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Ty hoisted his pistol and aimed it at the Monitor. he moved between it and Logan


"I do not take threats lightly, even one from an over-glorified light bulb. Now I was perfectly willing to co-operate before. now, I'm not so sure. how do I know you don't plan to get us to fire one of the halo installations? 343 was pretty set on that."

Edited by D-38 Boss
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It wasn't long before Ashley was setting foot in a Pelican prepping for dustoff, close in tow behind Fuchs as he adamantly picked out his seat around the supply crates. Ashley turned her head to the side, aligning her jaw to her shoulder to dare a glance back at the Infinity's hangar. She still couldn't find anything positive in it, anything worth remembering. The whole operation was just a long series of inconvieniences and tragedies.


Finally shuffling her way into the cabin, she set herself down across from Fuchs. "Sealing the ramp," the pilot announced, and with a slight, mechanical groan of motors the bright light of Infinity's interior gradually disappeared, replaced by the dim red glow of the Pelican's interior lighting.


A burst of comm traffic came through just then, the voice belonging to Sergeant Ty, requesting a sitrep from either of the two. Arnold actually looked upon Soto this time as though expecting her to rectify the situation with silence, looking on for approval as well as he reached up for his helmet. She shook her head and made the decision for him.


"Soto here. Fuchs and I are on guard detail for a supply run. Situation developing," she lied. "Over and out." With that, she removed her helmet, closed her eyes, and leaned back into the paneling with a soft sigh.


The female pilot's voice broke the silence again. "All good back there?"


Fuchs gave a tug at his restraints. "Affirmative."


"Alright. Pelican Alpha 314 departing."



The engines whined, increasing into a subtle scream with an overlapping rumble of the passing launch bay. That soon vanished, replaced by the low hum of thrusters in the vacuum of space, something Soto could only describe as a continuous breath of air. She treated it as a lullaby, trying to catch at least some sleep...until Fuchs took it upon himself to speak again.


"Just like that, huh?"


She pulled her head back upright and looked across at him with query--as well as a slight frustration. "What, you got a problem with it? Do you think I made the wrong call?"


"I didn't say that," he raised his voice to emphasize his defense. "It wasn't the wrong call."


"You didn't say it was the right one either."


Fuchs shrugged. "Can I really? We're leaving a job a little more than half-finished."


He was right in that sense. Ashley always saw things through to completion, as did everyone she had ever served with. It was just their way, their job's requirements. Backing out simply wasn't something they were all brought up on. But sometimes it was the only truly good option, she told herself as she leaned forward.


"The Flood are actively present on and around Requiem. That's bad news in itself. Somehow they were able to infect our ship's AI, despite being non-organic, and now the UNSC Infinity, Earth's new pride, is under the control of an ancient Artificial Intelligence that claims to be the first ever created. I don't know about you, but that is screaming rampancy itself. Have you asked yourself yet, Fuchs, why the hell did all of this happen?"


In silence, the two looked at eachother. Only a few seconds passed before Fuchs had decided he had enough time to let her words sink in. "You know, I've dealt with incompetence before--"


Ashley furrowed her brow. "Incompetence doesn't even cut it. Did you see how our team operated together? Ty nearly died twice in the time we were aboard that ship, and both instances were no more than a few minutes apart. And you know what grinds my gears the most?"


Fuchs made a slight sound, a pre-speech, broken fragment of a word uttered to buy him time to think, but Soto simply continued. "Cyborg Marines," she spat. "What the Christ is that all about? This whole place has become Infinity's f---ing playground and we see how well it's backfiring against it."


"Ashley!" Fuchs yelled, then brought his voice down. "I get it. You made a good decision, probably not the best, but better to get out of it while you can, right?"


"Exactly. When the damage is out of your reach, sometimes it's better to walk away then hurt yourself fixing it."


The pilot's voice filled the PA again. "UNSC Lost in Time is in sight. Prepping for dock procedures."


Ashley got on her feet and made her way to the cockpit to share the pilot's view. The frigate was as massive as any other, though after seeing the Infinity, it was hard to say it was a giant. As they closed in, the bay doors began to open and finalizations for docking were underway. From here, they'd be shipped back to colonial assignments, menial tasks like counter-insurgency. Non-ideal jobs for previous high-end special forces a-- kickers, but it was better than being along for the ride when the tombs of ancient evil were being raided by the top tier of the UNSC.


"Welcome to your new home," the pilot said.


It almost didn't feel real, or possible. It felt like it was just a dream that Ashley might wake up from, or better the whole ordeal beginnign with her arrival on Requiem turned out to be just that, a nightmare. But if all of the things she had witnessed were true, all of the strange convieniences and inconveniences, the Promethean tanks, the cybernetic Marines, and straight up deus ex macchinas--if all of those were real, and possible, then so was this. So was something worth living for.

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"Soto" Came James' voice onto the com. "If you can hear this, then listen. I wont gorce, or beg you to stay, its your choice. I do wish you the best of luck in whatever is out there for you. And hope you don't end up in some core- world patrol duty. But if our paths ever cross again, you will always be welcome back here, I think I can speak for all my crew here in that. Just remember, keep safe." He clicked off the switch, and looked down to her and Fuchs file on the list of his crew, and added to transfer to the Lost in Time, sighed, and wished he had an entire crew like the two ODST troopers.



((Hell jumper, I really do wish you the best of luck in what ever you do. And I assure you, you will always be welcome back in this RP. Stay safe. :) ))

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Nova looked at the Admiral. "Love is an illusion. Don't let your allies take you away from your objective," He shot his laser at a flood combat form. "It will only be your downfall. And... actually it seems that was the end of the flood spores. They no longer exist in this ship. What do you suggest now, Admiral?"

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"Okay, if there is no flood, I would next like to clear out the rest of our... Guests. All troops are to destroy ALL covenant forces onboard! Hey, lightbulb, if you want to be our AI, how about activating our defense systems? And the entire ship, while you're at it."

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"We'll then, you know those Ptimetheans, is that you that made them green? Because if so, I would like them out. Apart from Huragok, I only want humans on my ship. Now leave me, I have business to attend to" he walked into his private study, locked it and sat. He looked at the wall for a while, just... Thinking. About The Arbiter, Flood, Prometheans, Covenant. How could so much have gone so wrong in so little days? He sent a private message to his Lieutenant.


The Infinity stormed out of the portal, into the vacuum of space and the rubble surrounding it. The fleet had done a marvelous job of mopping up the forces here. But now he had five of the original fifteen ships to return with. The Midnight, and other ships prepared to jump, leaving behind a war- torn world, ravaged by conflict without meaning.


((Nova does have control of systems remember though))

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Nova needed to find more about the ship. There has to be a database somewhere... He thought as he scanned the information.


CLANK! A Spartan's fist impacted with Nova's photo-receptor, turning it off and sending him to the ground. The Spartan picked the sphere up and knocked on the Admiral's door. "Sir, we got him. Please open up so we can discuss." After he said that Ty was banging on the door to the Admiral's study.

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"Tell you what's happening?! let me recap, Logan's out cold in medbay after fighting an Arbiter, Soto and Fuchs are gone with out any apparent reason, and this F---in' lightbulb thing keeps zapping me. You wanna fill in the details? 'cause i'm a little short on information."

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"We found the Oracle, maybe you want to imprison him or something, talk about it, dismantle-" The Spartan almost finished, but Nova bolted into the air, his photo-receptor bright red. His laser vaporized the Spartan, and a marine popped in. Taking note of the non-visored helmet, Nova used his Technokinesis to throw two pencils into the marine's eyes, making him fall to the ground.



((I'm not gonna say "Using his Technokinesis" I'm just gonna say "Nova chucked/launched/threw an (object) at something" for easier posts whenever he uses his Technokinesis))

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"I know about as much as you do Ty. Your snipers disappearing was as much of a mystery and disappointment to me as it was to you! The Arbiter and Logan, I know as much as you again! All I know is that Ring-A-Ding here has decided to blast anyone who talks about F------ Forerunner tech and replace Anton as our AI! You think you're confused, you have no idea!" He immediately regretted his outburst. The stress of the week had gotten to him. He felt ill, and tired.

"Look, I'm sorry for my outburst there, I... I just want to sleep. I'm sorry, but I would prefer you to leave now. We can talk fully later, once were out of the system."


"And Nova. Get. Out. GET AWAY FROM MY SHIP!"

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Ty tossed Nova aside.


"Great..... Consider Hazard squad dissolved sir..."


Ty walked off to the training room, feeling the need to blow off steam. Within his first command he had lost his entire squad. none of them were dead, but they may as well be.


"I never should have been named squad leader...."


He slammed on the button to open the door, walked in and dropped his gear. he started kicking one of the punching bags.

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