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Best Ways To Get First Strike


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I know a lot if us would like to have that Assualt stance since it is he easier of the stances to unlock. So here we'll discuss good ways to get the first strike in a given map.


My favorite map for first strikes has definitely got to be Adrift. what I like to do is NOT take the upper tunnel at the beginnig. Instead go through the the tunnel on your level that leads to the open center and put your crossshair on the enemies upper tunnel. Generally at least one guy takes that tunnel to try and get the high ground or the sword (if you are not playing SWAT). You can generally get a free headshots on the dude that takes it (if on SWAT) or use nades to soften them up before the kill.


Beware, if more then a few seconds have elapsed then they are probably not taking the upper section and are most likely taking the narrow hallway on their side. In which case adjust your crosshairs accordingly or get out of dodge because they can take you by surprise.


I will post more as they come to me.

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Dominion on Exile and Flood was how I got most of my first strikes. Flood offers the chance to get 3 in one game and on Exile I always rushed rockets and went straight for Base C cause the enemy always goes for it. I would get first strike about 3 out of 5 times. SWAT is another easy way to get it especially on Haven because everyone pops out of their spawn to kill each other. Always try to be the first, yeah it's a risk but, if you're trying to get First Strikes then that's a risk you're going to have to take.

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I'm getting it naturally you'll get it without trying. But I hear flood is the best since you have a chance at getting 3 in one game


R u for realz??? No, seriously I am going to try this. This isn't really for my benefit anyway; I am actually like under 40 away from mastery, but that would speed it up. If anyone can confirm this it would be nice because I won't be playing until much later.

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Yeah Flood is probably best for it.


For Slayer...


Adrift: I open the way you do, I go and 'nade their top tunnel. I haven't actually gotten the 'nades perfect yet because I tend to only hit with 1, but I still get first strikes probably about half of the games I play on Adrift with that opening.


Abandon Red Team: I rarely get red team it seems, but I don't go for a first strike when I'm red team. I go for scattershot. If I wanted first strike I'd go up top, but I don't like it up there.

Abandon Blue Team: Go right wide to start up that cliff path. 'Nade the ramp to S3 a couple times to pop the shields of red team guys and headshot them.


Haven: First strike is somewhere in top mid, I don't go for it. If it's not up there it's in bottom mid, just depends on where the enemy goes.


Complex: First strike tends to go to the sniper rifle on the open side. Map is big so it's hard to predict where people will go. This tends to be the case with a lot of Halo 4 maps due to the lack of powerful positions teams will want to control.


Solace: First strike is in sniper perches usually. I got my long-range DMR pretty good by going up there first thing and dropping 1-2 guys. Occasionally the guys going for incineration cannon will be where the first strike is at, but in my experience people go up before they go down. Been going for incin. cannon lately and some people have that grab down to an art. Bad odds down there.


BTB/Dominion: Very hard to tell and highly map-dependent. I wouldn't go to these playlists for first strikes. For example in Exile the first strike will be on the tank side of the map, but it's hard to tell where. It will be the red sniper or the blue Gauss getting it if everyone is doing their job. In Longbow the first strike is going to be up at Bravo but going up there early increases your odds of being the first strike instead of scoring it. Meltdown is a mess, same for Vortex, Wreckage, and Shatter. Vortex's first strike might be near the rocket hog, might not be, hard to predict. Ragnarok's first strike is probably usually a sniper picking someone off of the hill.

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If you want first strikes go for the Spartan on Ragnarok BTB, but do not make the mistake of trying to take it let the enemy pick it then open up on him, you will kill him before he can charge it and get first strike and if lucky the Laser back aswell..


That seems to be where I get most of my first strikes.. there or Vortex take a ghost and go straight on the attack, odds are you will die after all you are attacking their entire team but you can get 1 or 2 kills easy enough.

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First strike is simply one of those medals where there is no way to speed up the process drastically. Best bet would be to just strive for the other commendations first and then you should probably have it by the time that you finish those.


I assume that you're interested in the Stance, correct?


It's not a choice right now but in the future when it comes out playing Grifball can probably speed up the process considerably.

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I found a great way to get first strikes on Ragnarok. Get in the banshee and B-LINE over the hill into where the enemy team man-cannons, if you were fast enough you should have been able to splatter or fuel rod the first guy, I've gotten more then a couple first strikes employing this tactic, just know that this might result in explosive effects for your banshee after the initial strike. lol

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