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Halo 4 forge thoughts.


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Ima give it to u straight. Reach was way better! What is up with the generating lighting? Maybe im. Overreacting, but it was better to be instint rather than wait. Btw, i just said it sucked to bring this to attention to 343. Its better in some ways, but all in all, reach was better. Please fix! Thank you!

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The topic has merit. Some things which were in Reach have been removed from Halo 4, and I really hate the lightning adjustment every time we switch between Monitor and Spartan. It's causing me some annoying delays.


Furthermore, the fact that we can't zoom in, our view gets reset every time we grab a piece, and the lack of a precision alignment nudge button (i.e., pulling and holding down a trigger or bumper) means that aligning ever so precisely is quite literally hit or miss.


And I'm starting to suspect that the magnets are causing my piece yaws and rolls to become misaligned...

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