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Bauer was immediatly fired upon by several Promethean nights and crawler..


"Oh S**T......"

Bauer jumped behind cover just in time.....

"This is going to be fun...."

Bauer took out a grenade an tossed it out, destroying several crawler before he jumped out of cover and unloaded his DMR into the nearest Knight, killing it before he had to reload.


Bauer took out the empty clip and slipped in a fresh one and jumped back out of cover to kill the second Promethean before getting back in cover...


"Another 2 of you huh...."

Bauer breathed in then jumped out of cover firing his DMR...killin one of the last two Prometheans and pulling out his magnum to kill the last....


The last promethean knocked Bauer to the wall and was about to ram its Hardlight sword into his stomach..


Bauer kicked back knocking the Knight back and jammed his magnum into the knights next and unloaded...


"That was quick.......This is Bauer, Bridge is secured"

Bauer sat down at the command station nearest to him...

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[uh...Enoch? Unless you're assigning me a new NPC to control, my guy's name is "Fuchs" (pronounced "Feughs").]


The extraction from Requiem felt like it had taken a literal minute, and before Ashley knew it she and Fuchs were storming a hangar bay full of Promethians. That's when it dawned on her that time had a knack for speeding by when haste wasn't a desired pace. She bailed out next in line after Fuchs, whose BR85 erupted into loud salvos, sounding more like high pressure screams as opposed to the staccato growl of Ashley's BR55.


As everyone had split directions, they were determined to cleanse the hangar bay. Breaking off from Ty, they covered an opposite side, making sure no additional contacts came in through the accessways. Their perimeter defense only lasted until a swarm of Crawlers rushed their position.


Ashley and Fuchs were behind a set of supply crates when the first one landed on top of their cover. It was greeted with a steady three round burst from both of their weapons, resulting in a brilliant flash of orange hydraulic fluid and severed parts. Its friends were close in tow, too many to track. One leaped over their cover as the ODSTs were distracted with the groundside targets, landing on Fuchs and tackling him to the ground.


Ashley was about to turn and assist when another started spraying hardlight rounds in her direction, forcing her beneath cover. Fuchs was busy struggling as the Promethian watchdog went for his throat, its split mouth snapping as he held it back against his left bracer. Finally he pushed it to his side and pinned it to the floor. With his free hand he drew the M6D from his thigh, revealing the word "Lawgiver" neatly etched into its matte-black slide as he pressed the barrel to his opponent's center mass.


"Court's adjourned." With that, he hammered three rounds into its chest, point-blank until the thing went limp, crumbling to pieces as it ceased aggression.


Just in time for a recovery, a second Crawler landed on top of him, which he now held back at the neck with both hands. "Jesus Christ! What the f---?!"


Suddenly, Ashely loomed overhead, Ka-bar drawn in one hand. "Keep it steady!"


"Trying!" he winced, straining to push the synthetic as far away as possible.


Ashley brought her knife down, slamming the blade through its back, causing it to seize up and eventually roll off like a petrified possum. Fuchs gave it a cautionary shot to head before accepting Soto's helping hand. "Good God..."


"You okay?"


"How come they didn't go for you?"


Ashley shrugged. "They like you more."


He shook his head, retrieving his rifle. And with that, they searched out their team leader, finding him against a wall just a few feet from the ambient glow of a Promethian spark. Ashley kneeled beside him as Fuchs about-faced and watched the perimeter. "Sarge," she waved a hand over his visor. "Sarge you still with us?"

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Jacob was in the core room, empty of live enemy's now. Two hunters rushed in. He blew one to bits with an incineration cannon, and jumped out of th way of the other ones hit. He jumped up, holding onto the shield. He limbed over, plunged a frag deep in its back, and help on to he armor. Luckily only his shields were downed by the explosion because of the hunters armor.


"This is spartan 278, core secured." Jacob said over the coms.

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"Well done Jacob, get to the bridge and secure the area, another squad will guard the reactor." Was James's response. Then there was gunfire. The loud clatter of an assault rifle followed by the sound of needlers.

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Bauer ran over to a second console and shut down the lower levels of the ship and all outside access ports.

"This is Bauer, there shouldnt be anymore reinforcements, all that remains should be the enemy forces that remain inside...."


Bauer Picked up his DMR and scouted the Hallway leading into the Bridge....finding nothing he went back to the bridge and sealed the door...

"Lets just hope nothing else shows up to this fight"


Bauer placed his DMR and Helmet on the table and began working to override security systems.....

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"Ty, it would be better for all of us if you took me to the bridge. Then I get full control of everything. Plus I need to make plans with the people on the bridge." Anton said.


"Wait, Bauer... nothing is ever that easy.." He cautioned.


Then 8 elites at the height of 8.4 feet with red/black energy swords and promethium armor walked toward Bauer.


((These elites are as strong as prometheans, so the fight SHOULD last longer))

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Bauer jumped back as the first one lodged its energy sword into the console near him.

Bauer slammed his fist into the Elites face and grabbed his DMR, sprinting for cover, just as one of the Elites opened fire on him.


"This is Bauer i need assistance...like...NOW" Bauer snapped over the comm


He leaned out of cover and fired at the elites, taking down the shields of one, before he had to reload.


"Geez, these Elites have tough shields"




(also guyz im going to sleep after i make this, so either someone can control me till im back ...oooor yeah xD)

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"Deathstrike" Murphy, Infinity, en route to S-deck.


While other teams were busy with the critical systems, Murphy was making his way to the S-deck. He wanted to make sure the covies had not accessed secure material.


"Knock knock, I'm comin' home!"


However, he soon found he was obstructed by a heavy door, used in case of enemy boarding teams. It was ironic to say the least.

Murphy began to pry the door until he heard an Elite bark orders.

He had created enough of a gap to peek through. 12 elites and many more jackels and grunts, all waiting to slaughter whoever walked through the door.


Murphy thought about his next course of action and remembered what "shopping" he had done in the ships armoury.

He began to set up, all the while trying to create the illusion of a marine squad.


"It's jammed sir, orders? We'll need to get it open, get your back into it troopers!"


He kept it up until he was ready.


"Alright boys, pull it open."


The blast tore through the door and whoever was unlucky enough to be standing on the other side.


"A litte C4 knocking at your door."


He made sure to finish off all the wounded elites and quickly searched for any others.

None alive.

He proceded to a covenant terminal that was connected to one of the decks main computers.

He quickly downloaded what he could and ran towards the bridge.


"Anton, I need you and the admiral NOW! Please tell me you're on the bridge!"

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Jacob ran to the bridge, finding a spartan laser on the way. He got there in time to see Bauer about to be stabbed. He tackled that elite and forced his knife into its neck. The spartan laser had two shots, and both went into separate elites killing them instantly. He picked up a sword from the dead elites. He cut the head off of one, and stabbed another through the chest. He charged and dodged another elites hit, and stabbed him in the face. He cut another ones head off, and forced his knife into the mouth of the last. He barely took any hits, he dodged them all almost.


"Bridge secured, Bauer was of some help." Jacob then said over the coms, looking at his new red and black sword.

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((D-38 Boss, let's just say I'm you took me to the bridge and went to secure other critical places))


"Just like old times!" Anton said as he was plugged into the system. "Alright... Covenant worm sucking important information from our mainframe. I'll try and take it out. All teams disable/destroy any computers you find. The worm is close to transmitting the data and it needs the computer to do so."

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((works for me. I'm not going to be posting as frequently as before, My classes have started again. I'll post when i can.))


Ty looked over at Jacob. He took a long look at the sword in his hands.


"Can you, uh.... put that away? before someone gets hurt?" He said nervously.

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Fuchs and Soto watched as Ty vanished before them, seemingly hauling himself off to the bridge. About the time the first "What the f---" escaped Fuch's lips was when Bauer had warned them of multiple heat signatures. Sure enough, a swarm of Grunts came hobbling into the hangar bay.


With Ashley already on a knee, she swept up her BR55 and cut loose with controlled bursts alongside Arnie. The first wave was made short work of seeing as the gas sucking midgets didn't expect two fully armed ODSTs to have the drop on them. About that time though an Elite came charging through past the bodies of his fallen subordinates, and the only reason Ashley knew it was an Sangheili was because her VISR mode was kind enough to place a dim outline around its massive, cloaked frame.


Its sword arm was drawn back, winding back for a strike at Fuchs, who was oblivious to its presence until Soto hammered a burst into its side, flaring its shields. One started Corporal Fuchs managed to leap back in time, though breaking his firing stance in the process. His only option was to run now as Ashley chased the fading, energy washed silhouette. Finally its shields popped, and her last three rounds harmlessly sparked against its armor. The Elite turned about slowly to face her, its cloak flickering and fading until its twisted scowl was clear as day.


"Oh ****..." she muttered. Just as she tried to fumble out a magazine, the Elite was almost on top of her, winding its sword arm back again as it spat some likely heinous remark in its alien tongue. Suddenly a full second of rumbling fire filled the hangar bay and the split-lip arched its back. A series of purple geysers burst from its chest before it fell face down on the deck in a pool of its own blood.


Behind it, standing roughly ten feet away, was Fuchs, smoke still billowing from his rifle as he safetied it in a barrel-down position. "Wort wort wort, mother f***er."

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James rushed onto the bridge, now clear of hostiles. "Anton, get the worm out of the system, use any means necessary. Then get internal defenses online, the auto turrets can help greatly" he then turned to a console, typed the code for the frequency and radioed in."Midnight 1-5 this is the Admiral, Infinity bridge is clear, repeat, Infinity bridge is clear! Take off and land at the bridge hangar!"


Once the comm was registered, a squadron of Sabre fighters launched out of the topside launch pads specifically for the craft. The turned and banked into a dive that brought them into formation around the dropship containing the crew of Infinity. They shot down any Seraph and Banshee fighters that got too close before they were in range of the hangar. A Phantom, exiting the hangar landed a hit in the engine which sprouted a leak. Another hit anywhere would ignite the cooling fluids and turn the dropship into a fireball. It landed in the hangar and the crew sprinted our before a stray round from a Plasma repeater hit the hole, turning the hangar white for a second, burning the image into the retinas of the crew, who immediately began working their way towards the bridge.


(( I say the elite swords are Hardlight swords, hence why they are red, they also have Hardlight energy shielding, which is what Promethean nights have))

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Ty turned to Logan.


"Stay here and Guard the bridge."


Ty hit his comm.


"Hazard 1-3, 1-4, This is Hazard Actual. We need to reclaim the ships armory. Meet me at the Maintenance Entry. We're gonna sneak in, there's quite a few Heat sig's inside. How Copy?"

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"Hold on, Let me check the room."


Ty hit the door override and pushed it open a crack. He peeked in.


There were a lot of grunts inside. But there was also an Elite, With a sword.


"oh no....."


Ty turned back to Soto and Fuchs.


"Uh, I don't know if we should try to retake the armory... I mean, uh... those Covies look like their all settled in, and ya' know... comfy. It would be uh... Rude! yeah! it would be rude to try to take it from them... lets just uh... go back to the bridge.... Heh...."


Ty looked away.


"Oh yeah.... I'm sure they bought that one." Ty thought. "I'm such a Dumb A--."

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With her back pressed against the wall, Soto glanced across the armory door to give Fuchs a quizzical glance. The man gave a subtle shake of the head: That was a joke, right?


Ashley simply shrugged before looking back at Ty. "It's alright," she muttered, audible enough for her comm to transmit it to him for subtlety's sake. "If it's that much of a problem we can always call for an assist. Fuchs," she glanced back at th Corporal, "You got deterrence?"


The Marine patted his vest and pulled out a set of flashbang grenades. "Don't leave base without 'em."


"Nice. You'll spearhead once we breach. Deploy stun grenades then sweep right. I'll take left. Pick off the Grunts best you can but don't waste too much time on them. We need to combine fire on that Elite soonist if we don't want this to turn into a total goat f***." After giving a moment to let it sink in, she looked back at Ty. "Oorah, Sergeant?"

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((got it. Thanks, had a decent plan too. I'll have them hold the Armory afterward, you can pick up from there.))


"Ready? Breach! Breach!"


Soto opened the door and took a step back, to let Fuchs toss in a flashbang.




Fuchs and Soto moved in And began to Drop the grunts, Moving to opposite sides of the weapon racks.


Ty took a deep breath and entered the room.


There as a light smoke in the room from the Cordite in the flashbangs, Ty leveled his pistol and moved up the middle.


He saw a distinct glow rushing toward him.


"No.... no... no no NO!"


Ty shut his eyes tight and fired blindly with his pistol, missing completely.




Ty opened his eyes, everything was moving in slowmotion. The elite was swinging toward his head. He leaned backward hoping to prevent losing his head.


The sword clipped his helmet, Sending it flying and knocking Ty to the ground. His pistol Clattered across the floor.


The Elite stood at full height and walked toward him, sword arm pulled back, ready to finish the job. Ty scrambled along the floor, trying to get away, only to bump against the closed door.


Ty struggled to free his Utility Knife from his vest.


"Come on! COME ON!!!"


Ty looked up. The elite was right above him. He pulled his arm back. Ty shut his eyes.


He felt something wet cover him. Then he felt a weight on him.


Ty opened his eyes. The Elite's blood coated him, and it's body had fallen on top of him, blood spilling from three holes in it's head.


Soto lowered her BR. The barrel was still smoking. "You okay Sarge?"


Ty shoved the elite off of him, and slumped against the wall.


"No.... No i'm not.... not at all.... but thanks...."


Ty hung his head. His mind raced.


"How useless can I be? I practically let that elite kill me. I left my squad to themselves while i cowered...." He thought to himself.


"Uh.... Sarge?" Soto spoke up. No reply.


"Anton this is Hazard 1-3. Armory is Secure. I think MacMillan is broken..."



((I know you said no dialogue, but I needed to have them say a few things. Not too bad though, right?))

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