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Strafe 2 Live


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Strafing is an obvious part of halo (and cod) precision game-play. If you are a semi-pro, casual, or beginner this will do you some good. According to what I have seen the most effective strafe in halo 4 game-play is the tea-bag strafe. While moving from left to right you must constantly tea-bag. The reasoning behind this is that instead of the opponent just moving their reticle horizontally they must also move it vertically. This will result in multiple circumstances: the player stops strafe unconsciously in order to get good shots on you making them an easy target, they miss multiple shots while still stopping strafe, they miss shots while strafing( BR skills plays a vital role in this situation), or they strafe and make shots at the same time.

You always want to be the last choice and you want your opponent to be one of the first 3. If your opponent is just too good in their aim and strafe and they still out BR you then should change up your strafe. If your opponent is left handed then attempt to strafe in YOUR rightward direction. If your opponent is right handed then strafe in a leftward direction. Since most people are right handed then it would be the best idea to strafe leftward. Remember to still tea-bag while doing these strafes. This is based on how people function and which side of their brain is dominant.



1.Do the tea-bag strafe while shooting accurately.(Practice should be needed)

-and if this fails

2. Use a leftward or rightward tea-bag strafe. More commonly use rightward strafe.





-Jumping is not a good substitution for a strafe. Jumping may seem to give you the advantage in normal play but is massacred in professional play.


-Jump around corners to surprise enemy while still maintaining a steady amount of fire during the jump. This will disorient the enemy and give you the first shot. Attempt to make it a RUNNING jump. (Practice will be needed)


-In 1v1 situations the last minute hop will prevent the enemy from getting the final head-shot and secure you a head-shot giving you the kill. Be sure to time this correctly or you will get killed during the jump. (practice! Practice!)


-Try not to challenge the foe too often unless your victory is definite. Don't chase a foe in ANY situation unless the chase will take less than 3 seconds.



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I use Recon control settings so the crouch is on the left stick. I use this to my advantage to get a "dropshot", so-to-speak, on many unsuspecting opponents. Would you say that this strafing/teabagging technique is optimally used on Recon or a different control layout?


I ask this because bumper jumper is good but a lot of experienced players are and have been wise to this and massacre bad bumper jumpers. Recon gives you the ability to crouch shot without sacrificing a jetpack.

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The bumper jumper settings give you the advantage with jumping as said with the tips because you don't have to move your thumb like you do when using recon. Though people consider this to make bumper jumper better recon crouches with more control and jet packs easier. This being said, if you use the jetpack or a pure bread strafer then recon is the optimal setting. Ninja nosome uses bumper jumper in gamepley but when I see him playing he isnt strafing or is poorly strafing. This is because his precision weapon skills don't rely on strafe. Though this is true, ninja is then made an easier target for fire; that is where his strategy and intelligence comes in. - Like any other pro, ninja can be recked by strafe, so if you master the art you may be able to out dmr or br him. (more likely br) - Recon is the medium which means that all buttons are equally valuable while each other button layout has a specific "strongside". In this case it happens to be bumper jumper which specializes in jumping. Yes, a good recon users strafe can outplay the bumper jumpers jump mainly due to how easy it is to shoot someone that is jumping and how hard it is to shoot a good strafer.


Your method is commonly used though it would be best to tea-bag instead of just using the crouch as a surprise strategy in the initial stages of a 1v1. The teabag strafe method can be changed up into different intervals. Example: Instead of tea-bagging your fastest wait half a second till' the next crouch.


-Catch your opponent off guard.

-Get the first shot

-Play smart

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So I went back to bumper jumper (it has been a while) and I realizes that the crouch is on the left stick too, just like on Recon. So I would like people to disreguard my first post as it seems the benefit of Recon also is shared with Bumper Jumper. I still believe recon is better than default however as the crouch is on the left stick and you can still use the Jetpack.

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Sometimes these tips wont work in game-play. Many times the strafing will actually cause you to shoot poorly and practice is definitely needed. Practice with the br at all times in matchmaking and custom games because its' aim assist and aim magnetism is weaker than the dmr's. This will ensure that you have a grip with both weapons. The dmr plays similarly to the br but with extra support, so in practicing with the br you are practicing with the dmr as well. NEVER use the light rifle. It's decreased rate of fire and lack of aim assist will seem to help with your shooting but actually ruins you with dmr and br game-play (Don't use the light rifle!). Do not start a custom game dedicated to shooting your own team-mate. The lack of aim-assist will actually make you worse with the weapon when you do actual game-play. (Don't shoot team-mates for practice!)


-In my first post, when you strafe from left to right, experiment with the players shooting style. You can either do a large strafe or a vibrating strafe. It so happens that the vibrating strafe is most effective on me.

-Additionally, the tea-bag strafe can do more bad than good in some situations. you might want to adjust to a normal strafe in these situations.

-Remember, each opponent is different and have different weaknesses. Weaknesses can range from: jumping(if it works on the person), vibrating strafe, long strafe, tea-bag strafe, lack of focus,teamwork, strategy, poor shooting ability, and GRENADES.(and frankly some have all these weaknesses). Your job is to become even in all your abilities so you have no true weakness and to hit the opponent hard in whatever weakness they have.

-Playing while you are tired will have a detrimental effect on all your skills, even the ones you are good at.

-Learn when to throw your grenades and how to throw them. Dont chuck your grenades when you spawn! Throw grenades into large group of enemies or weak enemy campers.

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Can I ask something Delpen? When you strafe do you go side to side on the left stick or do you use a circular motion to strafe? Which way is better in you opinion?

i use the vibrating strafe from left to right. the circular motion actually makes you an easier shot.
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I don't think you understood me, my fault for not clarifying. I am talking about real life motion you use with your thumb on the joystick.


I have tried your way and my Spartan moves very slow side to side. I feel like he may as well be standing still. Almost like my guy's movement speed isn't fast enough or something. He moves around quicker when I make clockwise/counter-clockwise rotations on the left stick with my thumb.

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It's an easier way to strafe and takes less focus to perform. If you want to get technical then no, moving around in circles won't be as fast as the side to side. Moving your joystick around in circles constantly would be easier to do because it is more repetitive and harder to mess-up on. Actually, I haven't thought of doing that. I will try it in some customs and see if it benefits my playing style. I will tell you what i think about it later..

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