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Double Objective


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Variation 1

Double Objective: Oddball/CTF - This is a game type that includes both CTF and Oddball. Both objectives are simultaneously effecting the game. You can capture the flag and hold the ball, just hold the ball, or rush the flag. The oddball carrier cannot hold the flag but they can camp at their base. The score limit is 1000 with each second holding the oddball is equivalent to 2 points. A flag capture is 150 points. This game-type would increase the need for teamwork and should be played on small to mid-sized maps. I would imagine this needing a team size of 6 people


Variation 2

Double Objective: King of the Hill/Oddball - The score limit for this game-type is 700. Each second holding the ball and the hill is 2 points. The ball holder can hold both the hill and the ball. When you hold both you will make 4 points a second. This is meant for all sizes of maps.

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If something like this were ever implemented I would want a score limit placed on both Objectives that way you couldn't win based solely on one objective. Like for KoTH and Oddball, you have to score 350 with both objectives to win. Cause look at it this way if one team touches an Objective first they automatically have the lead and they can have the whole team sit by say the oddball and guard that one person. It would then take the whole enemy team to kill them to stop their timer. That or make it so the ball can only be held for say 30 seconds till it resets like the hill.

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If something like this were ever implemented I would want a score limit placed on both Objectives that way you couldn't win based solely on one objective. Like for KoTH and Oddball, you have to score 350 with both objectives to win. Cause look at it this way if one team touches an Objective first they automatically have the lead and they can have the whole team sit by say the oddball and guard that one person. It would then take the whole enemy team to kill them to stop their timer. That or make it so the ball can only be held for say 30 seconds till it resets like the hill.

I'm sure if 343 tinkered with the settings long enough I believe they could develop a stable game-type with the same premise.
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I doubt anything with a double objective would be given it's own playlist. Maybe put into rotation on an Objective type playlist if one was ever created(playlist with all objective type games, not each one having their own playlist). Team Skirmish and Big Team Battle need to come back.

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