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Anton's beam was getting shorter. The gravemind's hit him and he flew back. Those tendrils came again, and they started infecting him. Anton was out of energy.


"Please.. help!"


Then out of nowhere, Cortana appeared next to the gravemind and shoved a hardlight sword in it's brain making it explode and leave the system.


"Uh... thank-" Anton started. But before anything else, she disappeared.




Infinity Bridge


"I'm back! I beat the gravemind in the computer systems. What's happening..." Anton asked.

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Ty was in the armory, gathering ammo boxes while holding a flashlight in his teeth, when the lights came back on.

he looked over to a rack to his left, and saw an old fashion Auxilary headset and radio, retro fitted for Tightbeam radio. He picked it up and put it on.


"Anton! Logan! respond!"


"This is Logan! whats going on?"


"I was hoping you'd tell me."


"I don't know, the lights went out and the turrets outside of the bridge shut down, I left to hold off the flood."


"Alright, go check on Anton. give me a sitrep when you do."


"Got it!"


Ty took the headset off, it was uncomfortable to wear. he looked to his right, there was a plain black ball cap sitting on the table. he shrugged, put it on and put the head set over it.


"Much better... now, those replacement barrels...."


Ty managed to find a single barrel.


"Better than none i suppose."


He put it on the cart and began wheeling it back to Jacob's position.

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"Whatcha mean?" Ty asked, when he got back to Jacob's position. He looked over to see a human flood just standing there.


"Oh.... I don't know...." He shook his head to clear his eyes. he felt tired, but resting now could mean death. He had to ride on adrenalin alone for a while.





Logan walked onto the bridge. there was a solitary Elite Infected, headbutting the wall next to him. He turned and shot it, destroying it's head.


"Anton! you okay?"

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"Look up?" Logan tilted his head back. "Oh crap!" Logan Jumped back as the juggernaut swung at him. He leveled his sniper rifle and fired, Clipping its arm and blowing it off.


"Anton! get the auto turrets online!"


Logan flipped the rifle over and swung it by the barrel, hitting the flood and sending it stumbling backwards.


"Any day now Anton!"

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"Hit it 'till it stops moving? I don't know!"


Logan swung the rifle again, bending the barrel and launching it from his hands.


"Crap! Anton! is there a decontamination program for the bridge? you know, Burny, Lazery decontamination?"


Logan hopped left as the flood swung again.


"Cause if there is, we could burn the hell out of this thing!"

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Logan stood there dripping in flood bits.


"Yeah..... great." Logan hit his comm button. "Hazard Actual this is Hazard 1-2, Bridge is secure."


"Good...." Ty voice sounded tired. "Anton all right?"


"I'll let him vouch for himself while I get all this crap of me... yuck...."

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No more than five minutes after the call from bridge, the combat engineer team had establshed contact with the ODST platoon en route to the transmitter array with the escort of Fuchs and his overlord demeanor, otherwise known as the Mantis. It was a phenominal piece of machinery, no doubt. While a bit limited in its function as an assault vehicle, its practicality knew no bounds. It took some work clearing the zone, but it would've taken more had they lacked the exosuit.


Soto had been on foot with the engineers, providing cover despite the fact that every engie knew how to wield a gun as well as any other Marine. The reason was in her own fault of not having her own incinerator. Most of the flame thrower-wielding Helljumpers were some of the scariest mother****ers she had seen in a few days, and not in the stereotypical sense with decals--despite the few that actually had a shark or dragon mouth painted on their helms. The sight of a man wielding fire was a sight in itself, a terrible one at that, and that fact that none of them seemed to speak during the conflict was unnerving.


After a long two minuts of weapons fire and napalm spewing hell, the area was finally clear. At Soto's word, the engineers moved in, hopping over the charred, black husks of infected. It seemed like the turret system had already come online by the time they arrived, however, a disappointing revelation expressed by the engineer's Lieutenant with a frustrated shrug.


Soto's weapon fell to her side as she slacked her shoulders. "Well that was f***ing pointless."


"Not quite," Fuchs' voice rang from the Mantis' speakers. "We just mopped up an entire nest--that kinda speaks volume."

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"Everything is fine, Ty. We have secured the bridge. I don't suppose you-" Anton began. But a deep voice came.


"Miss me?" An elite uncloaked and revealed to be the Arbiter. "You left me here." the Arbiter began to exterminate the bridge crew. 3 Spartans fired at him, but the bullets didn't even make a dent. The elite pulled out his second energy sword, this one green, and sliced the 3 Spartans with one stroke. He turned Logan and cut his gun in two. Then the Arbiter put his sword away. "We fight honorably." He said, getting in a fighting pose. Then with one quick motion, he punched Logan 50 feet away, sending him into a Senior Officer's room.


"Stand and fight." Came the thundering voice of the huge elite again.

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The comms cut. "Anton? Wha-" Ty almost fell over. His ears were ringing, and his energy was draining. "Anton. sitrep. now."




Logan pulled himself up. "I liked that rifle too." Logan launched himself from the SO's room, connecting with a solid Haymaker to the Arbiter's lower jam.


"Three time middleweight Boxing champion, should be a good fight, If you can dance split-lip."

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The Arbiter growled. "You are no match for me, little one. Though I do respect you. You fight well. Also, what is boxing?"


After that, the elite delivered an upper-cut that sent Logan 5 feet up, to the ceiling. Then when the ODST came in contact with the floor again, the Arbiter kicked him in the chest, sliding him back to the console. The nine foot creature approached Logan's body.




"The Arbiter is here fighting Logan hand-to-hand. I think the elite is winning..." Anton said to Ty.

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"WHAT?!" Anton, Help Logan, I'm on my way!" Ty stood up and ran toward the bridge, his legs slack from lack of blood.




Logan hopped up.


"I'm sure that was a complement. And boxing? it's the sweet science. the main thing about it, is"


Logan lurched forward.


"Ya gotta know when to play dirty!"


Logan stomped on the Elite's foot, sending him off balance, then connected with a three piece combo, Dropping him to the floor.


Logan heard a screech from down the hall.


"Oh, no.... Anton! make sure no flood get close! not while i'm... otherwise engaged."

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"No problem, Logan." Anton replied.




The Arbiter bolted up and growled louder. He connected a punch to Logan's torso, cracking half of his rib-cage and then greeting him with a kick to his helmet sending it off and finally, smashing his forehead against the ODST's and denting the human's skull. After a few moments, the elite picked the broken-bodied ODST and threw him against the wall, knocking him out.


"I'm out." The Arbiter said with a quick laugh and teleported somewhere....

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(Sorry ive been really busy lately :/ ill make up a reason why bauer wasnt there)


Bauer swiftly moved through the corridors, hosing down the flood with shots from his DMR.

"This is Bauer, infestation has taken hold of the comm array on C Deck, I'll try to clear it out"


Bauer stepped through the door and opened fire on the nearest flood forms that shambled towards him.

The first 3 shots ripped through the floods upper body, disintegrating its neck and letting its head fall to the floor.


Bauer turned and fired at the second and third flood forms, getting in several fatal hits to their limbs, leaving them dead on the floor in a mess of green flesh and bits of armour.


A swift kick to another flood form left it on the floor with a hole in its right shoulder.


Another flood form was gripped by Bauer and ripped in half in a frenzy....Bauer was getting heated and he roared into the comms

"Come get some you ugly mothers!!!"

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Logan groaned..... That combo would have K.O.'d any human. he'd need to keep that in mind for next time, if there was a next time. His consciousness closed in, and he blacked out.



Ty stumbled down the hall. the bridge was just ahead. He saw there were flood up ahead, being decimated by automated defenses.

Ty opened the bridge door and saw Logan lying in the SO's room, past a hole in the wall. his head was bleeding badly.


"F---...." Ty stumbled over to the far wall. there was an emergency first aid kit. He unhooked it from the wall and took it over to Logan. Ty cleaned and bandaged his head and gave him a shot of Morphine. He looked into the first aid kit.... Empty....


"Damn.... looks like this is it......" Ty walked over to the command console and slumped against it.


"Anton..... Lock the bridge door....... I'm gonna...... gonna rest my eyes for a bit..... wake me up..... when we're not on requiem anymore......." And with that, Ty shut his eyes.

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"I hope you guys aren't resting up, there are no Auto Turrets in the nerve centres of the ships, we cant risk losing valuable equipment!" Bauer yelled


He stepped on several flood forms, destroying them instantly before firing his DMR again, taking down several flood forms in a hail of shots.


He rammed his DMR into the closest flood form, tearing its head off.


Bauer slid out his magnum and open fired with both weapons, leaving several flood forms dead on the floor.

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"Anton, Is the comm array secure?" Asked the Admiral while tending to an officer who had been injured by the sword.




Kjal looked up. He had been out. How long, he didn't know. There were remains of the battle, burnt out husks of various vehicles and the charred remains of corpses. He tried to remember what had happened. His Revenant power core had been hit, and he was sent into a Spectre, knocking him out. He then heard the distant sounds of battle and thought it was coming from the same field he was. Then he saw explosions and plasma drifting round the sky. The Infinity hung in orbit just inside the portal, and there were plenty of ships around it. He needed to get up there. But how? There were plenty if guards up in the structure, and he would be too far in the open to try and sprint it. He activated his camouflaging systems, and went to work.

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Bauer slipped his knife out of its holster and tore through various flood forms, splattering his armour with green rotten flesh...


His DMR lay on the floor empty and the magnum in his left hand never stopped firing, until he reloaded.


Flood lay all around the comm array control rooms floor, in various states of death.


"I need assistance here now!!!" Bauer yelled over the comms

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[i thought I already cleared the comm array in my last post, but whatever. Infinity's a massive ship, I'm sure it'd need more than one, at least as a failsafe or redundancy.]


Soto tapped her helmet's chin roughly to trigger the comm. "Bauer, this is Hazard 1-3, we just secured the first comm array. The combat engies need a little security We can't move."


Fuchs cut her off, snapping his fingers loudly from the open cockpit of the Mantis as he was standing atop the vehicle's robust body. Taking time to stretch limbs was important after boarding a mobile sardine can. As the Lance Corporal glanced up at the man, seeing him helmetless for the first time, he didn't strike her as the soldiering type. Sure, his blonde hair had been put to a close shave and he had a mildly pissed-off grunt look weighing his face, but he hardly looked fitting of an ODST role.


But even so, he gestured a thumb at himself, then pointed down at the Mantis he stood upon. Ashley looked to the side in slight doubt before keying her comm again. "Belay my last, Mantis support en route. Out." She shrugged at the Corporal. "Your show, man."


With that, he domed his helmet once more, grabbed the edge of the hatch and swung himself back inside. "Rock and roll."

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[The Infinity is a HUGE ship it will have several Comm's Arrays incase one of them is damaged..simple science my dear friend :) )


"Yeah well, this place seems secure enough" Bauer said.... pieces of flood sticking to his armour.

"Im on my way now" Bauer chimed in as he sprinted down the hallway to the next objective, taking down flood carriers that littered his path.


His Magnum in one hand, knife in the other..Bauer was ready for what was to come

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"2/4 have been secured. The channels we have access to are local and Requiem. Logan fought the Arbiter in hand to hand combat. He lost, but let me analyze his wounds. HOLY F---! He has a cracked collar bone, a messed up lung, 2 bones in his back broken, half a rib-cage cracked, and finally a dented skull. Need a medic much?" Anton replied.


Flood screeched toward the bridge, eating any organic life form in their way...

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Bauer ran into a squad of marines holding down a large hallway , using containers as a barrier.


"You , Marine whats your name?!" Yelled Bauer at the Marine who seemed in charge


""Names Sgt Coplin sir, we came onboard through the Aft hanger, but we got pushed back here when we lost half the platoon" yelled out the marine over the gunfire


"Here, let me help" Bauer stated as he stepped forward and gripped an assault rifle, training it on the flood forms rushing towards him and opening fire, ripping several of the forms apart before they could get close.


Bauer emptied his clip and slipped in a new clip before firing once again, suppressing the flood forms rushing towards them.


"This is Bauer, changing Objective to the Aft Hanger, im currently stalled at section 6 Hallway Deck 13, I need some assistance" Bauer chimed over the comms

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