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Matchmaking and Forge


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So we all have gotten halo 4 and are disappointed (from what i have read) A lot of our disappointment can be solved though.

So I am making a post on little bugs, glitches, things that can be improved, let downs and Server issues. i purposely made this thread in the wrong place so it would be viewed by them (well hoping at least). So here we go.


there was a lot done right, and even more done wrong. Dont get me wrong, i still like the game, but there are these little things that just ruin the experience. Ever play swat and sprint, notice a guy last second and try to shoot? you may have experienced a weird "lag" like thing where the Aim marker takes a little bit to get back up, even when the gun is in its normal fire position. this creates a downside to sprint, not only in swat but other game modes to.


next is these little bugs, like in dominion ( Dom ) when im capturing a base and bam! i can no longer move and then BAM im dead!!! why? this is honestly a bit sad, how would your testers not notice this? this seems like such a stupid thing to. If someone is holding the flag in CTF and gets booted or quits, it disappears. This is a way more understandable bug. One last one i can think of is i was playing BTB and i got my ordnance Only i didnt get it. I seen the D-pad up top but no options. I figured choose one so and hope its good. Nope, went the whole match without ordnance.


There are things that are over-powered (Warthog) and underpowered (railgun) which im sure we can make a whole thread about. i find the warthog should be a one stick kill, and the railgun should have a bigger blast radius, as big as the rocket does, and the rocket should have its standard blast radius. i feel you have tinkered with the damages on guns already made it has been for the worst.


Your map choice's for gamelist's can be improved. nothing like swat on complex, trying to run across the big open area and defend 360 degree's of yourself, which can prove to be a hassle. Or CTF on abandon, talk about one side advantage! you need to make more maps come up as well, i like haven and all but i dont want to play on it every single game i play like come on.


Servers arent all that good. I do hop into good ones, but fairly often i find myself seeing that i have one game with bad lag, no host migration? try useing dedicated servers, your netcode cannot handle it.


Forge. This one makes me happy, yet is still crappy. There needs to be a forge world. Not necessarily forge world, but something similar. i am the kind of person who would forge anything i could think of just to try it. I cant seem to find a nice open space where i can focus my map on, or can i really add to what is given. i like to create my own map, not add to what YOU fell is write.


I can go on and on about little things or big things, but i think ill stop there. Feel free to post other issues or problems you have encountered!!!! Keep this post alive and maybe they will see what we would like to be improved.


PS: 343, the best part of halo was bungie, for one reason. When i heard you guys were making this i really didnt want you to mess this one thing up. You dont seem to be listening to your community. Thats what made bungie amazing, they listened. Its not that bungie isn't here, ill buy halo no matter who wanted to continue. i just like to know that i am getting my moneys worth, and bungie gave you more then what you asked, and for the most part it was good. they did have their faults but it never interfered with online, or they tried to fix it anyway. im hoping you guys read this and take serious thought about it.


PPS: why did you change so much , it isnt COD and thats why you lost so many fans, we didnt like COD. (for the most part, im just saying)

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