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MM Playlists

l Xenoes l

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Is it just me or has the playlists for Halo MM been steadily getting worse after every game? IMO Halo 3 had the best Playlist setup, where it was divided between Social and Ranked and they both had a big amount of variety when it game to playlists. Both ranked and social sections of MM catered to both skilled and casual players.


Reach had an okay playlist setup. It didn't have the ranked and social like Halo 3 did but, there was still a lot of variety and they kept a lot of the playlists people loved and enjoyed. Now Halo 4 has been released and there's a severe lack of playlists and ones that should have been there on release date were missing. Like SWAT and Team Snipers for instance. Also Team Doubles and Grifball. Those were some of the biggest playlists in past installments. Yeah I know they're being added now but, after two months of the game being released.


I'm hoping that after the new playlists are added 343i keeps up on MM playlists and stops experimenting with the game types people love.

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I agree that halo 3 had the best playlist set ups. 4 needs rumble pit/ lone wolves, doubles, a fixed SWAT playlist, fixed snipers playlist and grifball. A party playlist, featuring a mix of fun game types, like fiesta, would be awesome as well. Hope that these are implemented, or else I can see many people leaving. 4 is a great sme, slightly let down by a lack of playlists.

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