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So Let's Say They Release More Specializations...


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And you're already at SR130. Do you guys think that any exp you get after hitting 130 would then be rewarded to you all at once when more specializations are released? I don't know how the whole 130 thing works, I'm not that high yet. Does the bar with exp just dissapear or something? Or does it display some insanely huge exp value you'll never actually hit as a placeholder until you get more ranks?


I'm just thinking about this cuz it would suck if they did go ahead and released more specializations and never gave you retro-exp for everything done post-SR130, if I may make up a term.

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Yeah, I see what you are saying. If you think of it that way then they would be in the same spot before the new specializations were released. Maybe they would try to strike a middle ground and give you like, 15-20% of the exp earned post 130. That would seem reasonable to me.

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When you hit SR 130 you see the screen showing you the EXP earned but, it doesn't add to your bar. And any exp earned while at 130 doesn't carry over if they ever added more or increased the rank. When you hit the final rank of a specialization an say you only needed 1500 xp but earned 2900. The extra exp doesn't carry over when you pick a new one. The rest is wasted.

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Yeah, I actually didn't know about that but it explains a lot. I had gotten Bullet to he Head mastery a few days ago at the end of a specialization. I was only like 1,200 from leveling and then I got the commendation. I was wondering what happened to my other 8,800 exp, but I Hess it just didn't carry over.

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Yeah, I actually didn't know about that but it explains a lot. I had gotten Bullet to he Head mastery a few days ago at the end of a specialization. I was only like 1,200 from leveling and then I got the commendation. I was wondering what happened to my other 8,800 exp, but I Hess it just didn't carry over.


This is why I always pay attention to challenge and commendation progress. If one is very close to being completed and I'm about to hit the last rank of a specialization I'll go do Spartan Ops to finish the rank so the big ***** of exp isn't wasted. Saved myself a bunch of times from wasting almost 10K of exp.

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It's just that... Getting from 51-60/X1-X0 takes so little time... You can easily do a specialization a week...


I don't think anything would be wrong with having people start fresh. What I was HOPING to talk about in this thread was...




I think one that made your full auto accuracy tighter would be pretty interesting, and would really put those weapons well into the running.

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For a while after Reach launched, they had a system in place which prevented anyone from getting above the Lieutenant-Colonel rank - no matter how much you played, no matter how many credits you earned, that was it, you couldn't get above it. When they lifted the restriction, any credits you'd earned didn't count towards the next ranks, so they'll probably just use that system again.

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It's just that... Getting from 51-60/X1-X0 takes so little time... You can easily do a specialization a week...


I don't think anything would be wrong with having people start fresh. What I was HOPING to talk about in this thread was...




I think one that made your full auto accuracy tighter would be pretty interesting, and would really put those weapons well into the running.


Well, seeing as how the original point of the topic has already been made moot, I see no problem with speculation...


I'd like to see a specialization called "Starwalker" or something to that effect. The perk would give the Spartan a resistance to gravity and would allow for bigger and longer jumps.

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I imagine that they would start all level 130's out with a blank XP bar. It would make sense though. Imagine if you were 130 with 200 more spartan ranks worth of XP and you leveled up all the way to the new cap immediately.. you wouldn't get to partake in any of the joys of leveling anymore.





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The big risk with extra specializations is that they will be most likely underpowered or overpowered.


A possible good one would be ''Mechanic'' that could make you more effective against vehicles and say couteract the ones that assist vehicles. Maybe EMP lasts a little longer and your weapons fire does more damage..


And the maybe something like ''trapper'' this could allow you to booby trap weapons on the map and vehicles so they blow when an enemy tries to collect or get into them.. (could be very funny)


Just a thought.

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