- now those juggernauts made it to the bridge area. GET EVERY HEAVY WEAPON THAT EXISTS AND FIRE IT AT THE HUGE GUYS!" Anton screamed.


"Ty watch out-" Before he could finish, radioactive flood sludge splattered the window door. Anton looked over and saw a Spartan holding a rocket launcher and spartan laser. "Damn, these guys really blow up!" The Spartan said.


((I think Avictus is gone, forever D:)))

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It was during all this commotion that Murphy slipped away from the main battle.

He had made his way to the vehicle bay where he saw a large flood presence.

It was no easy task sneaking around when you're a half-ton metal walking tank, but it was successful.

He climbed in his Emperor and started the engine.


"NBC check, ammo check, hull strentgh check, sensors check, power supply check......oh right."


He only then rememberd he was the only one in the tank.

He scanned the area to determine the enemy strentgh.


"Alright, time to hull-down. Anton, if you read me, I need some extra guns in the vehicle bay. Big ones if you can."

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After their scuffle in the bridge corridor, Ashley and Fuchs had restocked on ammo, courtesy of Ty. They had geared for counter-infection tactics, what with incendiary equipment, but upon direction they headed for the vehicle bay. Once they arrived, they simply stood before one of the many repurposed Mantis assault mechs at their disposal. There were a few Marine engineers standing about as a security detail, though they were mostly exchanging awkward stares with the two ODSTs as they stood in mild awe. "You know how to pilot one of those things?" Ashley finally asked.




"Uhn uh..."


The Corporal shrugged then started for the hulking machine. "First time for everything."


At this, a technician was stone-faced, clearly biting his own tongue in restraint. "Its internal systems are automatic. As soon as it recognizes your IFF, it'll boot up on its own. From there, it's just like playing a game."


The word "game" hung in Fuchs' mind as he climbed his way into the pilot seat. "Just like a game," he repeated, sliding himself into the seat. The canopy closed with a low clunk and before he knew it, the feeling of weightlessness overcame him for a moment. The display booted up before him, and from the frontal sensors of the assault mech, he could see the view of the bay. Ashley was still standing front and center with a Marine tech beside her.


"Systems check?" Fuchs said over the vehicle's speaker.


"No need," said the technician. "If its systems weren't working at one hundred percent, you wouldn't be able to stand the mech upright. Try taking a step forward."


"No time for that. Besides, I'm a MechWarrior fan. I know what to do."


Ashley shook her head before hitting her commpad. "Hazard 1-3 and 1-4 are just about set. Requesting direction, over."

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"Hazard, we are setting a waypoint for your vehicles HUD. Escort the engineers to the transmitter array and hold off the infestation until they can boot up the auto turrets. Then you will just need to burn away the rest of the infection. Once you have secured the array, a platoon of ODSTs outfitted with flamethrowers is awaiting your signal to assist in the defense. Good luck. Bridge out."

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"Hazard that you? I could use some extra anti-freak support, plenty to go around. I'm in bay 43-D, major infestation here."


Murphy started the engine of the tank and it came to life with a tremendous roar.


"Bee hives loaded, let's do this thing."


A mean volley of bullets came from the tank, the bee hive canister ripped through scores of the infection.

He awoke the hornets nest and almost endless waves of them came charging towards the tank, with no regards for their personal safety.

It wasn't long before he could hear them clawing at the outside.


"Hope you like the rain fellas!"


He activated the tank's Proximity defense system, which sent burning muntions raining down upon the tank.


"If you do decide to come along, please feel free to hose the girl down with the flamethrower."

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The platoon arrived in the bay just in time to see the Emporer seemingly destroy itself, and survive. They got to work with the flamethrowers, torching the hull plating and the rest of the parasite still in the vehicle bay. A muffled sound of a machine gun firing came from another bay, presumably where the Mantises where. The ODSTs manned the dual anti infantry turrets and rode the tracks. The remaining ones covering the back, where it was still vulnerable.

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"I think I found- AHHGHH. DON'T HOLD BACK, FLOOD! WAIT- n0 The grAvemind, attacking systems- DESTROY THE HUMANS!" Anton and the gravemind struggled for dominance as the cyborgs began to kill every soldier in site...



Unknown Time

Artificial Computer Systems


The gravemind and Anton descended into a world ((Looks like the animus in Assassins Creed loading screens)) that was very strange. Here, both of them had full control. The flood monster took the form of some zombie, then charged at him. The A.I. delivered a fire blast in answer. The creature repelled and out of its body came tendrils. They grabbed Anton and began to infect him. "Construct... being overridden..." He said. Then with a beam of light the tendrils and the zombie exploded. Anton thought he was done when he Gravemind jumped out of nowhere and made contact with Anton's face using a round-house kick. Then the A.I. brought down a lightning bolt and the Gravemind jumped back. Beams emerged from eachs' hand, and the two fighters were locked in a stalemate, all the while disabling the computer systems of the Infinity.

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The lights cut in the hallway Ty was holding with the turret. He had already taken his chance with the break in the flood attack to grab more ammo for the chain gun. he let the barrel cool as the flood seemed to pull back.


He stumbled over to the intercom and hit the button.


"Logan!" Nothing. "Hazard 1-2! respond!" Dead air. "comm systems down? and of course my helmet's toast... maybe there's a headset in the armory..."


He heard a screech from down the hall.


"S---..." He struggled to pull himself behind the turret. He was getting worse, the first aid job wouldn't last.


Ty whispered to himself. "Come on, Soto... Get those turrets online..."


He saw the flood start to spill down the hallway. The gun, already spinning, began to fire, lighting up the hallway in bursts.



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"Enough. Good to have another gun here though..."


Ty Coughed. There was less blood this time. he wasn't sure if that was good or bad.


"I'm not in the best condition right now, So you may need to pick it up. I'm not sure how much longer i'll be conscious..."

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"If they break through this point, we lose armory access and the bridge is not that much further. I'm holding this point if it's the last thing i do."


The last flood in the wave was torn apart by the chaingun. the barrels had started to glow from the heat.


"Damn it.... cover here, I'm gonna make another run to the armory, check for any replacement barrels, You need ammo?"

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