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Constructive Criticism on Matchmaking


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I have been playing Halo 4 for quite some time now (I finally got the CIO armor today, which equals 4500 kills, which equals I know what I'm talking about here.) To be completely honest, I love it a lot, but their are a few hiccups with the system that I do want to point out. And don't get me wrong, for their first game, 343i did an amazing job, but there is room for improvement.


1. Host Migrations

This has always been a problem with Halo games, but I feel that host migrations in Halo 4 take much longer than it seems that it should take. If they could work on this system a little bit more, I'm sure I wouldn't be pouting so much when the host decides to quit.


2. Thruster Pack and Hardlight Shield

These two armor abilities seem severely under-powered.


A. When I first saw the Thruster Pack, I immediately assumed it was just like a different animation for Evade from Halo Reach. Sadly, that is not the case. I decided to do some tests with it, and even if it had unlimited uses with no cool-down, sprinting is still faster. Needless to say, this doesn't make any sense. A slight tweak to make its thrust more powerful should do the trick in my opinion.


B. The Hardlight Shield is almost a waste of an armor ability. Unless your opponent is very far away, it is an extremely easy ability to counter. When using the shield, your shield doesn't regenerate, you can't turn fast, and are extremely susceptible to explosives. Personally, I just want to get rid of the ability and would love to see a deployable Bubble Shield, like from Halo 3.


3. The DMR

I will admit I have seen problems posted about this gun many many many times before. At lower levels, I rarely even noticed anyone using the DMR, so I payed little attention to it. But now that I'm level 59, I now am seeing what everyone is talking about. The DMR is unusually powerful and, in the hands of a pro, is a slaughter machine. At higher levels I am meeting the people who go 20-3 per game because of it. Now don't get me wrong, these guys are amazingly good at the game, but I find that the DMR, when pitted against the BR, Carbine, and Light Rifle, will destroy all of them, which, in the name of balanced gameplay, isn't right. My suggestion would be a slight decrease in either the fire rate or damage of each bullet from the DMR.


4. Jumping

As I stated before, as I reach higher levels, I begin to fight against people who aren't necessarily good, but rather just use exploits and unfair advantages to win games. One of these would be people who abuse the jumping. Earlier today, in fact, I was in a game of Regicide where three of the players, no matter where I encountered them, would jump around as if the ground was on fire. Now in games like Call of Duty, we never saw this kind of problem, mainly because you never could jump very high in those games. But in Halo, where you are a super soldier, it is understandable how you can easily jump amazing heights. I do, however, disagree on how you can constantly maintain your jump height after doing so several times in succession. My suggestion would be to make your initial jump the normal height that it currently is, but then each jump afterwards would be less than the one before. For example, the initial jump would be the normal 100%. After landing, if you were to immediately jump again, you would only get a jump at 75% of the original power. Then the next one would be 50%, and all following jumps would only be at 25% of the original jump height.


Sorry for the long read, but this is what I feel can be done differently for the Matchmaking system to make it more enjoyable for everyone. Please let me know what you think. I'm not looking to start a flame war, so please don't try to drag those kind of topics into your posts.


Thanks for reading,

Daslaya333 (GT: APsychoticMoose)

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Twas a nice read.


I agree that the Thruster pack needs some work. Either give it two uses on one charge or amp up the recharge of it. Also give it a bit more distance. I think that would round it out nicely. Its a good burst to get out of the way of something when you need to but currently it just doesnt have the distance.


The Hardlight shield to me is actually useful. What I dont like about it is that it can stop heavy weapons fire from snipers and turrets. Those are heavy hitters and should shread the shield. It is powerful against turrets in a way that nothing else is. Also I think the animation for its destruction while taking fire should be changed. Instead of just turning red make parts of the shield break off or crack. Turn those spots into vulnerable spots where fire can get through.


I dont mind the DMR the way it has been. Yes it is a powerful weapon but its power suits its design. Its how people use the gun in game that makes it OP. The weapon itself is fairly balanced between rate of fire, accuracy and stopping power. Should it have the range to cross map? No, not to me, but it should have a farther range than the BR. Its a good weapon just like all the other rifles out there but it can be beat. Its a first choice among equals in my book.


Jumping. Now this is something I have encountered in every halo game I have ever played. People jumping to save their own skins. It is nothing new. That being said it is annoying at times. The point has been made however that we are super soldiers in Halo, unlike in CoD (of which there still is lots of jumping or hopping to save your own skin, as well as in Battlefield). More to the point we are wearing a suit of armor that mechanically enhances the players abilities. The suit keeps them jumping due to mechanical means as well as their own physical abilities.


I just dont see the jumping as an issue. Its an annoyance but one that is easily overcome with steady aim.

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I don't buy the "the suit keeps them jumping" argument cuz then why wouldn't they be able to sprint forever? the suit doesn't let them do that...

That would be more of gameplay reasons. I was just giving an honest opinion about why they would be allowed to do such a thing. Yes they would be able to sprint for significant distances (covered in books fairly well) but for gameplays sake they dont allow it. Also people would be crying that they are going too slow on foot if there was only one speed. Plus they do a good job creating a difference between a sprint and a regular run as sprinting doesnt allow you to use weapons.


Also you can sprint the entire time with the mobility enhancement... just saying..

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I have to agree with a lot of the points mentioned in the OP.


However the one about jumping has been something that is a part of Halo, I have always used a mixture of jumping and strafing to avoid being hit and it works, the same applied to H3 where I did it even more. The whole jumping thing is not as effective in this game as it was in 3.


I have not used the thruster pack much as I found it underpowered in comparison to other AA therefor I have litlle to say beyond my initial impression same goes for the hardlight shield (although I have seen it used effectively)


The host migration is a real pain, you lose kill streaks and revert back to weapon class 1 (very annoying for me as I have different classes for each gametype).


The only thing I could add is the lag in BTB now I know this is an issue with many games but hopefully they can reduce it a little.

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Civil thread is nice. Although I've always found the term "constructive criticism" funny when applied to giant developers on a fan site.


1. Don't care about how long it takes, just don't make it reset my ordinance and default class loadout please.


2. TP: At the risk of sounding like a pretentious jackass, its an ability that's got to be used with a lot of thought, and can be quite interesting when used right. If you see it as an evade replacement, it will look useless, sure. But that's not really what it IS. As it stands, it's not useless. It's quite fun too. It can be used to get into cover at the last moment, which may actually save your life. It can be used for interesting jump/land/reposition plays on maps like Haven (Leaping off the cliff only to boost back to safety at the last moment is extremely satisfying). Now, I won't deny that deep in my squishy insides, I'd like a buff, but this AA is quickly becoming one of my favorites. Also, it's one that's in danger of being OP if buffed overnight. Try it with speed boost. If it was that good all the time, ohhhh boy.


HS: The shield though, I agree more with you. While I was surprised by it's ability to block grenades when used right (Back up, turn to the frag, try to keep your distance so they can't get them right behind you to easily, rock the explosives perk), I was utterly shocked upon learning about the shield recharge thing. It's absolutely crippling, and makes it the only AA I believe that directly HURTS you in a manner for throwing it up. Used as any sort of last resort defense becomes an issue when it forces you to be one shot for the next twelve seconds. I'd be curious to know how much more decent it would be if this were the case, although my personal pet peeve about it is the lag when you put it down. It makes it a joke at CQC, players can almost just walk up and slap you in the face with minimal risk. Then people suggest increasing movement speed too.


3. While I agree that the DMR is the best all around, I don't really mind. I think it should be. From the beginning of Halo, the concept of the semi automatic, highly accurate weapon just on concept becomes the "best" weapon. It's basic, versatile, and hard to beat. Halo semi autos don't play well when made inaccurate, so basically if the skill of the player is high enough, the weapon becomes "perfect". Other weapons hold other advantages to compete instead, and this to me is held true to some degree. The BR has some advantages. It's far easier to kill weakened players due to the chip away and burst nature of it. The Light Rifle can outright kill in four shots, and will kill in no more than five at range, which is useful no matter how you slice it. The Carbine can kill faster than the DMR in theory, although takes a lot of skill and guts to pull off. The DMR's place is to be the default workhorse. Although, if you really don't like that idea, then sure, it's OP.


4. Eh. I'm SR112, lot's of Halo been played here too. I've never really thought it was an issue, just part of Halo. Jumping has an advantage on the upstart, because you didn't predict it not being psychic. But on the downfall, it's completely predictable in its trajectory, and has that disadvantage in a duel. Also, I jump a lot and use Recon button layout. (And a 2 sensitivity ^_^). And I would say that I firmly think that CoD style jump decay would be awful.


MY biggest critisisms on matchmaking...


-More Small maps, better map rotation, forge and valhalla absent in a very desperate map rotation. Majestic pack to contain 2 small and 1 medium. Yay, good for TS!

-Playlist rotation has been poorish. This Virgin Challenge crap can't end soon enough, five weeks of no updates is not cool when Slayer Pro was JUST taken out. Doubles should have been in from the start. I would like 1v1 too. Give fans of Pro and Rumble Pit what they want. Although, I'm generally happy with just TS. And I don't mean snipers.

-Drop Ordiance was done differently than first described. There is no "warning" or prompt before a map drop, even if you have the perk that says it does so! You only see the same visual cue as if it has already landed, and only when nearby and looking at it. I expected the game to tell all players ahead of time, so they would then get ready for the skirmish. Instead it's much more, "Oh hey, cool," and you have a Binary Rifle. Similarly, the Personal drops need a bit of balancing. Overshield Needler Plasmas is not okay.

-Gametypes. My biggest complaint of all. What the hell happened to Juggernaut, Assault, VIP, Race, and Assemetrical objectives at all! One flag? Where are the nice infection options? Where is elimination scoring support? Where is the ability to turn off sprinting? Overall, some of these things Bungie dropped the ball on too, but as far as custom settings and gametypes, this is just not okay for a Halo game. Like, why is it that with every Halo I feel like the game is just amazing, but freaking Gears 3 pulls of interesting gametypes, namely of the elimination variety, so easily. PUT IN A SCORE FOR SURVIVING THE GAME. LIKE SEARCH AND DESTROY.


Those are my only real complaints with multiplayer. Then there's Spartan Ops...

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1. Agreed, way too common


2. They're actually much more impressive in practiced hands. A buddy of mine specialized in the Hardlight shield and he is awesome with it. You can deflect tank shots and stuff with that thing. You can also turn a boltshot shot back around on your attacker. He used it to head up a line of soldiers against my vehicle in a custom game, but I agree the fact that it stops your shields from regenerating is complete BS. When are people going to figure out that mobility = power and that when you sacrifice it you suffer enough without other penalties? Thruster pack has a lot of applications which are essentially giving the physics engine a gentle tap.


3. The problem I imagine is present with the DMR and all the other weapons isn't how good they are in the hands of a pro, but how good their are in the hands of a noob. Since Reach Bungie and 343 have been making it easier for players to do well in fights, corroding the advantage better players had for years.


4. In CoD you have plenty of exploits, they change them with each game, but there was drop-shooting and such. That game never had any polish that Halo lacked. The jumping a consistent height is a standard part of Halo... and most first person shooters actually. Gonna have to give you the old "Adapt" for that one, because Halo players have been jumping in combat for a long time now.

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Jumping players are not a problem, it's a lot easier to kill them than a player with a good strafe. If all the do is jump then their movement is predictable and easy to counter. It's nothing but a bad move on their part.


Jumping players are not a problem, it's a lot easier to kill them than a player with a good strafe. If all they do is jump then their movement is predictable and easy to counter. It's nothing but a bad move on their part.

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I agree with all your points but not a lot for the one about the jumping. Like Neurotic Kasper said, all the Halo player will be sad if 343 change the jumping. But from another point, I don't think the jumping is logical because the Masterchief armor's weigh is 1000 kg and he can still jump 2 meters high ... lol.

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2. I can agree the hardlight shield and thrusterpack could use a slight buff but not much. I few nights ago I avoided all damage from an opponents grenades as he tried to pry the shotgun out of my cold dead hands and he failed miserably until he got a fuel rod cannon and a better plan/luck. Honestly though the usage of it is extremely niche for standard from what I seen and experienced. Same for the thruster pack. the most commmon abilities from I've seen are pro.Vision, cloak, energy field(regen field), followed by jet pack and hologram.


3. The DMR is slightly over powered, I love it, but even if it took another shot to kill someone it'd be fine in most circumstances. I mean there are places I just wont go on maps, namely anywhere thats wide open, because of how fast someone using this gun can kill you. It's reminding me of a toned down version of halo CE's magnum.


4. Jumpers as mentioned I have no direct complaint with this mechanic, those complaints are really focused towards a seperate but inter-related mechanic called the aim-assist.


The aim-assist in this game is honestly the worst I've personally experienced out of all the Halo games I've played, and thats all of them. nearly every match I see it pull my aim off target, literally spas out when I try to make a slight adjustment(especially height wise), and it can even take effect through walls from what I've noticed. This makes dealing with multiple targets nearly suicide, excluding the chance that I've hurt them all significantly with a grenade(which without explosives is unlikely). Now the drastic amount of vertical change given to aim-assist is useful against jumpers but against a strafing enemy or one on an incline this is damaging (present but not as bad when your on an incline).


My last major issue I see balance wise is some charge weapons have issues, plasma pistol is underwhelming in my experience except against vehicles. By the time you can get it charged your dead(if you begin charging it at contact), you can hold the charge for an extended period of time but that is a huge gamble imo, getting it to track a target with even a semblence of intelligence is downright tough, and if your alone switching weapons will nearly ensure your shields will be down under all but ideal circumstances. Lastly if you are working with someone unless you take your time or use an exploit to reset the guns cooldown there is a chance you will try to charge another shot to early and the gun will idly laugh(ie not charge) at you as you die in hail of bullets. The boltshot suffers from all of these af well(swap the tracking for hit recognition, as a point blank shot should hit for full damage and yet I frequently see people surviving even after a melee), I'm not saying remove the charge up or cool-down but tweak them. I forgot to mention not only is the plasma pistols charge up really long but if you release it earlier you end up with nothing but lost energy. personally that makes for a very underwhelming gun. The boltshot (even with it's problems) is usually a godsend against hammers/sword/shotguns etc as with a bit of skill/planning/luck/etc can help you break a lockdown on those weapons.


I want to ask does anyone understand how to use the suppressor? I used it and it seems to take more than a clip to kill someone unless they're bashing my face into the ground wondering why I even bothered. It just seems to me the AR is better in every way. given the stupid fast 6 shot melee someones dead in a half second tactic which had me going was that an assault rifle or a shotgun? Fortunately the shotgun is still king of melee range weapons.


Map rotation is a little poor atm. I'm not a fan of haven(nor was I a fan of any circular map at any given point) as maps like that require a level of teamwork which you normally wont get with randoms. without said teamwork it can quickly turn into one or more idiots fedding kills to the enemy team while leaving the rest of the team to fight against the odds. Which then it comes down to luck of the draw provided the enemy isn't working together. If they are then you're likely to get a quick kill or two(if you didn't get a ****ty ordance drop) before getting strong armed into handing over your hard earned ordance and then doomed to watch the score climb out of control.


Now I wont call this a balance issues but why has sticking people with plasma's become a standard tactic? I mean it's really easy to do I have a friend who hasn't played halo since CE getting 6 or so sticks a match, though he can hardly get a kill otherwise.(-20K/d a game btw) Because it's so easy it seems to bailout weak/half-hazard play styles in cqc curcumstances. I know there are ways to deal with it, which I use when it is clear the enemy is dead set on sticking me. However I feel it caters heavily to people who rush into a place without a even a semblence of a plan. Mind you when I say plan I dont mean anything complex like you go around back crouching while I strafe about like an idiot trying to shoot and nade him(this plan which is still very simple seems that even it's individual tactics alone are too complicated for a majority of players I've seen), but rather if I run and in there and he has a X(AR, sword whatever) what is the best method for me to get a kill without ending up on his tally this is essentialy the whole idea of slayer killing player using whatever weapon without being killed by him. right now plasma's are as a redo button, I liked the armor lock and bubble field as they made people think twice about throwing sticky grenades but there is nothing even close as players will simply run right through hardlight shield and stick you anyways and thats if you can time the shield right in the first place.


I apologize if that came off as an incoherent rant but some of these issues are irratating. As I been playing since halo ce and seen some aspects of the game regress instead of improve. Am I really asking that much?


PS: I miss team doubles, good memories including a memorable 25-2 where me and my buddy got double killed at the start and never died again.

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3. The DMR

I will admit I have seen problems posted about this gun many many many times before. At lower levels, I rarely even noticed anyone using the DMR, so I payed little attention to it. But now that I'm level 59, I now am seeing what everyone is talking about. The DMR is unusually powerful and, in the hands of a pro, is a slaughter machine. At higher levels I am meeting the people who go 20-3 per game because of it. Now don't get me wrong, these guys are amazingly good at the game, but I find that the DMR, when pitted against the BR, Carbine, and Light Rifle, will destroy all of them, which, in the name of balanced gameplay, isn't right. My suggestion would be a slight decrease in either the fire rate or damage of each bullet from the DMR.


Daslaya333 (GT: APsychoticMoose)


In general, I think the weapons were balanced correctly in development LAN. But some of what you're describing here has to do with poor network, and communication with host. You won't see a k/d like 20-3 unless someone was host, or low ping to host. Face it, there isn't much difference in skill level between a 60 and a 100, so you shouldn't see that much difference in ending stats. Host, and those who are low-ping to host console, are playing on a slightly different map, and their shots either "count" quicker than yours, or they see/begin shooting at you before you see them.


Of the longer-range rifles, the carbine is technically most nerfed. But I have gone against carbines across the map with a DMR and can easily lose. It all has to do with the network.


Actually, my complaint about weapons has to do with the "long-range" AR. The accuracy/distance on the weapon, and similarly the suppressor, is further than it should be...and greater than it was in previous versions of the game.


If I would add a complaint that hasn't been addressed here, it has to do with the scoring. Frequently I have the highest k/d on my team, and am the only one positive (even responsible for winning the match on occasion), but the scoring is only based on kills. Therefore, someone who goes 20-25 (or worse) is more "valuable" than I am, apparently...

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