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Halo 4 Forum Role-Play


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Bauer noticed movement and ducked behind cover as 2 Spartan 2's walked by...

"****, Anton you arse"


Bauer stood out of cover and fired at te first Spartan 2, who turned around and fired back with his partner.


A battle ensued where Bauer needed his wits and reflexes to get around the spartan 2's Shots.


the First spartan lunged at him and Bauer quickly stepped around him and drove his knife into the spartans neck, taking him down quickly.

Bauer got back into cover and reloaded.


He got back up and fired at the remaining spartan who took cover.

"Bauer got a few good hits in and took down the Spartans shields.


The Spartan 2 tried to move back into cover further away, but Bauer lined up a shot and took him out with a single hit to the back of the head.


Bauer sat down and caught his breathe.


"Jesus...no wonder people love those guys so much"

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Bauer heard Anton over the comm..

"Oh jesus..."

Bauer sprinted dodging several shots by a group of S2's


He gripped a flag and ran back as fast as possible, using the flag to whack several spartan 2's on the way...

He arrived back at the base and drove the flag home and jumped behind cover until the Sim's got turned off...

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