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Some realistic suggestions


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Not weapons or anything like that, just read.

When on low health, you should drop shells/clips and have to pick them up again. Likewise, when extremely low, you should limp and not be able to jump as high.

You could be able to climb ledges just too high, you would be vulnerable while doing so.


They are ideas to make weapons like Shotguns less OP as you would have to pick up fallen shells.

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I agree with Neurotic Kasper. In Halo we play as the most badass supersoldiers humanity has ever created. Master Chief walked off a 2 km fall at the beginning of halo 3, a banshee smashing into the autumn in the Maw of Halo CE, all the beatings of spartan boot camp (and many more thinks i cant remember off the top of my head). I cant remember the Quote exactly, but in the Halo Novel the first strike Halsey is checking up on the injured spartans about to enter combat. One has a punctured lung and a couple others had broken arms and ribs. Halsey states theyre in working condition and they soldier on to murder the purple menace. I understand what you are getting at, trying to show the humanity of the spartans with pain and mistakes, but that takes away the feel of raw power master chief embodies. In my opinion of course. I am open to being (and often can be) wrong.

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