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Ashley's face tightened into a slight, disgusted frown as she watched the Lieutenant brush the blood away from his wounds.


"Here." She pulled a small bottle of saline and disinfectant from her kit, along with a wad of gauze pads and bandages. Handing him the bandage roll and gauze, she took it upon herself to pour the saline over his wound, then the disinfectant. After that, she took the gauze back and pressed it against the damaged area. "Keep pressure on it. First time combating flood?" she asked while securing the intervention with a steady roll of bandages. He might need a corpsman for this.

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Bauer accepted the advice gladly....

"Thanks, i've gone up against flood before, about 2 years ago, but it was hell back then, everyone was either dead, badly wounded or...one of those things"


Bauer starred into the distance...


"I got onto the evac Pelican luckily..... although i blacked out, so i didnt have a chance to address my wounds, heh"


Bauer kept the gauze pressed down......


"Anyway, thanks for this. I know what its like out there, i've fought for quite a while..... Tank Jockeys forget what its like outside of their little enclosed box sometimes"


"I wont forget to mention you in my report...nothing bad though heh"

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"Yeah, no problem." Soto's partial good mood was at a dangerously close point of being lost as the Lieutenant reminded her of the incident, his words hanging between them like a knife above the thread of all of her virtuous self. She took a breath and let it go. "Well, with all due respect, s*** happens I guess."


She lazily saluted and turned away. "See you 'round."

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Soto heard the thanks as she reentered the base but she wasn't sure she actually listened to it or not, still wound up from the fight, the scuffle with that Gunnery Sergeant, and the fact that she was now just accepting that she was just a small piece of a bigger picture. She reached the barracks, coming out of her armor.


She made haste this time around, hoping to get out of it before her paranoid mindset made her decide to go on another patrol. She finished up with the unloading of her rifle, decocking it safetly by ejecting the chambered round by hand and pulling the trigger with nothing more than a click.


In her now worn-in BDUs and tank top, she turned in, collapsing into her cot, and hoped for at least four hours of rack time.

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Bauer jogged back into the Barracks and walked to the end of the barracks, on the first floor.

Bauer refused to use officer's Floor plainly because he still believed he was as equal to the grunts as any other soldier.


He laid down on his cot and took out the picture once again....starring at it for a fair amount of time.


His wounds stung a little but everything was slightly better....

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UNSC Charlie Base War Games coordination


4 hours later after the flood attack


Anton was going to began his speech. "I noticed some of you were slackers last night. This is serious. How the hell are we going to be able to put up a fight with our calvary(tanks) when the drivers can't even shoot in the right direction. This is why I'm adding 3 extra matches of War Games. Along with CTF, Dominion, and Extraction, you'll be doing Big Team Slayer, Flood, and Territories. And don't worry, Jacob will be a solo operator. He doesn't get a team. After breakfast, report to Sector 4 all geared up. Also, everything besides Big Team Slayer and Flood has respawns of 5 seconds.


"I will be watching all of you. I expect 100% and more from you. This time, except for flood, you get to choose your loadout. I talked to the War Games coordination team and they said they're adding armor abilities to war games. Depending on how you use them and your choice of ability, will be the difference between getting 20 kills and 3 deaths, or vice versa. Before I go, you guys have an advantage over Jacob. He don't know what any of this is. Still, he might kick your a---s."


Anton finished.


((And D-38, if you are in the War Games don't make an entire post on it. Let other people interact, okay? :D))

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Bauer was up and already sat in the War Games Lobby (Lets just call it that lol) fully geared and ready...


He ran his fingers over his bandages from the other day and wondered how hard it would be to perform in this set of War games...


"Hopefully i dont have a team to worry about " He mumbled to himself as he began tinkering with his magnum again.


"Anton, i request to be a solo operator on this war Games set, i feel my skills are good enough for me to do some damage alone"

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"Thanks Anton, much appreciated"

"Maybe being a Spartan wasn't a bad idea after all...heh"


Bauer ran his fingers over the recon Helmet he was assigned ...it felt smooth, yet was warm...

It felt good, Bauer had to be honest with himself...

He slipped the helmet on and sat back in the seat...

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((Sorry HaloGeek. I wanted to establish more of Ty and Cortez's characters, thats why I kinda did a solo match. Kept it to one post though... i'll refrain from it in the future.))


Ty sat in the med bay, his leg throbbing. The doctor told him it was dislocated.


As soon as he was alone in the mess yesterday, something collapsed the wall next to him. The doctor had said something about a Titan, The painkillers made his head hazy.


He had spent a good hour and a half digging himself out of rubble, only to find the attackers had been defeated.


The doctor came over and patted him on the back.


"you're all set kiddo. Painkillers'll wear off in half an hour, and you'll be set to go."


"right. thanks doc."


"Now if you would, we need this bed for the next one."


"Yes sir."


Ty stood up and stumbled to the door. he decided to head back to his bunk to wait for his head to clear.


He plopped down into his bed without taking off his armor, and Hit a button on the panel next to him. a screen slid down and he punched in his access code. He wasn't cleared to take part in war games today, but he could at least watch them. He'd go watch in person when he stopped feeling like he was drunk.

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Ty limped over to the stand they had set up for non-combat personnel.


Cortez was supposed to be team lead against the spartans. there was no way he was going to miss this. He had to see it in person.


He pulled out a cigar and lit it, taking a long drag. Day wasn't going so bad, all things considered.

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