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Terrible ideas for movies


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These would make terrible movie's, no doubt about it.




This is an action comedy about a guy struggling to make ends meet(played by will smith

:D). He mows lawns to make money. Then one one day a plant experiment escapes a lab. The entire city is infested with giant, man eating plants. In the end, the guy has to use an experimental lawn mower to fight the weeds and save the city.


The Grim Harvester


The Grim Reaper is having trouble killing people. Everyone has guns, and hes stuck with a scythe. Don't get him started about the time when the swat teams came. Then he gets a combine, and well, you get the idea. TOTAL CHAOS.


post your own terrible ideas!

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Something aboard the international space station goes terribly wrong, when an experiment to see if octopuses can be hypnotised into becoming day labourers for cheap and easy construction of space colonies is interrupted by a solar flare. One of the octopuses ends up merging at the atomic level with the materials he's supposed to be building a wall with and becomes the Bricktopus, a horrifying hybrid of cephalopod and brick with a burning desire for vengeance upon its human creators.


It escapes to Earth and then embarks on an evil campaign to build walls and small housing estates in the middle of highways all across the United States, creating a death toll in the millions as unsuspecting people end up crashing into front rooms during their morning commute to work.


Only two men can save the world from destruction: the first, a discharged marine biologist with a dark past who got results but played outside the rules once too often for his superiors, and the second a middle-aged British workman who takes a more relaxed approach as he's content to be paid by the hour. Together they have to work out where the Bricktopus is going to strike next and stop it, while learning to trust one another and overcome their differences.


They finally discover the bricktopus' plan is to build an underwater wall across the Hudson river in order to crash a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and destroy New York, and must race against the clock to pull down the wall with an old German U-Boat with a bulldozer blade stuck on the front, and then defeat the Bricktopus once and for all, or at least put some nice flowerboxes along it.


Directed by Quentin Tarentino; starring Johnny Depp as the marine biologist, Alan Rickman as the workman, and Bruce Willis as the Bricktopus.


Or maybe the same intro, except it just smashes Tokyo up or something.

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  On 1/16/2013 at 6:42 PM, Barack Obama said:

A day in the life of a sloth.


Look! He's moving his hand! He's moving. Moving. Moving. Moving. Wait! He stopped. He's moving again! Moving. Moving. OH! He grabbed a berry. Moving. Moving. Moving. Moving. OH! ITS IN HIS MOUTH. Chewing. Chewing. Chewing. Masticating still. He swallowed.


Movies over.

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  • 1 month later...



Derranged, mutated grasshoppers from the outer solar system come to Earth and begin a campaign to kill every living thing on the planet. The military tries to respond but is totally destroyed instantly. In the end a salesman breaks into their spaceship, kills the queen and takes the queen's place in control of the grasshoppers. He then orders them to surround the White House and pelt it with their own feces, leading to his arrest.


And yes, I know there's no such thing as a queen grasshopper. That just makes the movie sound more terrible.

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  • 6 months later...

Little Miss Sugar Drop- Deathwish


This movie stars Samuel L. Jackson narrating the life of a 5 year old beauty pageant contestant, there is no dialogue, only Samuel L. Jackson narrating the little girl's thoughts. It starts out with the sweet little girl who is narrated by Queen Latifa, and after five minutes, a little girl named Sally turns the Pageant girl into a dark disturbing monster, who's thoughts are narrated by Samuel L. Jackson... The movie ends with Samuel L. Jackson leaving the studio because the film isn't going to make any money...


Go buy it!

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  On 1/16/2013 at 6:41 PM, Zed The Evil Taco said:

Farmville. They actually talked about making that one.

I remember hearing about that. that would be horrible, what would be the point?


Computer chess


it's about people making computers that battle each other in chess back in the 1980s and its all in black and white and scenes drag on forever. and person gets stuck in a time loop for all eternity


i do have to say that i actually saw this movie back in sundance film festival before the movie was actually shown in public.


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