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((Like I said, not everyone is gonna wanna do the flashback. keep it simultaneous. just specify which timeline you are posting in.))


Ty turned to Cortez.


"I'm in your squad?"


"That's right, And I need to pay you back gor that little stunt with my Paper in science."


Ty scratched the back of his head.


"Maybe you, uh.... printed the wrong one..."


"Yeah. And maybe you just thought you were smarter than me."


Ty stammered through his words as the 6"3' Cortez hovered over him.


"Uh... I- uh. no I didn't- I never-"


At 5"6' Ty was Smaller than some of the Female recruits even.


"Oh really? Good. now give me that shotgun."


Ty handed it over with out a single thought.


"Oh, and your Hat. I like it."


Ty took off his hat and held it behind his back.


"Y-you don't really want my hat. i mean it's old a-a-and all nasty...."


"I said, Give. Me. The. Hat."




Cortez raised his fist, but Ty swept his foot out from under him, causing him to fall. He ducked past him and out to the briefing area where Cortez wouldn't risk causing trouble.

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Cadet MacMillan. Acting PFC. Breifing room. Lynnot Acadamy, Dublin Ireland, Earth.


Ty sat in the middle of a crowd, Mainly so Cortez couldn't see him. He had always been uncomfortable around people. Attributing to His lack of friends.


He gripped the handle of his pistol. What if he had to stick with Cortez the entire Simulation?

Maybe he'd luck out. the area of the simulation was well over 20 Kilometers. He could slip away, work by himself.


Ty watched as Cortez handed in his plan to Ares.


"Here... Uh.... you. That's my plan for the simulation."



Current Day, UNSC Infinity.



Ty dropped to one knee. He'd been running this simulation for hours. 10 Elites, 5 with swords, all surrounding him. He hadn't survived it yet, and his body was going numb from the shocks he received every time he failed. Ty stood up, reloaded his MA5D, and started it again.


The first Elite charged him, He spun and kicked it in the gut, knocking it back, but it's blade touched his leg, Shocking it and causing him to fall back. He scrambled to his feet and two more Charged at him, He fired and dropped their shields, dodging a burst from another's Storm Rifle. He wasn't paying attention to the one behind him.


He felt a sharp shock and looked down. a Holographic Energy Sword has pierced through his back. He was dead again. Another shock hit as the Elites dematerialized. He dropped to all fours.


"Damn it.... Not again..." He felt fatigued. Every muscle was telling him to stop. but he stood up, reloaded and started the simulation again.

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Present Day Infinity



Bauer stood watch as Ty continued to get himself killed by Elites....


Over and over Ty Fell, so Bauer stepped in...


"Ty, listen up it's Bauer.... keep track of how many elites there are, if you have to get close, stay within there swing radius. If you lose track of one of the elites, step back abit, tactical retreat isn't a bad idea. Keep focused and fire in short bursts towards their upper body and keep stepping back and dodging those blades" Bauer said over the comms to Ty

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Academy Ireland



"Thank you for your plan. I hope you and your team made their decision well." Ares said. Then he turned to the rest of the crowd.


"In 5 minutes, the simulated battle will begin, and some of you will fail. Also, noting that it is a week long, and 200 cadets are on each side, no respawns. Everyone go to the arena, and get ready."



Present Day Infinity




Infinity Bridge


"Ty, if I may suggest, when the 2 elites are REALLY close to you, fall to the ground and they will stab each other. It doesn't always work, but it is worth a try." Anton said.

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Present Day Infnity.


Murphy walked in to see Ty performing on the simulation.The elites were constantly taking him down. Murphy listened to the advice others gave him.


"Don't they teach these kids anything beyond how to use a rifle?"


He drew his knife and looked at the notches on it. He performed several tricks with it before holstering it again.

Time for some advice of his own.


"look kid, you gotta face the fact that out in the field your rifle won't always be there. Now if you want to beat those Elites, listen closely."


Murphy leaned forward and studied the ODST carefully.


"Those ******** are probably twice your weight, use it against them. Goad them into a charge and then dive towards the leg oppisite their weapon arm. Now quickly readjust yourself and hit as hard as you can on the upper knee. Now for the fun part, grab the hand by the wrist and knee it in the elbow. It should trigger a reflex that will open it's hand, disarming it. Draw your knife and stab in the spine just below the neck."


Murphy stood up straight again.


He looked towards the other Spartan.


"Didn't they put you through survival training?"

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Murphy leaned back, still watching Ty face off against the elites.

He began thinking about recent events and what had happened.

He still had the piece of elites armour.

It was good for him though, he was glad things were somewhat back to normal.

Just him and the covenant.

Like they should be.

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Ty tried the Simulation again, This time with a Shotgun.


The first elite charged him He Ducked down and threw the Elite over his shoulders, Stomping on it's head when it landed.

Two more lifted their swords and charged him, He tried ducking down, Like Anton suggested. It didn't work. the Elites stabbed down at him. He rolled to avoid them and rose to one knee, firing his shotgun, he killed the closest one. Ty cocked the shotgun and aimed at the next one. He fired as it charged him. He managed to kill it, but not before it fell into him, causing him to roll backwards, dropping his shotgun. He managed to get back on his feet smoothly with his M6CSOCOM in one hand, and his tactical knife in the other.


"Why does that always happen?" He said to no one in particular.


He hadn't even noticed the fact that he'd been reflexively dodging Plasma bolts the entire time. He charged at another sword wielding Elite. He slid under its swing and kicked out it's leg, he fired three shots as it fell, killing it. He looked up to see the final Elite raise it's sword to swing down at him. He turned and stabbed its foot, causing it to bend over, he pulled his knife out, slashing it across the face as the knife jerked free. He kicked the Elites leg to drop it to his height, then he jammed the knife into its eye.


The final Elites posed no problem without swords.


Ty walked out of the Simulation room and sat down, retrieving a water bottle from his bag near his seat.


"Now if I can do that everytime, I might have a chance." He said.


Ty stood up and stretched. He decided to try a little challenge.


Ty keyed in the simulation details. One Elite, Arbiter class. Unarmed.


Ty cracked his knuckles and stepped into the Simulation area.

Edited by D-38 Boss
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((I'll be the Arbiter class elite.))


"Wow, Ty. That was amazing. And I said duck down when they are really close, but... now you are taking on an Arbiter? Tough stuff." Anton said.


The elite charged Ty, sending in 3 quick knees to the ODSTs chest, then giving him an upper-cut that sent him to the top of the arena.


Anton watched as the two battled it out. It was quite amazing.

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(( i left the flashback at the point where you can pick it up with a briefing on the simulation. So when ever you want to start it, im good.))


Ty landed on his knees and jumped up, the Arbiter Charged at him, Ty leaped up and Kneed him in the mouth, making him stumble back. Ty grabbed his Arm, pulled it toward him and kicked out the Arbiter's legs.

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Ty jumped back to recover.


"For a hologram, this thing hits hard...." Ty said, feeling a bit of blood dripping from his mouth.


He ran towards the Arbiter and Delivered a sharp side kick to the gut, doubling him over, and followed up with a jumping kick to the face.

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