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Ps4 And Xbox720 Release Schedule?


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It has been heavily speculated that next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony, which is expected to be the Xbox 720 and PS4, will be revealed at this year's E3 event. With this being said, is also rumored that the Xbox 720 and PS4 will be released by the end of this year. According to a post that was submitted to the popular video game forum NeoGAF yesterday, it seems that a product road-map for the PS4 has been unveiled.


As provided by VGLeaks, the following road-map has been revealed for Sony's next-generation console, the PS4.



2011 June/July – PC with Win7 64-bit and a “jailbroken” ATI r9 graphics card

2011 Sept/Oct – PC with Win7 64-bit and a “jailbroken” ATI r10 graphics card

2012 Q1 – disclosure to more developers

2012 E3 – potential unveiling window start

2012 Jul – devkits for engineers writing OS

2012 Q3 – first true hardware prototype devkits

2013 E3 – potential unveiling window end

2013 Q4 – launch

Observing the information that is given above, this stays on par with previous leaks and speculation to what the PS4 launch cycle will entail. As with anything of this nature, this information should be taken with a grain of salt. But, E3 2013 is scheduled to begin on June 11 and run through June 13. If this information leads to be true, PS4 fans can expect to see this system for the first time in just a few months.

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